ISU (Infinite Spongy Universe Model of Cosmology) Update 2016

The arena landscape, and the Perfect Cosmological Principle, from Wiki
"The Perfect Cosmological Principle states that the Universe is homogeneous and isotropic in space and time. In this view the universe looks the same everywhere (on the large scale), the same as it always has and always will. It is the principle underpinning steady-state theory and emerging from Chaotic inflation theory.[1][2][3]
The Perfect Cosmological Principle is an extension of the Cosmological Principle, which asserts that the universe changes its gross feature with time, but not across space."

As mentioned earlier, I invoke the PCP into the ISU model.

The arena landscape and Arena Action would be characterized by Big Bang events here and there, now and then, across all space. The presence of such a landscape across the greater universe answers part of the question about preconditions to our Big Bang, i.e. how do big crunches form, but the question of how crunches collapse/bang into new arenas remains, and addressing that leads to the process of Quantum Action.
Arena Action and Quantum Action, the two main processes of the ISU model

Arena Action, which I have describe to some extent above, is the process that governs the action and interaction of Big Bang arenas to produce big crunches, and quantum action governs the action of the collapse/bang of big crunches, particle formation, particle interactions, and quantum gravity.

The two key processes are at work together at all times, and each process has its specific features. Given the Three Infinities, the combined action processes working in each arena feature the collapse/bang, rapid expansion due to the force of energy density equalization, quantum processes to establish and maintain the presence of particles, expansion momentum imparted to particles as they form, the effect of the force of quantum gravity as particles fill the expanding arenas, a changing balance between the forces of energy density equalization fueled expansion momentum and gravity as the arena matures, formation of stars and galactic structure, the separation of galaxies which have conserved the expansion momentum of their constituent particles, dark energy causing acceleration of expansion, expansion interruption as arenas intersect and overlap, the swirling rendezvous of galaxies and galactic dark matter in the overlap space, the eventual formation of a new Big Crunch at the center of gravity of each arena overlap, followed by a collapse/bang when a threshold of gravitational compression called critical capacity is reached, and then the initial rapid expansion of the new arena, all of which results in the defeat of entropy, and brings us to "go" in the next generation of Big Bang arenas across the landscape.

I have many pieces to address, and I will try to do so in a series of short posts that cover the basics of the specific features of the processes.
Focus on the two basic forces of the ISU model, and a note about the variable speed of light

Those action processes are at the heart of the mechanics of the two major forces mentioned in post #42, gravity and "equalization". I simplified the two forces into one word for each as an salute to the simplicity of the "bottom up" methodology, but immediately let me expand on the force referred to as "equalization". In three words it is "energy density equalization", and in a sentence, that means when there are two wave energy density environments adjacent to each other, and not contained in the form of matter, they will merge into each other and their energy density will equalize across their combined contiguous space.

A fine example of each of the two forces at work is at the collapse/bang point in the preconditions to our arena's Big Bang. Quantum gravity is the force that brought together galactic material and cold dark matter remnants of each parent arena, via a swirling rendezvous that took place in their overlap space, to gradually form a Big Crunch. The eventual collapse/bang of the Big Crunch results in what mainstream science refers to as faster than light (FTL) acceleration of the resulting hot dense energy ball. That expansion is fueled by energy density equalization in the ISU model, which is the quintessential application of that force. The circumstances of it feature the very high energy density released by the collapse/bang, which immediately begins to equalize with the very low energy density surrounding the crunch, and the result is, as they like to say, FTL expansion of the hot dense energy ball into the surrounding space left bare by the accumulation of the crunch.

Note: The speed of light in the ISU is dependent on the local wave energy density, and is variable across space that has different wave energy density environments.
Parent arenas, intersection, overlap, formation of the Big Crunch, gravitational compression, Critical Capacity, ready to collapse/bang

The formation of a Big Crunch is destined to occur from the instant that two or more mature expanding Big Bang arenas intersect. As the "parent" arenas continue to expand, the intersection becomes an overlap of shared space. Galaxy filled mature arenas, capable of producing a Big Crunch, are in a state of high entropy, and they produce new low entropy "infant" arenas via a Big Crunch in the overlap space; thus arena action defeats entropy throughout the greater universe.

