London Terror Event Outside Parliament


Valued Senior Member
Reports are that an automobile drove down the pedestrian walkway on Westminster Bridge mowing down a crowd of people (other people were injured jumping from the bridge to escape the car). It was after 4PM local time and the bridge was crowded with tourists and local people getting off work. Several of the injured are said to be French schoolchildren who were visiting London.

Then the car continued on and stopped outside Parliament (where a bicyclist was reportedly struck) and an individual in the car rushed towards the Parliament building. He stabbed a police officer near the door and then was shot by other armed guards. No word on whether this individual is still alive. Photos showed him receiving CPR as he was being placed into an ambulance.

Many serious injuries and two fatalities are being reported at this time. There will probably be more. A physician at St. Thomas Hospital is reporting receiving "catastrophic injuries". Many ambulances on the scene. Armed anti-terrorist police arriving on the scene in body armor.

The London Eye isn't moving and people are caught in the pods.

A silver Jaguar escorted by at least one black Land Rover sped out of the Parliament building and British TV is speculating that was PM Theresa May being rushed away by her security people. She is said to be back at her residence at the moment. There is to be a COBRA meeting this evening.

Many street closures. Parliament building is locked down and MPs and parliament staff were told to shelter in place. They seem to be leaving now. Police have swept the building and are examining the assailant's car for explosives. Multiple helicopters are overhead.
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Reports are that an automobile drove down the pedestrian walkway on Westminster Bridge mowing down a crowd of people (other people were injured jumping from the bridge to escape the car). It was after 4PM local time and the bridge was crowded with tourists and local people getting off work.

Then the car continued on and stopped outside Parliament (where a bicyclist was reportedly struck) and an individual in the car rushed towards the Parliament building. He stabbed a police officer near the door and then was shot by other armed guards. No word on whether this individual is still alive. Photos showed him receiving CPR as he was being placed into an ambulance.

Many serious injuries and two fatalities are being reported are being reported at this time. There will probably be more. A physician at St. Thomas Hospital is reporting receiving "catastrophic injuries". Many ambulances on the scene. Armed anti-terrorist police arriving on the scene in body armor.

The London Eye isn't moving and people are caught in the pods.

A Silver Jaguar escorted by at least one black Land Rover sped out of the Parliament building and British TV is speculating that was PM Theresa May being rushed away by her security people.

Many street closures. Parliament building is locked down and MPs and parliament staff are being told to shelter in place. Police are sweeping the building and examining the assailant's car for explosives.

Multiple helicopters overhead.

If he was shot and they're doing CPR on him, he's dead.

There is nothing new here. Most likely it's a few more folks who want 72 virgins.
And here we are still doing our science experiments on poor, innocent, harmless little lab mice.
At latest count there are now four fatalities, two pedestrians who were struck by the speeding car, the police officer who was stabbed at the gate to the Parliament grounds (witnesses say the attacker plunged his knife into the cop over and over) and the assailant who was quickly shot by other Parliament guards, apparently suffering three bullet wounds. About 20 injured, some with relatively minor injuries, but others critical.

The assailant appears to have been in his 30's or 40's, was of South Asian appearance, and sported what looked like a shaven head and one of those Islamic crazy-beards.

Today, March 22, is one year to the day from the Brussels bomb attacks at the airport and a subway station.

Reports are that the London subway stations closest to Parliament have reopened and Parliament is set for a normal workday tomorrow.
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What would happen if it was a woman , would she get 72 male ?
No, that's an offer for males only. A woman and her family still get the revered status in heaven, but she doesn't get the 72 virgins. I think that's sex discrimination. So, if there are any sex discrimination lawyers in heaven, they've got a ready made case waiting for them. That's definitely not equal pay for equal work.
No, that's an offer for males only. A woman and her family still get the revered status in heaven, but she doesn't get the 72 virgins. I think that's sex discrimination. So, if there are any sex discrimination lawyers in heaven, they've got a ready made case waiting for them. That's definitely not equal pay for equal work.

Are there any homosexuals among muslims ?
The assailant appears to have been in his 30's or 40's, was of South Asian appearance, and sported what looked like a shaven head and one of those Islamic crazy-beards.

No doubt he surely hailed from a district of London whose residents are famously proud to be British citizens, and where peaceful conduct and tolerance of all genders, religions and sexualities is openly enforced, preached and practiced amongst all faiths. The guy was probably just in a rush to save some struggling Jews and failed to keep his eyes on the road.
Reports now of five dead. It sounds like a third pedestrian struck by the car might have died. The other two fatalities are the stabbed police officer and the assailant himself. Three of the visiting French school kids were injured, two critically. They seem to have been secondary school students in their early teens. The number of injured now sounds like it's closer to 40, some minor injuries like sprained ankles, others critical.
Here's something kind of interesting. It's the Twitter account of a Sky News news presenter in London. The older posts are near the bottom, talking about school funding or something. Then suddenly police cars rushing towards Parliament and gunshots heard. From that point it's pretty gripping, narrated as it happened, with lots of rumors and impressions from people in the building, with what they knew (often not much), what they could see and what they were being told.
This is a serious matter involving death of innocents. Let's not screw it up by reference to these stupid heavenly wishes of misguided morons.
This is a serious matter involving death of innocents. Let's not screw it up by reference to these stupid heavenly wishes of misguided morons.
But it's a big reason why they do it, they think they will be rewarded in heaven.