mental frequency

It is ignorant rubbish to say that people insisted the earth was flat 300 years ago. People in Europe have known it was spherical since the time of Eratosthenes, who measured its circumference in about 300BC. Quoting material with that sort of junk in it is a waste of everybody's time.

If you are going to make a case that new scientific findings have historically had trouble gaining acceptance, at least do your homework and produce real examples, not this lazy tosh.
Disagree. Women knowing what men think
Forgot about marriage or even defacto
Hence no divorce
OK I guess that's way down ....:)
Yep...perhaps it's not so much as mental communication as being on the same "wavelength" (empathy). This is why some couples can answer a question before it is asked.
Ah, the usual narcissist vs. empath, us. vs. them, predator vs. prey rubbish.

Ive met narcissists who were empaths, and empaths who were narcissists.
And I've also met many neutral, ordinary folk, who were just bad people.

Ive met prey-type people who were selfish and apathetic, and predator-type folk who wanted to help the planet.
Ah, the usual narcissist vs. empath, us. vs. them, predator vs. prey rubbish.
Let me remind you that "empathy" is not in any way representative of "us vs. them", quite the opposite is true. It defines a "shared emotional response".
Let me remind you that "empathy" is not in any way representative of "us vs. them", quite the opposite is true. It defines a "shared emotional response".
Could have fooled me. Some of these so called "empaths" demonize narcissists and have no empathy for their condition.
For example, you could be a mild, moderate or even harmless narcissist, and these so called "empaths" will demonize you and lump you in the same boat as their cold heartless abusive boyfriend who beats them and cheats on them with 20 different women.
Plus, half of these empaths seems like they are narcissists themselves.
Could have fooled me. Some of these so called "empaths" demonize narcissists and have no empathy for their condition.
For example, you could be a mild, moderate or even harmless narcissist, and these so called "empaths" will demonize you and lump you in the same boat as their cold heartless abusive boyfriend who beats them and cheats on them with 20 different women.
Plus, half of these empaths seems like they are narcissists themselves.
Look up the term Mirror Neuron and how it relates to empathy. Seems to me your understanding of the term Empathy is somewhat lacking in depth.
What Is Empathy?
The term “empathy” is used to describe a wide range of experiences. Emotion researchers generally define empathy as the ability to sense other people’s emotions, coupled with the ability to imagine what someone else might be thinking or feeling.
Contemporary researchers often differentiate between two types of empathy: “Affective empathy” refers to the sensations and feelings we get in response to others’ emotions; this can include mirroring what that person is feeling, or just feeling stressed when we detect another’s fear or anxiety.
“Cognitive empathy,” sometimes called “perspective taking,” refers to our ability to identify and understand other people’s emotions. Studies suggest that people with autism spectrum disorders have a hard time empathizing.
Empathy seems to have deep roots in our brains and bodies, and in our evolutionary history. Elementary forms of empathy have been observed in our primate relatives, in dogs, and even in rats. Empathy has been associated with two different pathways in the brain, and scientists have speculated that some aspects of empathy can be traced to mirror neurons, cells in the brain that fire when we observe someone else perform an action in much the same way that they would fire if we performed that action ourselves. Research has also uncovered evidence of a genetic basis to empathy, though studies suggest that people can enhance (or restrict) their natural empathic abilities.
Having empathy doesn’t necessarily mean we’ll want to help someone in need, though it’s often a vital first step toward compassionate action.
I know what empathy is.
Then don't give it properties which it does not possess or assign it to people who are unable to "mirror" (experience) another's emotions.

Psychopaths lack the mirror function, this is why they are able to divorce themselves from the person and treat the victim as an object.

Autistic persons are just unable to mirror and relate to normal everyday bahaviors, but sometimes can establish effective communication through a computer.
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Then don't give it properties which it does not possess or assign it to people who are unable to "mirror" (experience) another's emotions.

Psychopaths lack the mirror function, this is why they are able to divorce themselves from the person and treat the victim as an object.

