
Well your not a sexologist, once you become one or at lest do your own statistics and gather evidence then you can prove them wrong.

A quote from Dr. Moore on Autoeroticism in adolescent:
Case History: “Mary”, 27, stated in the course of therapy that she had never masturbated. Later on she remembered that she had been in the habit of lying in bed and stroking her breast lightly, and that she occasionally would touch her genitals with her fingers.
She did not think of this as masturbation. She stated that it gave her a “warm feeling”, but that she never became highly aroused and never thought of her activity as “anything dirty or sexual” She was surprised and quite annoyed to be told that this activity would be properly labeled masturbatory.

Perhaps I have caused you a similar epiphany?
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Originally posted by WellCookedFetus
Perhaps I have caused you a similar epiphany? not at all actually.

Sure your quote from Dr. Moore makes sense, but I still don't agree with your previous definition of masturbation being a touch on the thigh for half a second. Half a second is nothing...and I don't think there's anything you could say to make me think that it could be masturbation.

What if I have a mossie bite and I scratch it....that feels good. Is that masturbation? I'm sure it lasted for longer than half a second too.

So I remain grounded....3 weeks is easy for me.
if you find that sexually pleasing then yes it. Unfortunately that is the definition of masturbation if you don't like that tough tities.
Stop Masturbation Now

Find out why masturbation is harmful for your health and many aspects of your life and what you can do to stop it. Read the only step-by-step program available in the world today and you will succeed in ending the habit of masturbation and start enjoying your life to the fullest. check
LMAO. Great choice for spam.

Anyway.. old thread. But, don't even jackoff just before weightlifting. Your lifts will suck ass.
Find out why masturbation is harmful for your health and many aspects of your life and what you can do to stop it. Read the only step-by-step program available in the world today and you will succeed in ending the habit of masturbation and start enjoying your life to the fullest. check
67 fucking dollars! There's no way I'm paying 67 dollars for that!

Even though I want it. Bad. :(
I admit it I looked at porn. I was a maniac. Not only did I look at it but I got into it. I didn’t stop viewing it until I was completely satisfied (which could be hours on end). Plus I was a computer nerd so I could get some pretty good free porn. But it was taking over my life. I thought of porn all the time, it took time out of my homework, and it made me betray my parents. I told my self “you can stop it” many times. But I would just check my email and “shabamm” four hours later I still had my pants half down. It was a monstrous disease that was taking me away. But then I thought of the perfect solution.

It’s made up of 3 simple steps

1. Tell some one you can trust about the porn problem so they can help you and encourage you.

2. Read Mathew 5:27-30 (Which just screams “DON’T LOOK AT PORN”)

3. All these posts are like “GET OFF AND STOP NOW” well I ask you: Can you get out of at car moving at 100 mph? Well you can try but it won’t look too good. What I’m saying is that you can’t just stop porn right away. Your thoughts will still be on that hard core stuff and you will want to do view it some more. What you need to do is gradually stop porn by every time you log on gradually tone down the content.

For example if your looking at some hard core stuff. The next day go down just to one girl doing her thing (If you know what I mean hehe). Then the day after that just look at a naked girl. After that day just her titties. Then I suggest the next day go to [soft porn link removed] which doesn’t show any breast or vagina (but boy does it get close). Then after a while go to [soft porn link removed] which has some pretty nice bikini babes. And keep doing that and so on until instead thinking about a lezbo couple doing some hard core screwing all night, your thinking of a beautiful babe in a nice outfit.

Trust me if this worked for me it can defiantly work for you and it can stop any porn addiction.

And if your thinking about looking at porn for a first time DON’T. Trust me its not worth it. Even if people think your gay and crap because you don’t do it don’t worry about it because they’ll be the ones getting a pounding from their parents/girlfriend/wife. And hey I don’t look at porn (any more) and I like girls big time (understatement). So be strong and fight this heck of a porn monster.

Hope this helps,

Peace Natedogg

More filth.
Highering your testosterone will make you stronger. That's what steroids do after all. I highly doubt that stopping your masterbation will have any great effect in your testosterone level. It may have some but not enought to effect your strength. If you want to increase your strenght take creatine, drink a bunch of protein shakes, and train with heavy weights and low reps. Make sure that you have a good split system. ex. chest and shoulders on day one, upper back and biceps on day two, legs and lower back on day three. Make sure you give each muscle group atleast five days to recover!

When you feel like jacking off... Jack off! Don't try to mess around with your hormone levels!
Make sure that you have a good split system. ex. chest and shoulders on day one, upper back and biceps on day two, legs and lower back on day three. Make sure you give each muscle group atleast five days to recover!

5 days rest for triceps? Are you mad? If you are recovered after 48 hours.. why not hit the triceps again? I do squats 3 times a week.

You can hit the same group up to 3 times in a week. Some studies have shown 2-3 times a week does better for strength than 1 time a week.

Though I assume if you have a retarded metabolism maybe 1 time a week is enough...
I've gone 11 months 13 hours and about 45 minutes without masturbating

Does that mean i should get my balls checked out for cancer?
I had one when i was 12. But that was a very, very long time ago.
Before i fell asleep one night, I said nunquam iterum, which is latin for Never again...

11 months later I said unus magis vicis

one more time