Making Sciforums more Successful.!!!

Are they posting? Am I learning anything? Do I feel like asking physics questions to Farsight?

You said "your first infraction" for all I knew it was from five years ago. Stop making petty arguments.


Did you actually pause to think for one second???????????????????????????

NO you are trying to make 5000 posts a minute right now!
Am I learning anything?
this is a personal problem.
Do I feel like asking physics questions to Farsight?
:), great point.

Stop making petty arguments.
think about your OWN comments


Did you actually pause to think for one second???????????????????????????

NO you are trying to make 5000 posts a minute right now!
for this,
i'll refer you to your own words,
" stop making petty arguments. "
Given the amount of woo that gets posted here (see any of MagicalRealist's "look there's a ghost/UFO/psychic!" posts) I'd say there isn't enough of that sort of bullying.

If you have to bully and flame someone to defend your own pov, I'd say your pov is not very defensible.
Doesnt Magical Realist post his ideas in the proper forums.???

MR posts fun an interestin stuff that lots of people like to read... an i thank Scifourms coud use mor MR's.!!!

CHA-CHING!! Tks! I knew all my hard work wasn't in vain.

the primary reason i think most people complain about the moderation here is that the moderators filter stuff before it ever gets a public reaction. on any other site this doesn't occur, and with the internet being as big as it it people leave simply because it takes Google under a second to give a person a couple hundred thousand other forums that aren't going to scrutinize every single post that gets posted. allowing users beyond a certain number of posts (lets say 10 for the sake of argument) to have there posts immediately posted on the site, and handling it if the individual retrieves negative feedback may work better in terms of moderator perception. ultimately i don't think its the moderators decision making process that people have problems with, its the proactive nature of it when most people expect a reactive nature to moderating.
In reply to cluelusshusbund, re: mods.

" long as the ones creating the mess are in charge....."

An excellent observation!

Especially regarding "de-railing" a Topic from a poster and turning it into a personal vendetta against the original poster.

(This is a "drum-head" appeal, and no rebuttal allowed. The "sentence" is a foregone conclusion)

(Thanks for reading!)
In reply to cluelusshusbund, re: mods.

" long as the ones creating the mess are in charge....."

An excellent observation!

The "sentence" is a foregone conclusion)

Well... we are alowed to post here at the mercy of the Sciforums bosses.!!!

Curently... the bosses thank Sciforums is in a messy state an they blame the posters.!!!

I thank the messy state of Sciforums is 100% the fault of the bosses (owners on down to the low level mods).!!!

Thangs at Sciforums will have to hit a new low before the bosses will serously consider makin personal changes :shrug:

However... Scifourms is still fun... even if to jus observe the sillyness... but the botom line is site trafffic... an if we dont work together on that issue Sciforums will be no more.!!!

Moral of the story:::

Life will still go on :)
In reply to cluelusshusbund, re: your #48 post.

"allowed to post?"

No...the existence of site serves as mandate of "invitation" to post, and the stipulations are there for anyone to see regarding "what is/what is not" acceptable to write.

The "invitation" can be revoked for violations of the posted rules...they seem quite "flexible" to me with regard to enforcement.

(here is a mystery to me...why would a "sci" site actually encourage someone to write the word "bitches" in order to pass-in? Is this some mutant Turing test? Why is knowledge

of a "dope" character necessary to join? I actually had to look-up all of this! I have never watched the show)


This is supposed to "encourage" quality joiners? How?

(Thanks for reading!)
In reply to cluelusshusbund, re: your #48 post.

"allowed to post?"

No...the existence of site serves as mandate of "invitation" to post, and the stipulations are there for anyone to see regarding "what is/what is not" acceptable to write.

The "invitation" can be revoked for violations of the posted rules...they seem quite "flexible" to me with regard to enforcement.

(here is a mystery to me...why would a "sci" site actually encourage someone to write the word "bitches" in order to pass-in? Is this some mutant Turing test? Why is knowledge

of a "dope" character necessary to join? I actually had to look-up all of this! I have never watched the show)


This is supposed to "encourage" quality joiners? How?

(Thanks for reading!)

This entire post is silly and infantile.

What is described is simply an attempt to limit spammers - I figured any adult with half a brain could figure that out. (shrug)
CHA-CHING!! Tks! I knew all my hard work wasn't in vain.