Autistic persons are just unable to mirror and relate to normal everyday bahaviors, but sometimes can establish effective communication through a computer.
We were talking about narcissists not psychopaths.

Second psychopaths aren't even a real thing, its something made up by hollywood.
Some of them don't lack the mirror function, its just that its worn out or only works in some cases.
Hollywood is actually causing psychopaths to happen, because when you watch so many movies it overworks your mirror function and you start to lose interest in your mirror functions.
We were talking about narcissists not psychopaths.

Second psychopaths aren't even a real thing, its something made up by hollywood.
Some of them don't lack the mirror function, its just that its worn out or only works in some cases.
Hollywood is actually causing psychopaths to happen, because when you watch so many movies it overworks your mirror function and you start to lose interest in your mirror functions.
Well, you cannot lose interest in your mirror function, it is how your brain functions and how you relate to reality. But it is true that the mirror function can be conditioned.

Narcissists are often a form of psychopath, albeit a mild form. But it can be said that all psychopaths are narcissists, in an extreme form. Their mirror function is not just mainly self-directed, it is only and exclusively self-directed. This is why psychopaths treat their victims as objects; "It rubs the lotion on its skin" (from the movie Silence of the Lambs).
As I have written in previous articles, narcissists, in my experience, are noteworthy for their principal trait of overvaluing themselves at the expense of devaluing others.
They think of themselves as special, privileged, entitled, and void of flaws—in other words, they give themselves plenty of latitude while giving others little to none.
In their mind, they are always right, and the rules don’t really apply to them. They are incapable of admitting mistakes and taking responsibility. If things work, they believe it is thanks to them. If things fail, it’s the fault of others.
Trump is an example of a narcissist.
Now we come to the psychopath. Here is where definitions and terms get a bit tricky, because there is little agreement between Robert Hare (the premier expert in the world on psychopaths), criminologists, and mental health professionals.
Compounding all of this, for the average person seeking to educate themselves or help, the DSM-V (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th revision) and the World Health Organization’s ICD-10 (The International Statistical Classification of Diseases-10th edition) are frankly no road maps to understanding these individuals who habitually live by taking advantage of others physically, mentally, emotionally, psychologically, or financially—without remorse.
The novel, Silence of the Lambs describes two true psychopaths; Dr. Hannibal Lecter and Buffalo Bill, and in the movie Silence of the Lambs both are wonderfully crafted psychopaths with entirely different personalities.
All media in which Lecter appears portray him as intellectually brilliant, cultured and sophisticated, with refined tastes in art, music and cuisine. He is frequently depicted preparing gourmet meals from his victims' flesh, the most famous example being his admission that he once ate a census taker's liver "with some fava beans and a nice Chianti" (a "big Amarone" in the novel).
He is well-educated in Anatomy, Chemistry and Physics and also speaks several languages, including Italian, German, Russian, Polish, French, Spanish, and, to some extent, Japanese.
He is deeply offended by rudeness, and frequently kills people who have bad manners. Prior to his capture and imprisonment, he was a member of Baltimore, Maryland's social elite, and a sitting member of the Baltimore Philharmonic Orchestra's board of directors.

and "Buffalo Bill";
According to the novel, Jame Gumb was born in California on October 25, 1949, and abandoned by his mother – an alcoholic aspiring actress who misspelled "James" on his birth certificate – and taken into foster care at age two. The screenplay omits Gumb's backstory, but does imply that he had a traumatic childhood. Lecter summarizes Gumb's life thus: "Billy was not born a criminal, but made one by years of systematic abuse."
Both the novel and film depict Gumb as a tortured and self-hating individual. Believing himself to be transgender, he wants to become a woman but is too psychologically disturbed to qualify for gender reassignment surgery. He kills women so he can skin them and create a "woman suit" for himself.

IMO, it is one the all time great horror films ever made, and it did win Anthony Hopkins an Academy award.
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