One can do a simple experiment to show how the fundamental premises of the sciences of life, are half baked. Technically this make it socially acceptable pseudo-science, that gets a pass.
If we take away a single molecular species from the cell; water, nothing in the cell will work. Life becomes as inanimate as a rock down to each molecule and ion. Next, we substitute the missing water with alternate solvents to see what happens. What we will find is very few isolated things work. However, nothing global like life will appear even with all the organics of life in place.
Anyone with common sense would conclude there is no single molecule in the cell or in life that has such a global impact on everything that makes up life. Water is need for the DNA, for ions and for the global integration called life. Water has even more impact than DNA since the DNA itself needs water or it is useless as a template.
The question is, why isn't water given the top dog status, when it comes to any explanation of life, seeing nothing else in the living state has the same global impact as water? Also it has no substitute. Does leaving out such as pivotal variable like water, make the current science, pseudo-science? The traditions are incomplete, not in a tiny detail, but in the most globally impactful variable, yet why is what is being used not called pseudo? Maybe someone can explain the dual standard? Does political science decide what is called pseudo sort of like science PC using an irrational standard.
There is a socially acceptable pseudo science connected to alternate life, that is often used to refute the water observation. Alternate life has never been proven any better than big foot, but still gets promoted to science to avoid answer the water question and pseudo science.
Why is leaving out a main variable not called pseudo-science. Is it because casino math can be used to make predictions and therefore cloud this truth? Is biology actually applied science and not pure science since leaving out water makes it impure, but impure or not the traditions have practical use? How does this impact extrapolation like evolution, if you start with a faulty main premise?