lab-grown meat

This is a great idea and it will reduce environmental impact.
I think it is a wonderful idea. I hate the corporate farm economy that we have developed. It is obscene how we treat animals in those places. The idea of getting to eat meat without having to kill an animal is the best. I could care less that it is meat from a 'petri dish'.
No way!
(shades of star trek food replicator?)
I much prefer:
One shot one kill and 50-80 lbs of venison.
I am not sure how they slaughter animals today. When I was young, they were whacked on the head with a sledge hammer.

In the wild, many predators pounce & start eating the prey before they are actually dead.

We modern Homo Sapiens are a bit more humane than those predators.
the problem is that the stem cells can only grow the muscle and not the marbleization of fat interspersed that creates tenderness and flavor. a solution is being researched though and specifically heart healthy fats.
the problem is that the stem cells can only grow the muscle and not the marbleization of fat interspersed that creates tenderness and flavor. a solution is being researched though and specifically heart healthy fats.
Or nerves. I want my dinner to be able to suffer.
it does not taste the same. otherwise, everyone would eat tofu instead of meat.

Question is the meat made of proteins ? been red in color it must have some myoglobin otherwise a color is added . So the question who synthesized the protein ? Is this actually worms grown then ground meat?.
and, then
We have had a major increase in coyote populations here. Their howling has gotten closer on the peninsula in the iowa river where I live. I let the dog out to bark at them, and have found their scat at the edge of the property(200 feet from the chicken coop).
“We’re seeing as much as 75 percent mortality with some populations, with predation results ranging overall in the neighborhood of 50 to 85 percent.” Even at the more conservative average of 75 percent, that is three out of every four fawns being lost to coyotes.
Read more:

Gee Darn

Looking bad:
Most years, the deer come to the apple trees and harvest apples from the trees as well as getting the ones on the ground. This year they ain't eaten a single one.

(I don't think the game is gonna be worth the candle, but I'm gonna buy the deer tags anyway)
I am going to say what everyone else is thinking and may be too polite to say...

What the fuck dude?

Would you know from where the protein comes from pig. beef, chicken or worm, if they are put through a meat grinder? than added a filler.
(I worked extracting proteins from beef and pigs .) after you you extract the pure actomyosin, they are the same, what makes a difference is the quantity of myoglobin and glycoprotein than the appearance and flavor comes .
The word growing meat in the lab is very incomplete.
Would you know from where the protein comes from pig. beef, chicken or worm, if they are put through a meat grinder? than added a filler.
(I worked extracting proteins from beef and pigs .) after you you extract the pure actomyosin, they are the same, what makes a difference is the quantity of myoglobin and glycoprotein than the appearance and flavor comes .
The word growing meat in the lab is very incomplete.
It's not ground up worms.
Funny 'ha ha'?

Or 'funny' in the sense of wanting to curl up in the corner in a foetal position?

At the moment, I am considering doing both at the same time.
It just made me burst out laughing. Timojin getting the wrong end of the stick as usual, introducing this ridiculous counter-subject of worms, and then you getting hot under the collar about it......
Would you know from where the protein comes from pig. beef, chicken or worm, if they are put through a meat grinder? than added a filler.
(I worked extracting proteins from beef and pigs .) after you you extract the pure actomyosin, they are the same, what makes a difference is the quantity of myoglobin and glycoprotein than the appearance and flavor comes .
The word growing meat in the lab is very incomplete.
Actually another process I've heard of uses slaughterhouse waste (blood) to grow maggots, which are used as chicken feed.