The point of intersection becomes the center of gravity of the overlap space, and it is around that center of gravity that the galactic material of the parents gets "captured" by gravity. The parent arenas are continuing to expand, and as they do, more and more of their galaxies are captured in the overlap space and swirl toward the center of gravity, forming the Big Crunch.

In the ISU model, a Big Bang arena is quantized, meaning that when a Big Crunch is complete, it contains a certain amount of energy in the form of galactic material, remnants, and gravitational wave energy. It is essentially the same amount of energy for every Big Crunch/new arena. A crunch cannot collapse until that "critical capacity" is reached, and when it is reached, the crunch collapses and "bangs", proving the required quantum of energy is present, and stopping the rest of the parents galactic material from falling in.

At the point in time of critical capacity, gravitational compression will cause the "negation" of the constituent particles in the crunch, which triggers the collapse/bang.

It is this "critical capacity" that keeps the ISU from falling into one final Big Crunch.
The arena is quantum, and particles are quantum; at different ends of the size scale

The collapse/bang is a quantum event, not only because a macro arena quantum of energy has been captured in the Big Crunch, but because, at the quantum level (micro level), quantum action is also playing out to orchestrate the collapse/bang. There is a striking similarity between macro level arena action and micro level quantum action.

To begin to describe the similarity, think of an expanding Big Bang arena as a spherically expanding energy wave, containing a macro quantum of energy. When two or more arena waves intersect, they produce a new Big Bang arena, and that "infant" arena is also a macro quantum wave of energy, just setting out on its expansion phase, fueled by the force of energy density equalization, as mentioned previously.

Taking that to the micro quantum level, you should note that in the ISU, particles are composed of wave energy in quantum increments. What that means is all space is filled with wave energy, and when two or more energy waves intersect, they form a high density spot at the point of intersection because energy from the participating parent waves combines at that spot as they overlap. The energy density in the subsequent overlap is combined, and is much higher than the energy density in either of the individual parent waves. You may now see that to be the case at both the arena level and the quantum level. The high density spot that forms at the arena level is the Big Crunch, and the high density spot at the quantum level is just that, a spot where the energy of the parent quantum waves combines, and thus stands out from the surrounding lower energy density of either parent wave.

The Big Crunch, a macro quantum of energy, consists of the micro level quantum energy contained in the particles that made up the galactic material that got captured in the crunch. That is why I refer to the collapse/bang as a quantum event.
I really find it hard to think that all the matter and energy in our observable universe and any extension of it could be crushed to the size of this Earth let alone anything smaller.
It is this going from nothing, well something very very small, as predicted in BBT that has me wanting to reject the theory. Well not reject it in the scientific sence but in the every day sence of"do you really think it could happen that way".
But expanding from a point is one thing getting it all back together is harder to accept.
You know how it goes unpack a dress shirt and you can never get it back in the box.
Please help me out here how do you get a universe back in its box.
I really find it hard to think that all the matter and energy in our observable universe and any extension of it could be crushed to the size of this Earth let alone anything smaller.
It is this going from nothing, well something very very small, as predicted in BBT that has me wanting to reject the theory. Well not reject it in the scientific sence but in the every day sense of"do you really think it could happen that way".
My sentiments too. I see the consensus evolving away from the hard line BBT, and some movement toward bringing in quantum gravity, if they ever get there. That doesn't stop me from speculations in advance of it, lol.
But expanding from a point is one thing getting it all back together is harder to accept.
You know how it goes unpack a dress shirt and you can never get it back in the box.
Please help me out here how do you get a universe back in its box.
Exactly, you can't do it.

