Ring fence the story? What does that even mean? They are presented for a reason, and typically it's to convey a principle. Did these events happen? I wasn't there, but the common census is yes ... they did happen. And if they didn't? The difference? I would suggest none, but given a name was chosen, a man identified, and the long history since, I'll suggest these teachings attributed to the Jewish teacher (Rabbi) have been rather influential if not responsible for a great mass of people's basic understanding of the necessity of an honest and truthful spirit, namely the spirit of truth. So, if they are simply made up stories without real historical relevance, they are still valid as teachings about honesty and truth, which extends far beyond these religious roots and far into the future per physics, Astro physics, quantum physics, and every other fact driven system in existence.
As a Christian evolutionist, I'm bound to honor truth as it presents itself as such, particularly after objective validation has been met. Beyond this, I am likewise obligated to honor my subjective truth as a unique individual.
“Ring fence the story? What does that even mean?”
It means take the story on its merit alone, not in context.
“They are presented for a reason, and typically it's to convey a principle.”
Yes that was kind of my point, to take the story on its merits alone, out of context, you can ring fence it (away from Jesus, Bible, religion, ancient times)
“Did these events happen? I wasn't there, but the common census is yes ... they did happen.”
That was not my point, the story could be an account of events that happened and they could have involved Jesus, my point is consensus is they were not in the original book of John.
The story was added later.
Besides the fact they are not in key Greek manuscripts the writing style is different, it was written by someone else.
“And if they didn't? The difference? I would suggest none, but given a name was chosen, a man identified, and the long history since, I'll suggest these teachings attributed to the Jewish teacher (Rabbi)
have been rather influential if not responsible for a great mass of people's basic understanding of the necessity of an honest and truthful spirit,
namely the spirit of truth. So, if they are simply made up stories without real historical relevance, they are still valid as teachings about honesty and truth.”
That’s fine, people can get their morals and philosophy from where they want.
“which extends far beyond these religious roots and far into the future per physics, Astro physics, quantum physics, and every other fact driven system in existence.”
I disagree, Science is built on scepticism and scientific method. The Bible and religion is based on revelation and faith not facts and the scientific method, if it was we would just simply read it to find out exactly what happened 2600 years ago.
Do you think that everything in the OT is factual? NT?
“As a Christian evolutionist, I'm bound to honor truth as it presents itself as such, particularly after objective validation has been met. Beyond this, I am likewise obligated to honor my subjective truth as a unique individual.
This I can relate to, I described myself as a Christian & student of science and after landing my first job, a Christian scientist although I was in fact a technologist (not important)
I came to lose my faith eventually, but I am still interested in the life of Jesus and the Bible.