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Valued Senior Member
Can someone explain the basic architecture of the ITANIUM FAMILY OF PROCESSORS?
also how is the family different from x86s and Pentium ranges,is there a difference in their bus sizes,pentium is 64bit as i know it,is ITANIUM bus-size higher ie greater than 64-BIT...


Originally posted by zion
Can someone explain the basic architecture of the ITANIUM FAMILY OF PROCESSORS?
also how is the family different from x86s and Pentium ranges,is there a difference in their bus sizes,pentium is 64bit as i know it,is ITANIUM bus-size higher ie greater than 64-BIT...


Well, I could... but it'd be deeply boring. Instead, why not head over to ?
Everything you wanted to know, and a lot you didn't.
Have a read of Intels site.

What's interesting, to me, is that the DEC Alpha designers have been moved to Intel to work on the Itanium64. Alpha's have been around for a long time so their experience could be crucial.
Alpha is a great processor and works like a Horse. 486 is basically a donkey. Now if you cross them, you get a jack ass (Itanium) that can not evolve....

What they should have done is to develop the next generation of Alpha. That is too much to ask. It is like Hundai producing a Ferrari or Rolls Royce....

I earn my living as a VMS system manager. It saddened me greatly when Compaq announced they had sold Alpha to Intel. Intel will indeed bastardize the technology. I just hope that Intel realise the power of Alpha and change their technology to follow the EV8 trail. Doubt they will though.
That is always the story of American business. During DEC's glorified days, the upper management started playing golf and did not bring in fresh blood to re-energize the company. In the meantime Compaq had the grand aspirations to take on IBM without any real culture or management team. Getting IBM rejects does not help either. Now it is Intel's turn. Here the roadblock is "Not-invented-here" syndrome. So, no matter what you or any analysts say - it is not going anywhere.

But dont expect anything from IBM either. PowerPC could be a good chip, but IBM thinks they can get more out of s90/linux systems. So one of these days, when Mr. Gates 64 bit software is ready, he will find a decent chip or develop on his own. Bill knows that you can do only so much with a personal computer.

Then Larry the Lizard will complain that Bill is at it again....

That is American Business for you....
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