Technically, BBT does not currently say it goes back in the box. That used to be one of the possible outcomes of GR, but since accelerating expansion has been detected, there is a positive cosmological constant, and the mainstream has put off trying to predict it goes back in the box. I think the consensus now is the "heat death" of the universe, like I mentioned earlier with my link and reference to the Big Rip. Of course, the ISU never ends, so I'm staying put. I try to keep the speculations connected to known science, and go into the unknown step by step. You are kind to read and post.
Particles, standing waves, high density spots, location & momentum, energy inflow vs out flow, quantum gravity, negation, collapse

At the point in time of critical capacity, gravitational compression will cause the "negation" of the constituent particles in the crunch, which triggers the collapse/bang.

Having described particles in the ISU as being composed of wave energy in quantum increments, I'll add that their presence takes the form of complex patterns of standing waves, with two components, inflowing and out flowing wave energy. A complex pattern consists of contained energy within the particle space, and is sustained by inflowing wave energy form surrounding space. The particle's out flowing wave is spherical, and represents wave energy exiting the standing wave pattern from the particle boundary, in all directions. If you consider the idea of a particle at rest, then the inflowing wave energy will equal the out flowing wave energy, and the contained wave energy will remain the same.

The complex patten of wave energy that fills the particle space has numerous wave intersections, and there is a momentary internal high energy density spot at each intersection. The presence or location of the particle is established by those high energy density spots, and I propose that the number of high energy density spots at any instant is proportional to the particle mass.

The natural momentum of a particle is in the direction of the net highest source of inflowing wave energy. The reasoning behind that hypothesis is that the high energy density spots that establish the particle location, are constantly forming as the inflowing wave energy enters, and therefore more spots are forming toward the highest wave energy source. Since the spots are momentary, and the presence/location is determined by the pattern of high density spots within the particle, relative motion is achieved by this quantum action; quantum gravity.

The particle space therefore can be thought of as being somewhat spongy, because in a higher wave energy density environment, like in a forming Big Crunch, more and more energy, and therefore more and more high energy density spots, fill the individual particle spaces.

Negation that occurs when a Big Crunch collapse/bangs is an event characterized by all of the constituent particles in the crunch giving up their individual internal space, and collapsing into what I call nature's highest density wave energy environment, dense state wave energy, at the core of the collapse. Then comes the bang, also referred to as a "bounce".
The "bang" is better described as a "bounce" off of nature's dense state wave energy at the core of the collapse

Negation that occurs when a Big Crunch collapse/bangs is an event characterized by all of the constituent particles in the crunch giving up their individual internal space, and collapsing into what I call nature's highest density wave energy environment, dense state wave energy, at the core of the collapse. Then comes the bang, which is actually more of a "bounce" in the ISU.

I'll describe the concept of the "bounce", but I want to dispel the idea that there is any such thing as infinite energy density, at least not in the ISU model. Though there is implied infinite energy density associated with BBT, suggesting that the Big Bang universe began ~14 billion years ago from an infinitely dense point space. However, the highest wave energy density in the ISU is associated with the collapse of a Big Crunch. That maximum density occurs at the center of the collapsing crunch, as the particles being negated cause a huge collapsing energy wave inward, compressing the contained wave energy more and more in the final burst of gravitation compression.

The peak density exists for only a moment, and then the in falling constituent energy encounters nature's maximum limit of wave energy density, and can do nothing but bounce off and begin the rapid expansion phase of the crunch/bang.

A new arena, now composed of ball of hot dense wave energy from the negated particles, begins expanding into one of nature's lowest wave energy density environments, the space vacated by the in swirling galactic material from the parent arenas. The force of that rapid expansion is referred to as energy density equalization between two energy density environments at the opposite ends of the wave energy density spectrum, as mentioned earlier.

It is out of this expanding and cooling high energy density wave energy that particles begin to form.
What are these particles and what are their properties.
Give me until over the weekend, or so, to write and post some new word salad on them; I have a few speculations and hypotheses that come into play to account for the decay of the expanding hot dense ball of energy, particle formation, separation momentum, first round super stars, super novae, energy rich dust clouds, heavy stars, and galaxy formation, etc., not to mention my ideas about dark matter.

