Masturbation is for Losers

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happeh claims to be able to tell if you masturbate by looking at your picture

so to "prove" it he posts pictures and says "see i am right"

everybody tells him what his flaws are but to no avail
Ophiolite said:
I take it this was addressed to me, but (Q) got interposed. I know you were using irony. I had hoped the same would have been obvious in my post.

Sorry I didn't pick that up i came home quite drunk - and i rarely ever drink.
Plus it was 42 degrees C yesterday. So my brain was out. Its 40 again today.

All praise the science and technology of air conditioning!

Now you are resorting to lying huh? James knows more than all of human culture. Human culture has the folk tale, passed down thru generations of people, that masturbation will make you go blind.

It's a joke, Happeh. Maybe once, somebody (maybe the Pope) said "Stop it! Or you will go blind!" It's such a blatantly silly and unproven statement that now it's just a joke people repeat with tongue in cheek. I guess you missed the gag.

For the 20th time, it is my experience that tells me the difference.

Haven't you worked out by now that nobody cares about your "experience"? What you subjectively "experience" of course will support your view, every time. That's why people need objective evidence.

"But the photos are objective!", you shout. But what are they objective evidence of? They provide clear evidence that people tilt their heads, and so on. But that's all. You haven't proven that one single person in any of your photographs is an excessive masterbator, or that they permanently tilt their head, or anything else.

For the 20th time, do you question the bus driver on his expertise before you ride the bus? Do you question the checker at the store about her expertise before buying groceries?

There are hundreds of things you accept without a thought. Yet for some reason, you need to challenge me on this. Why?

Because I've dealt with hundreds of grocery check-out chicks and quite a few bus drivers, and you know what? They ALL agree on how to check groceries and how to drive a bus. If I saw a bus driver trying to drive by standing on his head in the driver's seat while steering with his feet, then you can be sure I'd question him. Or just get the hell off his bus.

Similarly, NOBODY agrees with you. Every other person disagrees with your idea that people tilt their heads because they masterbate too much. And so, you are questioned. And when you have no answers, people dismiss you as some kind of deluded nutter. I'm sure you're used to that by now.

James. Think for a second. Do you understand that you could take your attitude and do what you are doing to any professional? I can come to your teacher area, and I can play the stupid student, just like you are.

James - I want you to learn this.
Happeh - Why should I listen to you?
James - Because I am the teacher
Happeh - So what?
James - Being the teacher means you have to listen to me

I teach, Happeh. The people I teach come voluntarily to learn. Nobody is forced to listen. If they don't believe me about something, I'm quite happy to refer them to other sources which will back up what I have to say. Or, they can do their own research. Or, if we're discussing an original idea of mine, they can make up their own minds, based on my arguments - just like I'm doing with you.

James - I graduated with a degree from college.
Happeh - So what? Here is my degree I bought from the internet. See? It looks just like yours.

Do you really think a college degree is worth no more than a piece of paper you print from an internet site? It's quite rare to encounter somebody who actually, wholeheartedly believes that all "book learning" is a waste of time. For that reason alone, I will be most interested to delve further into your mindset.
Ophiolite said:
You see right here Happeh is the root of your problem. You actually think that is how it works.
I teach from time to time. I teach adults. I teach adults with degrees. I teach adults with degrees from the top Universities on the planet. I teach adults with Alpha male credentials.
If I tried that routine - I'm the teacher, therefore you have to listen to me - they would have me for lunch. They listen because I present facts; I justify every claim I make; I handle every question thrown at me; I encourage critical analysis of my positions; I indicate the limits of my knowledge; I distinguish fact from supposition; certainty from guesswork.
You have done none of these things.

Absoltely false. I justify every claim I make. I do the best I can to provide understandable answers. I beg for analysis of my positions. I plainly say when I do not know something. Your suppostions is my facts.

I have done everything you listed.

Ophiolite said:
That is why we reject your thesis; that is why we poke fun at it; that is why we view you with pity.
You have a misconception of the role of authority in science. Given your many other misconceptions it does not surprise me.
If this wasn't so sad, it would be silly.

View me with pity? I went for a long walk today. It took hours for me to convince myself that trying to work with professional adults is pointless. They have no imagination. They cannot let go of power plays. You are making a power play by talking about how you teach people with top degrees from top universities. As if that means that you are smarter than me or know more than me.