Indeed keep posting it in the right subforums and hopefully others will follow the trend rather than getting upset when moderators moveing their thread from the wrong subforum.
In reply to cluelusshusbund, re: your #48 post.

The "invitation" can be revoked for violations of the posted rules...they seem quite "flexible" to me with regard to enforcement.

Sciforums flexible enforcement creates prollem posters... just as flexible enforcement by parents creates ill behaved children.!!!

(here is a mystery to me...why would a "sci" site actually encourage someone to write the word "bitches" in order to pass-in? Is this some mutant Turing test? Why is knowledge

of a "dope" character necessary to join? I actually had to look-up all of this! I have never watched the show)

It was all a mystery to me also... but im just anuther who dont know it all :shrug:
just for fun,
" people who think they know everything are a great annoyance to those of us who do.[isaac asimov] "
Indeed keep posting it in the right subforums and hopefully others will follow the trend rather than getting upset when moderators moveing their thread from the wrong subforum.

I have no problem adhering to subforum protocol. I also post appropriate questions in the physics/chemistry sections on a regular basis but never propose to pass them off as proof of some new theory or something. I DO object to a thread on quantum entanglement being sent to the Fringe section though. This is an established fact of science. Do the science gurus here not know that?
I have no problem adhering to subforum protocol. I also post appropriate questions in the physics/chemistry sections on a regular basis but never propose to pass them off as proof of some new theory or something. I DO object to a thread on quantum entanglement being sent to the Fringe section though. This is an established fact of science. Do the science gurus here not know that?

Not sure of the thread you are referring to, or the reasons why it was sent to the fringe sections....
But I do know we have some cunningly enhanced posters that will do anything to gain credibility for ratbag opinions, and submit them in the science or P+M sections under different guises.
We have one now operating in P+M that will in time I'm sure, be shifted.

But what about alternate theory development in the Alternative Theory forum, you ask? It doesn't exist. No real science has ever happened in such a forum, so in short order, you'd have to ban all the usual subjects for their crackpottery.

That early statement is probably the most objective true statement in this thread, and fully supports the need for the real scientists here, to reveal the nonsensical nature of these Alternative, anti SR, anti GR, anti BB, anti evolution, anti this, anti that, as each is submitted.
Afterall, that is the forum scientific methodology and forum peer review in action, just as it should be.
Not sure of the thread you are referring to, or the reasons why it was sent to the fringe sections....
But I do know we have some cunningly enhanced posters that will do anything to gain credibility for ratbag opinions, and submit them in the science or P+M sections under different guises.
We have one now operating in P+M that will in time I'm sure, be shifted.

I respect that. There IS a need to keep canonical science canonical. But at the same time, we should acknowledge that science has only progressed with the introduction of what appear to be radical new approaches to problems. Einstein was a patent office worker afterall! Who would ever suspect such a revolution in physics from such a lowly figure as that!
I respect that. There IS a need to keep canonical science canonical. But at the same time, we should acknowledge that science has only progressed with the introduction of what appear to be radical new approaches to problems. Einstein was a patent office worker afterall! Who would ever suspect such a revolution in physics from such a lowly figure as that!

Well, given that he was also a degreed physics professor at the time, that's not that hard to believe. Physics revolutions often come from physics professors.
Well, given that he was also a degreed physics professor at the time, that's not that hard to believe. Physics revolutions often come from physics professors.

No he was not a degreed physics professor at the time of his publication of the theory of relativity:

"Recognition from the academic and scientific community did not come quickly. Perhaps it was difficult to take seriously a 26-year-old patent clerk who, until this time, had only earned disdain from his former teachers. Or perhaps Einstein's ideas were so profound and radical that no one was yet prepared to consider them truths.

In 1909, four years after his theories were first published, Einstein was finally offered a teaching position. Einstein enjoyed being a teacher at the University of Zurich. He had found traditional schooling as he grew up extremely limiting and thus he wanted to be a different kind of teacher. Arriving at school unkempt, with hair uncombed and his clothes too baggy, Einstein taught from the heart.

As Einstein's fame within the scientific community grew, offers for new, better positions began to pour in. Within only a few years, Einstein worked at the University of Zurich (Switzerland), then the German University in Prague (Czech Republic), and then back to Zurich for the Polytechnic Institute."