As an International Student, what are the part time work opportunities in Italy? Do I require learning Italian language to secure a part time job and what are the typical hourly wages?
If you're American, you're probably looking at our country and reaching the depressing conclusion that anywhere in the world, you can't get a job that is better than menial physical labor, without being reasonably fluent in the local language.
This is not true everywhere. In virtually all of western Europe (and much of the east), English is widely studied. It is not as popular in Italy as in, say, Sweden or the Netherlands, but still you'll encounter people there who can carry on a reasonable conversation in English.
Obviously this depends on what kind of work you want to do. In any country you're not going to qualify for a very good job without knowing the local language.
Immigrants in America who are not fluent in English have to settle for jobs like hanging drywall, picking corn, plucking chickens or doing janitorial work. I wouldn't expect the job market to be very much better in Italy.
Italian is not a very difficult language to learn--compared to, say, Russian or Japanese. I strongly suggest that you start studying it--right now!