The difference between us? I plainly admit that there are things you know that I don't. I have not lived your life. You probably know all kinds of things I don't. For you, it is impossible to extend the same common sense courtesy to me. In your mind, you know it all. No matter how foolish that statement is, that is what you believe.

I have lived a completely differnt life from you. I have met different people and had different experiences. And you just shit all over that common sense stuff and try to lord it over me with this pity comment.

You are blinded by arrogance.
Medicine Woman said:
M*W: Certain affectations of body language does not a masturbator make. Your photographs were either posed or simply a result of the camera angle. Your eyes behold only delusions.

Sorry. You are delusional. Come to my house. I will prove my theory to you.

Oh. I forgot. Every single adult who claims I am wrong, runs away like a girl when I say come to my house so I can prove it to you.

Proving they just want to talk smack. They are not really interested in proof.
James R said:
It's a joke, Happeh. Maybe once, somebody (maybe the Pope) said "Stop it! Or you will go blind!" It's such a blatantly silly and unproven statement that now it's just a joke people repeat with tongue in cheek. I guess you missed the gag.

It is not a joke.

James R said:
Haven't you worked out by now that nobody cares about your "experience"?

Sure I knew that when Cris called for all adults to give me the silent treatment. I knew that when you asked me to stop posting. I never let rude simpletons dictate my actions.

James R said:
"But the photos are objective!", you shout. But what are they objective evidence of? They provide clear evidence that people tilt their heads, and so on. But that's all.


James R said:
You haven't proven that one single person in any of your photographs is an excessive masterbator, or that they permanently tilt their head, or anything else.

That is because, after 60 pages, everyone is still attacking Happeh, while screaming "Those photos are the way they are for the scientific reason "Just Because".

I am shaking my head in disbelief that a grown adult person claiming to be a scientist is telling me people do things "just because". You need to be fired from your job and sent to remedial school.

James R said:
Similarly, NOBODY agrees with you. Every other person disagrees with your idea that people tilt their heads because they masterbate too much. And so, you are questioned. And when you have no answers, people dismiss you as some kind of deluded nutter. I'm sure you're used to that by now.

I have answered many questions. When people do not understand, they blame their inability to understand on me. Snakelord asked me about my theory. I plainly told him the human body could be described as being similar to the Energizer bunny with 2 batteries on his back.

Instead of asking for clarification, he took that and ran with it as an excuse to belittle me. I created that image as a way to teach unknowing people what is going on. If the image does not work, Snakelord could have asked for something else. He didn't. He said "You are full of baloney".

That is not scientific conversation. This has to be give and take because I know what I am talking about and you do not. If you do not understand something, you have to be man enough to say "I do not understand" so I can try a different approach.

Because people here think they are better than me, they do not want to tell me "I do not understand". Everything goes back to the submission/dominance and power plays.

James R said:
Do you really think a college degree is worth no more than a piece of paper you print from an internet site? It's quite rare to encounter somebody who actually, wholeheartedly believes that all "book learning" is a waste of time. For that reason alone, I will be most interested to delve further into your mindset.

Never said all book learning is a waste of time. Trying to get arrogant people to wake up is very hard. You have to smack them in the head with a 2 X 4. Sometimes I am dramatic because I feel that might have an affect on the cement surrounding people's heads.
Happeh said:
Absoltely false. I justify every claim I make. I do the best I can to provide understandable answers. I beg for analysis of my positions. I plainly say when I do not know something. Your suppostions is my facts.

absolutely false. you have not proven anything. we do the best we can to tell you pictures and your explainations are worthless. we have begged you to understand that.
Happeh said:
Oh. I forgot. Every single adult who claims I am wrong, runs away like a girl when I say come to my house so I can prove it to you.

Proving they just want to talk smack. They are not really interested in proof.
yes we ran away didn't we. we are still here refuting everything you say
you really are not interested in proof you just want to talk smack
Happeh said:
Sure I knew that when Cris called for all adults to give me the silent treatment. I knew that when you asked me to stop posting. I never let rude simpletons dictate my actions.
well for starters james never ask that you stop posting.

he asked that you post URLs instead of pictures to save space

and you are the rudest person that i have met on this board
Happeh said:
I have done everything you listed.
In your dreams.

