ISU (Infinite Spongy Universe) Model - SciForums Update 2018
Post #1
Opening post, new thread, re. questions on 2016 update thread
The answer to your question encompasses the thinking of the whole layman science enthusiast’s model, the ISU, which is really a good excuse to start a new thread to update here at SciForums, and lay the story out. If you or others are of a mind to try to visualize it as I go, then I’ll work directly on answering your question.
First, I visualize the multiple big bang arena landscape hypothesized in the ISU model:
I hope you can see the arenas in their various states. Each big bang arena wave emerges from a preceding big crunch.
In terms of the model’s preconditions to a big bang event, when two or more “parent” arena waves expand into the same space, that sets off a swirling gravitational rendezvous that ends up producing a big crunch out the shared galactic material from the merging mature big bang arenas.
The model contains various limits and thresholds, and one of them is the limit on gravitational compression as a new big crunch forms; that limit is call the “critical capacity” of a big crunch (pretty self explanatory, but I’ll provide more details of the wave mechanics if the thread goes forward far enough).
The crunch reaches critical capacity, at which time the gravitational compression forces the particles making up the crunch to collapse, giving up their individual space, i.e., the particles are said to be negated into their composite wave energy, causing them to collapse into a dense core of wave energy. As the collapse occurs, that hot, dense core emerges from the event and bursts into expansion; a big bang event has occurred, and a new expanding arena is “born”.
Particles in the ISU model are called wave-particles, and I will explain them and other particulars of this scenario in detail, but first, to begin to address your question. The evolution of the standing wave patterns that represent the presence of wave-particles in our own big bang arena is the same as it is and has always been for each new arena that forms in the greater universe, across infinite space and eternal time. It is part of the “sameness doctrine” of the ISU, which I will emphasize in this thread as we go on.
But readers should note that the model incorporates some quite alternative ideas, and the visualizations that I invoke assume axioms that I call The three Infinities: Infinite space, eternity (the universe had no beginning and has always existed), and is filled with an endless amount of wave energy (energy is carried by waves traversing space).
Every thing in the ISU is composed of gravitational wave energy, and so “energy” takes the form of waves traversing space, as orchestrated by a set of invariant natural laws, that include limits and thresholds that determine when events happen.
To be continued …
Post #1
Opening post, new thread, re. questions on 2016 update thread
QW: glad to read that you have your whole ISU model in your mind (no sarcasm) It is our privilege to think in images like that at this stage.
Question: how would you see standing waves arising in such a permanent theater?
The answer to your question encompasses the thinking of the whole layman science enthusiast’s model, the ISU, which is really a good excuse to start a new thread to update here at SciForums, and lay the story out. If you or others are of a mind to try to visualize it as I go, then I’ll work directly on answering your question.
First, I visualize the multiple big bang arena landscape hypothesized in the ISU model:
I hope you can see the arenas in their various states. Each big bang arena wave emerges from a preceding big crunch.
In terms of the model’s preconditions to a big bang event, when two or more “parent” arena waves expand into the same space, that sets off a swirling gravitational rendezvous that ends up producing a big crunch out the shared galactic material from the merging mature big bang arenas.
The model contains various limits and thresholds, and one of them is the limit on gravitational compression as a new big crunch forms; that limit is call the “critical capacity” of a big crunch (pretty self explanatory, but I’ll provide more details of the wave mechanics if the thread goes forward far enough).
The crunch reaches critical capacity, at which time the gravitational compression forces the particles making up the crunch to collapse, giving up their individual space, i.e., the particles are said to be negated into their composite wave energy, causing them to collapse into a dense core of wave energy. As the collapse occurs, that hot, dense core emerges from the event and bursts into expansion; a big bang event has occurred, and a new expanding arena is “born”.
Particles in the ISU model are called wave-particles, and I will explain them and other particulars of this scenario in detail, but first, to begin to address your question. The evolution of the standing wave patterns that represent the presence of wave-particles in our own big bang arena is the same as it is and has always been for each new arena that forms in the greater universe, across infinite space and eternal time. It is part of the “sameness doctrine” of the ISU, which I will emphasize in this thread as we go on.
But readers should note that the model incorporates some quite alternative ideas, and the visualizations that I invoke assume axioms that I call The three Infinities: Infinite space, eternity (the universe had no beginning and has always existed), and is filled with an endless amount of wave energy (energy is carried by waves traversing space).
Every thing in the ISU is composed of gravitational wave energy, and so “energy” takes the form of waves traversing space, as orchestrated by a set of invariant natural laws, that include limits and thresholds that determine when events happen.
To be continued …