looks like they won

Discussion in 'World Events' started by vslayer, Dec 17, 2004.

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  1. vslayer Registered Senior Member


    accordnig to mafkarat al-islam, a 9 hour battle between the recently reinforced mujahideen and american invaders has resulted in a large scale american retreat from al-falluja, 6 mujahideen are confirmed dead(possibly more), and while the american casualties have not been confirmed there are reported:
    -32 US tanks destroyed
    -12 bradley armoured vehicles destroyed
    another 43 american vehicles were destroyed, and mujahideen have managed to get away with one US tank, 91 machine guns, and a bounty of assorted armour and weaponry

    unless the americans start their air raids again, it looks like iraqi control over falluja is almost restored, time for celebration
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  3. Tiassa Let us not launch the boat ... Valued Senior Member

    But I bet the movie will have a different ending.
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  5. vslayer Registered Senior Member

    great, another movie in which the americans are portrayed as the heroes no matter what, i bet they wont even mention the chemical warheads they dropped last week, or the houses they destroy daily
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  7. Tiassa Let us not launch the boat ... Valued Senior Member

    I need to look around, but for some reason I have it in my mind that Ford was critical of this war. If I'm not looking around for the links right now, it's because such a condition, if true, will be asserted all over FOX News and from coast to coast in Scarborough Country. (That title still makes me want a cigarette ....)
  8. vslayer Registered Senior Member

    why would ford be critical of the war, they need oil, holden and toyota have already begun developing hybrid-electric cars
  9. Tiassa Let us not launch the boat ... Valued Senior Member

    Harrison Ford. My bad.

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  10. shadarlocoth Registered Senior Member

    think they are overly reporting the losses I'm sure they killed some tanks maybe and I bet they got some hummers and APC's. As for them running off with a tank they all have GPS build in they could just follow it on there screen then bomb it or recapture it.
  11. Star_One Registered Senior Member

    Surely that news is false?

    That sounds like a MAJOR!!!! defeat, maybe even a slaughter....

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  12. shadarlocoth Registered Senior Member

    the other problem is if they where really comming under that much fire they would not hesitate to call in heavy fire support in the form of F-15 strike eagles, B52's, and A-10 WartHogs.... Not to mention fire support missions from artilary. If I was taking fire that can kill tanks I sure as hell would order the area fireing on me, turned into a burning ass pile.
  13. Thersites Registered Senior Member

    Not very probable: APCs are a lot more vulnerable than tanks, so the chance of destroying three times as many tanks as APCs is pretty slim, let alone "getting away" with a tank [what did they do, put it in their pocket and walk away?].
  14. nirakar ( i ^ i ) Registered Senior Member

    Jihad Unspun might be a good counterbalance to the corporate media but they seem to be as distorted as FOX News but from an opposite bias.

    The Mafkarat story is barely believable and is not believable at all in the complete absense of support from other sources.
  15. vslayer Registered Senior Member

    the reason more tanks were destroyed was because they were doing more damage, APCs were hit if there was a clear shot, but the main target was the tanks that were blowing shit up.

    as for the ability to destroy tanks; they were only light tanks, yesterday the american called in heavy tanks, which require several blasts from heavy rockets to destroy, only 3 of them have been destroyed so far.

    and they got away with that tank, because the americans abandoned it after it took a hit from a rocket, it was stated as "operational condition" meaning it was badly damaged and the americans werent prepared to get in the death trap.

    F-16s cost millions of dollars, and after one of them got shot down last week the american werent prepared to lose one over a few measly soldiers, besides, the GPS was probaly disabled after it was stolen and the americans arent goingc to worry about a tank which they deem to be almost defunct

    as for any artillery, the mujahideen have adopted a close combat strategy in which they have been known to use spears and swords, this means that the american cant provide artillery support without killing their own troops
  16. path Militant wiseguy Registered Senior Member

    Jihadunspun makes up worse hogwash than fox if that is possible. I wouldn't believe a word of it. There isn't even a blip about this on reuters or BBC. What it probably means is that a mujahadin hit a tank with his AK and a soldiers was grazed by the bullet

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  17. vslayer Registered Senior Member

    no, when they say destroyed, they mean destroyed, ill se if i can dig up the article, but they have a video of mujahideen bolwing up a column of 15 armoured trucks
  18. path Militant wiseguy Registered Senior Member

    Wanna check JUS's credibility real quick, check out the article and accompanying video claiming that the islamic resistance found mass graves of US soldiers. Talk about desperate
  19. vslayer Registered Senior Member

  20. path Militant wiseguy Registered Senior Member

    V for the first that video is from november 1st, secondly we all know that they attack convoys suspected of supporting the US all the time, thirdly those trucks aren't even military trucks let alone armored. Keep looking
  21. path Militant wiseguy Registered Senior Member

    In all honesty in the open (this was supposed to have happened outside of the city right) the insurgents don't have a chance in hell against troops especially with armor and or artillery support. Unless they caught them napping which is highly unlikely since Fallujah has been such a hotbed of resistance.
  22. vslayer Registered Senior Member

    i havent seen the video myself due to my slow connection, but it is proof they are destroying american vehicles.

    the mujahideen are iraqis though, they are used to the weather and such, as was proven a few days ago when the US had to withdraw from battle in a sandstorm

    and many of the mujahideen have armour aswell, they have stolen loads of american guns and armour, dont assume that they are unprotected idiots using kalishnikovs, they are trained fighters with american armour and american weapons
  23. path Militant wiseguy Registered Senior Member

    The video shows burning, white tractor trailers possibly from some aid agency or the interim govt. but nothing about them shows them to be american or military.

    No doubt they are used to the weather but in an open landscape that isn't much of an advantage unless you can generate sandstorms at will

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    Also the forces stationed in Iraq have had pleny of time to acclimatize to the weather which is one of the first things they set about doing with new arrivals

    If the mujahadin have armor that would not be an advantage for them as it would only make them easier to kill. I never said they were idiots I simply stated the truth in a battle they are no match for the US forces. Their best bet is to wage a low intensity insurgency that drags out over years if they stand up in a set piece battle they will be slaughtered.
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