Our ENTIRE mathematical system of reasoning used for physics is based upon proportional relationships...
That's a very vague statement. Can you explain what you mean by it?
There are hints everywhere that quantum spin and entanglement doesn't work anything like versions of angular momentum whose dynamics are familiar because the rotation is slower than c.
Really? Not anything like it, eh? Why do we use the term "spin" to refer to something that is utterly unlike angular momentum, then? Can you explain?
One clue is that even though we accelerate two counterrotating beams of protons in the LHC to 0.9999999c, and they smash into pieces of everything else imaginable in creation, they do not completely disintegrate into the constituent photons we know make them up because we can create all of those particles from appropriate energies of photons if we wish to.
What gave you the idea that all particles are made of photons?
No matter how close the final velocity of the collision is to c, the energy (mass) we can pump into the colliding particles really have no limit because once accelerated to near c in one direction, more energy can be added by pushing it even harder in any one of an infinite number of other directions. Mind you, you would need to be very quick in order to do this. Quicker, even, than the speed of light, IN ACTUAL FACT. But it is possible.
Are you claiming it is possible to push matter to a speed faster than the speed of light? That's contrary to the theory of relativity.
So finally you must be convinced that quantum spin / entanglement actually occurs faster even than light can traverse the distance between entangled events, and that it takes no interval of time as measured by the linear propagation of light in order for entanglement to do whatever it does.
Yes, but you can't use entanglement as a way to send information from one place to another faster than light.
A pair of photons can be entangled and literally sent to opposite ends of the universe at the speed of light.
No, I don't think so. You can entangle them, sure, but if you want them at opposite ends of the universe you're going to have to entangle them
here and then move one of them to
there, and that movement will be slower than the speed of light.
And when they arrive, if they are still entangled, whatever happens to the polarization or spin of one of them will instantly impact the spin or polarization of the other, in much less TIME than it would take for another photon traveling at the speed of light to reach either of them.
Well, there'll be a measurable correlation, yes. But it won't allow you to send a useful message from one to the other faster than the speed of light.
Forget about inserting entanglement in place of something (or anything) that is proportional to time in a physics equation.
What does this sentence mean, exactly?
You can't even use entanglement time there without division by zero, because that is how much time it takes for quantum entanglement spin flips to transfer from one end of an entangled quantum wave function to the other. How much space must be traversed in order to see something spinning clockwise to flip to counterclockwise? Answer: NONE. And that is also the reason that the otherwise valid mathematical idea of three mutually orthonormal spatial coordinates of space commingled with a complex one-way arrow of time is utter physical nonsense.
You're not connecting one idea clearly to the next in this paragraph. It's kind of stream-of-consciousness.
It sounds like you think that somebody has suggested that time is a complex number, or something. Is that what you're saying?
Every one of those isotropic spatial dimensions is no different from the rest in any manner other than a direction, and there isn't any reason other than Euclid's solids applied to analysis of geometry to pick three of them as special, any more than selecting a single spatial dimension and two other mutually orthogonal phase angles is unique or special. There is only one true geometry that works in any direction of travel or spin, and its basis is 100% time, not a complex number proportional to time tacked onto a complex 4D interval as an afterthought.
Ah, One True Geometry. Are we doing religion, now, or science?
What theory are you referring to that talks about a complex number proportional to time, tacked onto a complex 4D interval as an afterthought? Whose theory is that?
Geometry, other than for relationships between solid (bound energy) matter, has no meaning.
You know that energy is not a substance, right? Matter isn't "bound energy" (whatever that means).
And that "other than for..." clause you have in that sentence leaves a pretty wide scope for geometry.
Time and energy, and events pertaining to interaction between bound and unbound energy is all that exists.
Are you claiming that all things are made of time and/or energy? There's that problem again that energy isn't a substance from which things can be made.
Entangled energy is matter.
No. It really isn't.
Entanglement provides matter with the permanence that is an illusion both of matter itself, and the spaces between particles of matter.
You need to unpack this sweeping claim.
Didn't you just admit that there was, above?
There is no "space". Any amount of space in any direction can be rendered spatially dimensionless by suitable choice of reference frame.
I don't think so. Can you explain?
The edifice and scaffolding of science based on the speed of the linear propagation of light as a hard limit to energy or spin transfer will be incomplete for as long as the true nature of time is ignored.
And let me guess? You know the true nature of time, and all the professional physicists in the world are blind to it. Am I right?
Things science doesn't know or can't manipulate with the limited tools available to it aren't pseudoscience or untrue simply because science doesn't acknowledge, or is willfully ignorant of them, either.
Pseudoscience is nonsense dressed in the trappings of science without actually being science. Things science doesn't know, whatever those things might be, could be pseudoscience or something else.