Life after Death

Hi Quantum quack,
I have yet to see "Q" express anything articulate, thoughtful or even pleasant. That's why he's on my ignore list. In contrast, I have locked horns with Baleron, Write4u, Fraggle Rocker and others who have a mighty intelligence and are far too interesting not to read their posts. Let me know if Q has an epiphany or says something interesting.

Fear does terrible things to peoples ability to express them selves Mazulu. I have known poster "Q" to be most articulate and expressive in the past and am wondering with my questions what is behind what appears to me to be a fear based reaction.
You see the truth about the human soul is not something that needs to be revealed, as it is better left as a belief or as something to endlessly speculate upon, the same with notions of God, life after death etc...
"For the truth may very well spoil the picture" thus the fear associated when someone speaks knowing a degree of truth [ as distinct from merely a belief] on such matters, even though expressed as a belief. [as there is no supporting empirical evidence] is ridiculed and discredited in to silence or non-effectiveness.
In other words, what ever "great" truths you hold, exercise equally great wisdom in there revelations or not. For great secrets are not granted/entrusted to those who can not hold them close and exercise great wisdom accordingly.
Fear does terrible things to peoples ability to express them selves Mazulu. I have known poster "Q" to be most articulate and expressive in the past and am wondering with my questions what is behind what appears to me to be a fear based reaction.
You see the truth about the human soul is not something that needs to be revealed, as it is better left as a belief or as something to endlessly speculate upon, the same with notions of God, life after death etc...
"For the truth may very well spoil the picture" thus the fear associated when someone speaks knowing a degree of truth [ as distinct from merely a belief] on such matters, even though expressed as a belief. [as there is no supporting empirical evidence] is ridiculed and discredited in to silence or non-effectiveness.
In other words, what ever "great" truth you hold, exercise equally great wisdom in there revelations or not. For great secrets are not granted/entrusted to those who can not hold them close and exercise great wisdom accordingly.

Your point of view is totally fine, understandable and wise. But the hatred that is expressed towards people who want to believe is...not right. If people like Q and baleron don't get hard cold evidence of our beliefs, then they attack those beliefs by calling them "fairytales". That's what this is about. They are afraid because they have attacked things they don't understand.
Sorry, but souls have never been shown to exist, so obviously, you are lying.

You are a scientist and have been exposed to a large volume of scientific discussion . Have you been exposed on how to measure consciousness and what governs it. ? could you elaborate
You are a scientist and have been exposed to a large volume of scientific discussion . Have you been exposed on how to measure consciousness and what governs it. ? could you elaborate
Q is suffering the karmic consequences of what happens when you attack powers that you do not understand.
Your point of view is totally fine, understandable and wise. But the hatred that is expressed towards people who want to believe is...not right. If people like Q and baleron don't get hard cold evidence of our beliefs, then they attack those beliefs by calling them "fairytales". That's what this is about. They are afraid because they have attacked things they don't understand.
Sounds like a familiar story doesn't it?
Mazulu, can you elaborate on the above comment?
Why would a biological zombie be afraid of an afterlife that is doesn't have? Why? Why does Q feel fear? Because deep down, below the neural-chemical camouflage, there is unfathomable depth ofconsciousness. I am not lying when I say there is a soul, a spirit.

Why don't you ask Q why he is engaging in such hostile attacks. Why do I always have to be the one that explains everything?
Why would a biological zombie be afraid of an afterlife that is doesn't have? Why? Why does Q feel fear? Because deep down, below the neural-chemical camouflage, there is unfathomable depth ofconsciousness. I am not lying when I say there is a soul, a spirit.

Why don't you ask Q why he is engaging in such hostile attacks. Why do I always have to be the one that explains everything?
oh... I already know why he and other are engaging in such attacks but wonder why you willingly invite them?
Science is not about taking ones word for it... it is about supporting a claim in a way that others can participate in it's revelation. If you have no way of supporting your claims with out sharable evidence beyond logic then why make the claims?
You don't have any answers.... only unsupported claims to knowledge, like any cult leader might have...

