Metric Science

There are an infinite number of dark matter particles. Each time when two or more interactions between dark matter particles occur matter (photons, quarks, etc...) will be created.
What type of the dark energy do you mean, The dark matter particle theorie poses that the observation of dark energy is being misinterpreted, since we're looking at an 'aging' phenomenon of a photon when looking at ancient light sources, this "aging" is not due expansion of space, but due to a gravitational aging (redshift) of the photon in time. Same observation (light gets more red after travelling huge distances), other interpretation.
No, the universe is in eqilibrium. The recent observations from the James Webb Telescope on the most ancient light show that the current local particle distribution was already there 13,8 billion lightyears ago. Following the theory and following the JWT observations there has never been a Big Bang.
No, the universe is in eqilibrium.
Are you claiming that data shows that the universe is not expanding? That's wrong.
The recent observations from the James Webb Telescope on the most ancient light show that the current local particle distribution was already there 13,8 billion lightyears ago.
I don't understand what you're saying.

13.8 billion years ago was the big bang. Everything was in the same place. There were no galaxies, no stars, no Sun, no Earth.

What is this "local particle distribution" you're referring to? What does that mean?
Following the theory and following the JWT observations there has never been a Big Bang.
Which specific JWT observations are you referring to?

I assume you're referring to your own theory, with its special particle that you named after yourself. I don't hold out high hopes for the predictive value of that theory.
Indeed, the universe is not expanding. Redshift is caused by the photon unraveling itself in two dimensional basics. Further the JWT observations just show that what I write about, the why and what is exactly what I describe so I already answered that one.

Btw. The particle is is named after having no spatial dimensions (length, width, height), referred to as the 'dimensional basic' or in short db.