Happeh said:
You are making a power play by talking about how you teach people with top degrees from top universities. As if that means that you are smarter than me or know more than me.
You have totally missed the point, again. I was offering a description of how one goes about trying to convince intelligent, well educated, sceptical individuals of something (indeed of anything). To demonstrate that this was not some hypothetical approach that I had dreamt up, but had been tested and proven in challenging circumstances I offered you a capsule history of my relevant credentials. (My belief that I am smarter than you is quite independent of my remarks and is based entirely on my reading of your remarks in this and other threads.)

Happeh said:
The difference between us? I plainly admit that there are things you know that I don't. I have not lived your life. You probably know all kinds of things I don't. For you, it is impossible to extend the same common sense courtesy to me. In your mind, you know it all.You are blinded by arrogance.
I do not know it all. My ignorance is enormous.
However, it is not total. I have been observing my fellow humans for over half a century and in that time I have learned that they adopt a variety of positions and facial expressions that vary with circumstances. I have also learned that most humans will display most of these postures and expressions at one time or another; that certain of them are especially associated with posing for photographs. And beyond all that I find that no other person in this forum gives credence to your babblings. That their observations, which together must total several centuries, match mine.
Yet in believing the evidence of my own eyes; in believing the evidence of my peers; in believing the findings of two millenia or more of scientific investigation; in believing all of these things, rather than your delusional drivel you accuse me of arrogance.
Good one Happeh. Go take another long walk.

Edit: Give me the address of your house. I'll let you know when I can get there. I accept your challenge.
Ophiolite said:

Edit: Give me the address of your house. I'll let you know when I can get there. I accept your challenge.
ha, a million pound challenge has failed to motivate happeh

i'll give you MY address so you can come and see me
you big cuddly brute you
Ophiolite said:
In your dreams.

That is your intellectual reply? The man bragging with all those qualifications makes a smart remark, without pointing out where exactly things were lacking? How do we even know you are what you say you are? Your speech makes me doubt your claims.

Ophiolite said:
I do not know it all. My ignorance is enormous.
And beyond all that I find that no other person in this forum gives credence to your babblings.

Here we go again. You are a herd animal, a lemming or a sheep, who looks to the other lemming and sheep before you make a decision. Just like I said. You and the others will not participate in a learning discussion because you are all looking at each other so they will do it first. So they will take any "repercussions" that may arise.

What you call babbling is a friendly way of speech that is used by the majority of people on the planet. You and the other arrogant elitists think that your way is the best way. Maybe it is for you. It also makes you sick and unhealthy. That is your choice as an adult. I personally would rather be a healthy and relaxed individual. My speech style reflects that attitude.

Ophiolite said:

Edit: Give me the address of your house. I'll let you know when I can get there. I accept your challenge.

If you truly want my address, tell me when you are coming. I will give it to you then. You must cooperate in the challenge.

What are the conditions of proof? Snakelord wanted to bring university professors and have them sign off on it. I will not accept those conditions. What will it take to convince you personally?
People have asked me for proof. I have posted a couple of videos that were meant to stimulate conversation. Not one person ever commented on the videos. To me this indicates they did not watch them.

In a good faith discussion, how can you claim I am wrong, without looking at what I describe as evidence?


For people that refuse to admit to common sense:

I posted a picture of Tariq Aziz after he had a stroke. His arm was twisted around and pointing at his chest. As a thinking professional adult, what is your reason for the arm of Tariq Aziz to twist around and point at his chest?

Is it the same reason you give for the things I point out? "Just Because?"

If you, as a thinking intelligent person, truly believe that, you don't need me to talk to. You need to go to a doctor, or go to a medical manual, and read exactly what the laid out scientific description is for arm distortion caused by stroke. Stroke has been around for as long as people have been. The doctors must have the reasons spelled out completely in detail in big medical words for you.

If they can do that for the arm in a stroke case, why is it that you refuse to believe a similar description cannot be given for any other movement of the human body? Every movement of the human body will be described as the actions of a group of muscles.

But for you scientists, people just move because they do.