It reminds me of a spirit guide called "Zulu" I "met" up with about 20 years ago....You sound very familiar to me...
In fact I should still have a "dictaphone recording" of the event, involving a female an auto speak session. [ comparing attitude, tone and style might prove interesting ]
Can I ask you a spiritual question?

Do you think God inspired mankind to make use of the "scientific method" for a reason?

If so why do you think so?
The scientific method is incredibly useful when it comes to physical material things. But it is not so useful when it comes to spiritual, metaphysical , mystical things. It's quite a paradox.
The scientific method is incredibly useful when it comes to physical material things. But it is not so useful when it comes to spiritual, metaphysical , mystical things. It's quite a paradox.

Unfortunately you missed out answering the actual questions: which were/are:

Do you think God inspired mankind to make use of the "scientific method" for a reason?

If so why do you think so?

I am not trying to trap you, nor force an understanding. There is a paradox involved if you believe in a spiritual [non-material] God and need to answer the above. If you believe in a "material", "physical" God then there is no paradox.

As a tree hugging Pantheist I see no distinction between "spirit and material" as they are all one and the same. [thus no paradox]
Unfortunately you missed out answering the actual questions: which were/are:

Do you think God inspired mankind to make use of the "scientific method" for a reason?

If so why do you think so?

I am not trying to trap you, nor force an understanding. There is a paradox involved if you believe in a spiritual [non-material] God and need to answer the above. If you believe in a "material", "physical" God then there is no paradox.

As a tree hugging Pantheist I see no distinction between "spirit and material" as they are all one and the same. [thus no paradox]

Hi QQ;

The doctrine or belief that God is the universe and its phenomena

Your second sentecne though, seems give personality to God. Or do you have a narrower definition of pantheism ?
Hi QQ;

The doctrine or belief that God is the universe and its phenomena

Your second sentence though, seems give personality to God. Or do you have a narrower definition of pantheism ?
I am asking the question with in what I believe to be Mazulu's spiritual paradigm not mine.
With in my paradigm the question is not required to be asked.

Of course the scientific method is essential in the sound and rational understanding of God [ as the universe ] and all it's phenomena. [including that which is currently deemed due to our limited understanding to be spiritual etc]
Unfortunately you missed out answering the actual questions: which were/are:

Do you think God inspired mankind to make use of the "scientific method" for a reason?

If so why do you think so?

I am not trying to trap you, nor force an understanding. There is a paradox involved if you believe in a spiritual [non-material] God and need to answer the above. If you believe in a "material", "physical" God then there is no paradox.

As a tree hugging Pantheist I see no distinction between "spirit and material" as they are all one and the same. [thus no paradox]

I don't believe God is a person, I believe God is a creative power. God does not have a personality or particular likes or dislikes. Yet God is part of us and manifests through us. But we, as in the human race, are not the only sentient beings who can use the power of God to do things. I believe that there are immortal Ascended Masters who use the power of God to do good, to inspire and to heal.
Unfortunately you missed out answering the actual questions: which were/are:

Do you think God inspired mankind to make use of the "scientific method" for a reason?

If so why do you think so?

I am not trying to trap you, nor force an understanding. There is a paradox involved if you believe in a spiritual [non-material] God and need to answer the above. If you believe in a "material", "physical" God then there is no paradox.

As a tree hugging Pantheist I see no distinction between "spirit and material" as they are all one and the same. [thus no paradox]

I don't believe God is a person, I believe God is a creative power. God does not have a personality or particular likes or dislikes. Yet God is part of us and manifests through us. But we, as in the human race, are not the only sentient beings who can use the power of God to do things. I believe that there are immortal Ascended Masters who use the power of God to do good, to inspire and to heal.
I don't believe God is a person, I believe God is a creative power. God does not have a personality or particular likes or dislikes. Yet God is part of us and manifests through us. But we, as in the human race, are not the only sentient beings who can use the power of God to do things. I believe that there are immortal Ascended Masters who use the power of God to do good, to inspire and to heal.
ok... I withdraw my questions... I incorrectly assumed the existence of God as an articulated [bible writing] entity in your world view.
However there is an interesting thought you raise..
That the ascendent masters are somehow superior to God, that God is non-existent as an entity persee...and merely a creative force or energy... have I got that right...