junk food....do you eat it?

Yogurt: Its either cheese that is too new, milk that is too old, or icecream that is too warm.
The stuff is an abomination before man and nature.
Clockwood said:
Yogurt: Its either cheese that is too new, milk that is too old, or icecream that is too warm.
The stuff is an abomination before man and nature.

yogurt has live culture bacteria that allow humans to live healthies, happier, and longer life. If only people would eat it on daily basis. Lactobacillus and thermophilus bacteria are good for our digestion and are so probiotic.
I became a vegetarian a few weeks ago, It actually makes you feel better and energetic. I'm not kidding and I never thought I would say this but I SERIOUSLY recommend people to stay veggie for a while and see how energetic they feel. Lions and Tigers eat meat and they also sleep 20 hours a day. Horses, Elephants, Gorrillas, and Cattles , all eat forage and have tremendous strength. Its because all energy comes from the sun and to the plants, by the time it gets to animals the energy level has already depleted. Anyway don't let me bore you, Try it for a few days and see yourself.
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by the time it gets to animals the energy level has already depleted
Actually it's wrong. You have to eat more vegetables to get the same ammount of energy as from meat. And it's not personal experience, but physics and biology.

p.s. I've been a vegetarian for some years now.
Well I am confused, what energy cycle are you refering to? Are you sure of this? I always thought it was Sun-Plants-Animals. Meat isn't even any of the organic sugars but mostly protein.
Of course.
Plants absorb the least energy, then herbivores eat the plants and by eating lots of them absorb more energy from plants than plants do from the sun.
The carnivores and omnivores then eat herbivores which have more concentrated energy in them, so to say.
Okay I think I know what you are trying to say- Concentration per unit.
Actually it's wrong. You have to eat more vegetables to get the same ammount of energy as from meat. And it's not personal experience, but physics and biology.

It all depends on what you use the energy for, plants don't move independently and barely metabolize as in higher animals so they don't require concentrated amounts of energy. Horses use more power than many other animals so they need to eat as many raw energy as possible, this being forage or fruits. Meat is not a reliable energy source, and definately not as much energy as in plants such as Sugar cane, Corn, Broccoli, and Potato(your carbohydrates).

Plants absorb the least energy
No I think you are mistaken and confused, they absorb just the right amount of energy required for their metabolism and well being
What according to you is raw energy?
Last time I read such a word combination was in a fantasy novel. :)

No I think you are mistaken and confused, they absorb just the right amount of energy required for their metabolism and well being
It still is and remains less than a cow eating a whole stack of grass.
Energy quantity per time: cow wins.

There is a reason why we get more energy from burning wood than from solar cells.
What according to you is raw energy?
The more direct the source of energy the more raw it is, thats why Glucose is raw energy for humans, which by the way is produced by plants in photosynthesis

Last time I read such a word combination was in a fantasy novel.
Well that may be true

“ No I think you are mistaken and confused, they absorb just the right amount of energy required for their metabolism and well being ”

It still is and remains less than a cow eating a whole stack of grass.
Energy quantity per time: cow wins.
True, I agree to that, but this has nothing to do with anything. The fact is that plants are the first source of energy on the food chain. If a human eats nothing but plants for a whole year he will have more enegry than if he eats nothing but meat that whole year, even a high school student knows this.

There is a reason why we get more energy from burning wood than from solar cells.
You mean burning coal, because last I checked there is very little energy in burning wood as well.
True, I agree to that, but this has nothing to do with anything. The fact is that plants are the first source of energy on the food chain. If a human eats nothing but plants for a whole year he will have more enegry than if he eats nothing but meat that whole year, even a high school student knows this.
But you'd have to eat more plants than meat. Plants have more percent of water in them than meat. In simple words: you'd have to eat a bigger dish of plants than if it were meat or plants and meat.

I'm not a high school student, so you can excuse my confusion.

You mean burning coal, because last I checked there is very little energy in burning wood as well.
Greatly sufficient for my example with solar cells.

The more direct the source of energy the more raw it is
Everything in this universe is made of energy.
Yes, everything in the universe is made of energy, that is why we consume.

I don't eat much junk food, because I workout a lot, and it makes my stomach hurt, but occasionally(sp?) I will smash on a bag of Cheetos or Doritos.
Avatar said:
But you'd have to eat more plants than meat. Plants have more percent of water in them than meat. In simple words: you'd have to eat a bigger dish of plants than if it were meat or plants and meat.

Moreover, plants tend to contain more components that cannot be digested. Cellulose for instance. Plant eaters have developed special digestive tracts to cope with this. We aren't really specialized grazers and hence have trouble digesting plants efficiently.

Therefore in the end we need to eat more plant biomass than animal biomass to get the same out of it.

To make a kilogram of cow you need much more energy than to make a kilogram of lettuce. That is because the cow needs to digest plants itself and build animal tissues from this food source and live at the same time. All costs quite a lot of energy.

From this perspective it is better to eat plants. If you are concerned about energy waste in the whole process.

However, animal food will give you more energy and nurishment when compared to plant material when consuming the same amount.

about feeling better when switching to a vegetarian diet:

I think this is probably because you suddenly are forced to eat more healthy. Cook yourself from fresh ingredients. Go to nice restaurants. Avoid fast food.

That doesn't mean you could arrive at the same effect if you treated your omnivourus diet in the same way, that is, cook yourself with fresh ingredients, go to nice restourants, avoid fast food. Moderate your intake.
Since you're here spurious, is there something harmful for me in me not eating meat and if there is, how can that be counterbalanced?

p.s. This thread is off topic as it is. :p
I eat crisps, chips, hamburgers, biscuits, cakes, chocolate, vulcanised rubber and squashed meat pies.
I like junkfood but don't buy it. I have little self control and being single means no one is there to admonish me for scarfing an entire box of chocolate donuts at once, so...I DO! Therefore the junkfood purchase ban. I do hit fastfood about 3 times a week and I love Coca Cola and beer, not together of course but they are full of sugars. I'm grateful that I inherited my father's build: Tall and lean. Praise Cheeses!
Everything in this universe is made of energy
Yes. Some matter however can more readily be converted to energy than others, these are what we call raw energy. In truth our discussion depends on the part of animal and plants you eat. The fatty(complex sugars) part of animals have a lot of carbon chains and can be converted to loads of energy, though the metabolism takes a relatively longer time than simple sugars. Plants are basically composed of cellulose, Glucose, and all those nice "ready energy" organic carbon chains; plants do not have as much energy as fat but since they are relatively simpler sugars it takes less energy to break them down and they are almost always readily available as raw energy. I agree we humans have to eat a bigger dish of plants, horses eat loads of plants but are fitter and stronger than many carnivores. Its not just horses but many strong animals eat vegetable....though in loads and loads of it.examples of high "ready energy" foods: Rice, Pasta, Potato, Sugar, Orange, cocoa(chocolate), Hay(for horses). Meat is mostly protein with very little carbonhydrates unless its the fats. Of cause no one can eat fat alone :) . The bottom line is that plants also give vitality with their vitamins and nurishment, which are necessary for sustaining proper energy level and well being. If you are looking for protein you can't beat animals but if you are looking for energy you need to look into plants and their many derivatives. To be honest my first post here wasn't very educative and was quite assinine I think.