Lisowicia bojani


Valued Senior Member

299 to 251 million years ago
9 tons
hefty sucker
Yeah, I saw this. I had no idea large mammals stood cheek-by-jowl with dinosaurs.

Sortta blows apart the whole 'tiny shrew-like critter' image.
Yeah, I saw this. I had no idea large mammals stood cheek-by-jowl with dinosaurs.

Sortta blows apart the whole 'tiny shrew-like critter' image.
Yes, sort of.

Nobody is saying this was a mammal, though. It was a therapsid, an ancestor of the mammals.

The significant thing, which I had not appreciated, is that therapsids were already a lineage distinct from the dinosaur - bird lineage, right back in the Permian.

By the way, sculptor's picture bears an uncanny resemblance to one of those old man characters in the Muppets, don't you think? :biggrin:
By the way, sculptor's picture bears an uncanny resemblance to one of those old man characters in the Muppets, don't you think? :biggrin:
Not sure about that

To me looks like the hippo version of the duck billed platypus

Hippo parrotus

The significant thing, which I had not appreciated, is that therapsids were already a lineage distinct from the dinosaur - bird lineage, right back in the Permian.

Looks like kept the parrot beak part
