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One of the longest running and most controversial theories in geology is the Expanding Earth theory. From the earliest school classes to the most advanced university geology lectures we are all taught that the size of the Earth has been constant and unchanging for thousands of millions of years, so virtually everyone is astonished when first presented with evidence for an Expanding Earth. Some people are so shocked by the array of observations supporting an Expanding Earth model they simply deny there is any evidence for expansion. This rejection of the observations can become very animated at times but a few people are sufficiently curious to carefully investigate the facts indicating that the Earth has expanded over geological time. Some of the more well known investigators into the Expanding Earth theory are professors of geology and other sciences, who continue to examine the supporting evidence and report the results of their observations in various scientific papers and books. This history of the Expanding Earth theory is still developing today as these new scientific observations are examined and debated. The most widely known geological evidence for Earth expansion is a simple reconstruction of the ancient continents and ancient ocean floor like a gigantic jigsaw puzzle. The continents are ancient and some regions have existed for more than 3,800 million years but in geological time scales the ocean floor is relatively young and ranges from only about 200 million years old at the continents to areas at the mid-ocean ridges that are still forming today. When the dinosaurs first evolved none of today's ocean floor existed.

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An animated Expanding Earth reconstruction using spherical trigonometry
Earth to expand with a constant mass, or were it expanded with an increasing mass. These two major variations of the Expanding Earth theory became known as the Constant Mass Expanding Earth or the Increasing Mass Expanding Earth.This is why the dinosaurs' large size is so interesting for the Expanding Earth theory. In 1987 I realized that the dinosaurs' large size could be explained by a reduced gravity and then soon realized that the most likely cause of a reduced gravity was a smaller diameter, less massive Earth. I'd never heard of the Expanding Earth theory before reasoning that the dinosaurs must live in a reduced gravity, but when I did learn about the geological evidence for an Expanding Earth it was soon evident that a Reduced Gravity Earth is exactly what an Increasing Mass Expanding Earth also predicted. Both theories use very different lines of reasoning and evidence but they both point to the same astonishing conclusions.By the early 1990s I had produced my own Expanding Earth reconstructions with a computer program using spherical trigonometry and one of these animated reconstructions is shown above. Other people had produced similar reconstructions before - there are even more today - and one of the most convincing aspects of the Expanding Earth theory must be that these reconstructions all look so alike. It must surely provide reassurance that the reconstructions are reasonably accurate.Some of the best reconstructions available today are on YouTube as short Expanding Earth videos. Neal Adams’ reconstructions are popular but the Australian geologist Dr James Maxlow’s reconstructions also have the added advantage that the geological evidence behind the reconstructions are explained in detail within his book, Terra Non Firma Earth.[2]If you would like to try to produce your own reconstructions the raw data for the age of the ocean floor can be obtained from institutions like the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).[3] NOAA is presenting the raw data of the age of the ocean floor and is not supporting the Expanding Earth theory in any way so exactly the same raw data is used in plate tectonic reconstructions. By 1994 I had also joined the ever growing number of authors that supported the Expanding Earth with the publication of my book, Dinosaurs and the Expanding Earth. This received praise from various sources and many noted the significance of the evidence predicting a Reduced Gravity Earth and its implications for the Expanding Earth. The most likely explanation for the Expanding Earth is an Increasing Mass Expanding Earth.Today some of the evidence for the concept of dinosaurs living in reduced gravity has been repeated in many scientific papers and books including, Earth Universe Cosmos, Terra Non Firma Earth, Gravity and Expanding Earth - and the list is still growing.If the Increasing Mass Expanding Earth is the correct solution for the evidence, then were has the extra mass come from? I believe the most logical explanation is that cosmic material regularly adds extra mass to the Earth. Yearly ‘cosmic showers’ adds small amounts of materials over short periods, but over geological time we know there are ‘cosmic storms’ that must add vast amounts of new material. This cosmic material is transported by geological processes that we observe today (erosion, sediment transport and subduction), into the interior of the Earth where it separates out into lighter and heavier elements.
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