mayan calender 2012


Registered Senior Member
I was wondering about this! If you have people back during that time what could they be doing with this alignment of the planets and their archetecture?

They believed that putting a building in a specific place was a thing of harmony with the planet, themselves, and outer space. If they believed something about the alignment of planets, and a belief of a spiritual revelation, than is it possible that they have buried something that would be exposed during the alignment with the planet? possibly a location to something buried. also if this is true could it be found using a map of the surroundings and a simulation of the planets alignment? since they were after all able to do this and come up with a location?:shrug:

If so what could they have buried, a special person, some hidden treasure to the opening of a possible portal they believed would open> curious!
Your going to end up in Missoula if you keep prodding the sacred cow. Fuck is anyone listening . God fuck almighty Lori wereda go ? What happened to Lori 7?

Think of the 53 and the 8. Now kick the 8 with your foot until it topples over . Watch out when it hits the ground running . The sparks fly everywhere like studded tires on a hot summer day
Your going to end up in Missoula if you keep prodding the sacred cow. Fuck is anyone listening . God fuck almighty Lori wereda go ? What happened to Lori 7?

Think of the 53 and the 8. Now kick the 8 with your foot until it topples over . Watch out when it hits the ground running . The sparks fly everywhere like studded tires on a hot summer day

your making no sense to me at all. :shrug:

the sacred cow? Missoula? ?

Lori 7?

Im not a big fan of the mayan calender or the history, but its been brought up so much that I felt like bringing it up in a different light than the end of the world. More of taking a proach to it from those days and well you get the rest.
I think they would all be let down. But if any of that was true. I would hope the secret was passed down from generation to generation at some point.
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It's possible

well I was thinking that because of this being accurate, they felt the eclipse would create a door, that would shine down on the area where something is buried. We could use computer and satelite possibly to find coordinates. :shrug:

or just wait for it to happen and watch for the area for clues.
The "end of the world" will be in the hands of extremists and scared citizens who freak from the thought of all these "ends" that individuals come up with.
your making no sense to me at all. :shrug:

the sacred cow? Missoula? ?

Lori 7?

Im not a big fan of the mayan calender or the history, but its been brought up so much that I felt like bringing it up in a different light than the end of the world. More of taking a proach to it from those days and well you get the rest.

Points in time predetermined by resonance . You think the resonance will not occur . It will if I can resonate . By shear will power . I will make it happen . It is all to late anyway cause butt loads of people have joined the cause . Check out the people that spontaneously see 11:11 where ever they go . Ask your self what time is it ? Now Me I don't so much get my attention drawn by 11:11. My red car is 3,5,7 . Funny thing that is modern Harmony . Relativity new in the revolution of music. I mean Bach he utilized it , but nothing like George Gershwin did . He leaned on it very heavily. It gave up the modern sound of blues , Jazz and even Rock and roll was a result of the Great composer( American Composer I might add) The 11:11ers are out there making it happen . The change in precept. They them selves are not to aware of there mind sets changing in dramatic ways cause it is like watching the hands of a clock or paint drying . The thing is they are out there infecting people with the virus . Life changing virus of human thought . Time to join the new Earth . Can't you feel it changing ? The recession should have been a big clue for you . Consider the expression " I will make a quick work of it " Who said that ? What book is it From ? Human understanding is about to come to a new threshold . How would that happen ? A new revolution perhaps . The dog days of internet connection ? Life is speedup and the burning of the tires is starting to show.
The end of the earth should not be take literally. It is a symbolic projection from the unconscious minds of the Myans. Rather than a physical earth destruction, it symbolizes a change in the way humans orientate themselves; death and rebirth of human perception.

There are signs of the times. For example, scientists, recently have exceeded the speed of light using neutrinos. The speed of light is one of the main cornerstones of science. If you crack a cornerstone of any building new stresses begin to appear everywhere, to where the building might begin to lean and collapse.

They still need to redo the neutrino experiments with another team. If they just so happen to complete this by D-day, the shock to the speed of light cornerstone could begin the reorientation of the mind. If a cornerstone cracks, we can ignore it for a while, since the building could still last under idea conditions. But it will only take a push to make it list then everyone will abondon ship.

When the mind reaches the frontiers of knowledge, such as with losing the speed of light wall, new windows open into the unknown and the unconscious minds begins to project. This projection, itself could cause a ripple effect of projection and unconsciousness, where other houses of cards begin to fall. But after the fall and we can survey the damage, a path to the future will appear; rebuilding and rebirth.
well I was thinking that because of this being accurate, they felt the eclipse would create a door, that would shine down on the area where something is buried. We could use computer and satelite possibly to find coordinates. :shrug:

or just wait for it to happen and watch for the area for clues.

But which eclipse, lunar or solar? :shrug:

If it were lunar then in December of 2012 the shadow won't be near that area of the world.

Here are the locations that the lunar eclpse will be hitting:

2012 Nov 28 Penumbral -0.187 - Europe, e Africa, Asia, Aus., N.A.

Here are the solar paths until 2050 again nothing hitting where the Myans lived in 2012.

We dont know one way or another. Genius.
Every now and then you come up with something that isn't utterly bone-headed (probably by accident)[sup]1[/sup].
This is NOT one of those occasions.
Unless you're going to start arguing that we don't actually know anything, then yes. We do know.

1. This is a wild guess. I haven't actually seen it happen yet.
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We dont know one way or another. Genius.

Speak for yourself.

Misinterpretation of the Mesoamerican Long Count calendar is the basis for a New Age belief that a cataclysm will take place on December 21, 2012. December 21, 2012 is simply the day that the calendar will go to the next b'ak'tun.

Sandra Noble, executive director of the Mesoamerican research organization FAMSI, notes that "for the ancient Maya, it was a huge celebration to make it to the end of a whole cycle". She considers the portrayal of December 2012 as a doomsday or cosmic-shift event to be "a complete fabrication and a chance for a lot of people to cash in.
we are not bothering with making calendars for year 3248, why do we expect it from mayans?
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The end of the earth should not be take literally. It is a symbolic projection from the unconscious minds of the Myans. Rather than a physical earth destruction, it symbolizes a change in the way humans orientate themselves; death and rebirth of human perception.

There are signs of the times. For example, scientists, recently have exceeded the speed of light using neutrinos. The speed of light is one of the main cornerstones of science. If you crack a cornerstone of any building new stresses begin to appear everywhere, to where the building might begin to lean and collapse.

They still need to redo the neutrino experiments with another team. If they just so happen to complete this by D-day, the shock to the speed of light cornerstone could begin the reorientation of the mind. If a cornerstone cracks, we can ignore it for a while, since the building could still last under idea conditions. But it will only take a push to make it list then everyone will abondon ship.

When the mind reaches the frontiers of knowledge, such as with losing the speed of light wall, new windows open into the unknown and the unconscious minds begins to project. This projection, itself could cause a ripple effect of projection and unconsciousness, where other houses of cards begin to fall. But after the fall and we can survey the damage, a path to the future will appear; rebuilding and rebirth.

When I read a post like this (first I slap my head and say a why) I think that it would be possible to take a needle and puncture some peoples ear drums and the vacuum in their heads would actually lower the earths average air pressure.