What, exactly, would cause an honest reevaluation of second amendment interpretation - and when will such discussion and reference not cause all to immediately prostrate themselves in worship of said "holy" amendment?
I really don't want to answer that question. The answer is at once obvious and uncertain. That is to say, I do not wish to enumerate such a terrible cost, yet I am also uncertain that would do anything but harden their fanaticism.
It is one thing to say that not all of them are utterly lost in fancy, but those who aren't probably should stop throwing in for common cause with delusion.
we can also consider↑ what the musician had to say, because he got close enough: The legally-possessed and licensed firearms among band and crew were, under fire, useless. And having time to scribble his last words? It reads like a completely bullshit line, but that's the thing. We've heard the guys who have been to war tell us what two minutes under fire feels like. Nine minutes? Yeah, that'll leave a mark. And, you know, was it Kutcher who threw in from afar? (I'm uncertain what his shift on Amendment II actually means, but there is also that.)
But, to revisit the point:
• Sometime down the line I will acknowledge the point that once again it is only when these issues get close enough—Keeter literally uses the word "proximity" to make the point. Then again, when it's the imminent death of a shooting rampage, okay, you know, that's a bit different than what we usually complain about, like why Sen. Portman couldn't have recognized the problem with his attitudes toward homosexuals before his son had to make a difficult stand, or why Nancy Reagan couldn't have recognized the need for certain research before it was her husband who was dying ....
I think we know what it takes, or will take, for many, and in that measure what will also fail for at least as many. We are dealing with a particular degree and manner of fanaticism.
And it's also just really unpleasant to think about. It's like other manners of fanaticism; other people need to suffer for them, and that just sucks. And the only thing that ever really stops them is if that suffering strikes too close. We saw it in the Gay Fray; we see it in medical research; we hear it from former antivax; &c.,
ad nauseam.
The bit with the Republican clamoring for abortion during a pregnancy scare would be funny, except, well, you know, I admit I have no idea if abortion is ever funny; I've just never witnessed women during such moments that it is.
(And, besides, what's the joke? What if men had abortions? Yeah, we'd make it a competition, and instead of D&X, we'd just tell them to cut and then we'll shotgun what's left of the little fucker to see who can pitch the farthest on egress. Fetal shotgun sharting. Just how the hell is that funny?)
And it's one of those times when religion won't help. As much as I would love to rap my knuckles gently on their crania and singsong remind that God's will is as God's will does, and that the Lord works in mysterious ways, I'm an American, and conservative Christians decided they knew better than God
decades ago, so, yeah, whatever, something about futility.
Oh, right. Yeah ... er ... I'm not certain what to say or even think about that range of outcome. We know what it takes, but, you know, fuck all, if we can get out of this without society going so far to hell, I'd really rather.
Then again, that part means ignoring the hardliners, and we have to remember, these are people who would purport to enforce themselves with the guns they possess and carry. So, yeah, we could always try that: Ignore them and have a responsible discussion at least until they start shooting in order to get everyone's attention.
But, yeah, I don't really have much for a plan on what comes after that.