I said it once before. It was ignored in the rush to call me delusional, babbling etc.

Do you know what Kinesiology is?

Have you ever heard of it before? If not, do you agree that means you are ignorant of an area of study that has a bearing on this conversation? Do you agree that it might be worthwhile to look at the definition of Kinesiology and to see if maybe it says that the descriptions of my theory are reasonable?


I asked what people knew of Ayurvedic medicine. They said they knew nothing. I posted a link to a story saying that Ayurvedic medicine recommened certain sexual activity to maintain a person's health. This was done to show that different cultures have different ideas.

No one acknowledged the point. They rushed to the next derogatory comment.

What do people know of Chinese Medicine? Anything at all? If you do not, do you feel that this area of study might apply to the conversation at hand? It is another way of viewing the human body, just as Happeh Theory is another way of viewing the body. Chinese medicine is used by millions of people all over the world. It must have some usefullness and validity.


Are you all capable of seeing how close minded you are? How your knowledge is outlined by a box called Britain or the USA? How you subconsciously or unknowingly dismiss or belittle the knowledge of other people and cultures? If you even admit that they are capable of intelligence equal to yours?

Can you see how foolish that is?
People have asked me for proof. I have posted a couple of videos that were meant to stimulate conversation. Not one person ever commented on the videos. To me this indicates they did not watch them.

Or, it indicates you're completely off your rocker because the videos were complete nonsense.

Do you agree that it might be worthwhile to look at the definition of Kinesiology and to see if maybe it says that the descriptions of my theory are reasonable?

They are not.

No one acknowledged the point. They rushed to the next derogatory comment.

And rightly so, the point was moot.

It is another way of viewing the human body, just as Happeh Theory is another way of viewing the body.

Yet, one is from a view of insanity - can you guess which one?

How you subconsciously or unknowingly dismiss or belittle the knowledge of other people and cultures? If you even admit that they are capable of intelligence equal to yours?

I'll admit there may not be someone equally intelligent as you.

Can you see how foolish that is?

Absolutely. But you're completely bonkers, so I can't imagine how you would see it as foolish?
Happeh said:
If you truly want my address, tell me when you are coming.
First, you need to give me a clue as to which city and country you live in. I can engineer a visit to many, but not all locations. If you are living in Peru it will tricky. If you are in the Emirates I can see you next week. Just let me know the generalities, not street and number.
(Q) said:
People have asked me for proof. I have posted a couple of videos that were meant to stimulate conversation. Not one person ever commented on the videos. To me this indicates they did not watch them.

Or, it indicates you're completely off your rocker because the videos were complete nonsense.

See what I mean? No good faith discussion. Nothing but rude personal attack. And you call yourself an intelligent scientist.

Children. You need a spanking.
You know what I see? I see a pattern. I make a post that makes absolute undeniable sense. Like the one two posts above. Not one person responds to it.

That has been the pattern thruout this conversation. Every point I make is ignored. Nothing is acknowledged. Then the personal attacks start.

The problem IS that no one is a scientist. It is all psychos apparently. What I need are engineers or phycisists or chemists or biologists. People who know how to observe and conclude. People that understand about hard science instead of wasting their lives in power trips and mind games.

Here is some old guys.


Here is the new guy


Same as the other guys. His shoulders slope downwards from left to right. His right eye is smaller than the left. The mouth slants upwards from left to right. The right side of his face is smaller than the left side of his face.

13 pictures. I remember James saying I needed to do a study with 100 people. That means there are only 87 more pictures to go.

I do have a way to address one of the concerns of people. One concern was "How can you prove they masturbate alot or have excessive sex?". There is an easy way to address this. Pornography. If you want me too, I can post 1000 porno pictures with the same symptoms I am showing with these pictures. That should eliminate the variable of "Do they have excessive sex or masturbation?". If they are in a porno, it is a pretty good guess they have lots of sex or masturbation.

Let me know.
Ophiolite said:
First, you need to give me a clue as to which city and country you live in. I can engineer a visit to many, but not all locations. If you are living in Peru it will tricky. If you are in the Emirates I can see you next week. Just let me know the generalities, not street and number.

What happened to your standards of proof? There is no reason to come if you are going to want the pie in the sky.

The USA.


Still can't see a word.
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