As a cop out though, I don't know how particles get their charge yet in my model, or any new physics or evidence of anything, so ultimately we will somehow end up with particles you will recognize at the fundamental level. However, the fundamental particles of the Standard Model are said to have no internal composition, but in the ISU model there is another "deeper" level I call the foundational level. There we have the standing waves, high energy density spots, quantum gravity, and my model's equivalent to the quantum foam.
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No I am afraid you dont get the weekend off that easy. I demand you stay at your post and work out these details. Anything short of full and total commitment is not acceptable...
Oh I suppose you deserve a break but you must do overtime all next week.
No I am afraid you dont get the weekend off that easy. I demand you stay at your post and work out these details. Anything short of full and total commitment is not acceptable...
Oh I suppose you deserve a break but you must do overtime all next week.
Lol, Yes sir, sir.
It is out of this expanding and cooling high energy density wave energy that particles begin to form.
This early expansion phase of arena action has the characteristics of energy density that scientists are attempting to recreate with the LHC, and other very high energy labs. They find what they call the decay products of very massive particles that preceded the current range of stable particles that finally emerge, and that we observe around us. That makes perfect sense in the ISU model, because the hot dense-state ball of energy that emerges from the collapse/bang contains the necessary wave energy components for the particles that are to from and fill the new arena with galactic structure as it expands and cools; the decay action of the Big Crunch.

In that sense, the process of arena action deals with what can be called arena sized particles, meaning that on a grand scale, these crunch/bangs have aspects of individual massive particles, the most massive that nature can produce. There are the inflowing waves characterized by the converging parent arenas, the contained energy in the form of the growing crunch at the center of gravity of the overlap space, and the spherical out flowing wave energy of the collapse/bang. There is a sameness between that macro level action and the quantum level action of high energy density spots within the complex standing wave patterns that establish the presence of quantum particles.

In spite of the temptation, the ISU does not invoke the "turtles all the way down" scenario, meaning I do not invoke the idea that any such arena particles can be the high density spots in some higher level of particle organization. I do not suggest that our universe is an atom in a giant's thumbnail, lol.

Entropy that increases within the parent arenas as they mature and fill with galactic material and radiation has now been reversed, and the new hot arena ball of energy is nature's lowest entropy environment, ready to put all of the useful energy to work in building a new mature expanding arena in the landscape of the greater universe; look around our observable universe to see the process in action.
New arena, decay, exotic particles, separation momentum vs gravity, stars, galaxies

You can't divide the second into tiny enough durations to capture any proportions of the initial expansion; before an instant of time passes, the dense energy ball goes out of proportion, and so much is happening at the surface and the interior of which there is no accounting, no record made, just observed results, these billions of years later looking back in time; so there isn't much to say with certainty about the first picoseconds of a new arena, but then ... I speculate.

What goes on at the surface of a hot dense ball of energy expanding into the adjacent space of the parent arenas accounts for the source of dark matter in the ISU model. There is still the incomplete accretion process that formed the crunch, running head long into the bang. In-swirling galaxies and their accumulated dark matter are standing ready to be rudely incorporated into the expanding ball of energy. They are decimated into dust and chunks with no useful energy left, destined to become the dark matter that is mixed in among the new particles and forming galactic structure.

The hot dense ball is ready to expand and give up its heat to light, and it's condensed wave energy to frantic wave packets that separate out and become huge dense standing wave patterns, sustaining each other with gravity wave out flow to inflow, and inflow to out flow, among themselves; massive exotic particles thus form during expansion.

Expansion momentum is imparted to them, and the particles are moving away from each other as they form. But quantum gravity is at its strongest in these close dense quarters, and the particles have a quantum connection tied to that exchange of gravity waves between the complex standing wave patterns. The inflow and out flow of gravitational wave energy that sustains them individually is also their enduring connection, and their expansion momentum continually tugs against that connection, governing the rate of arena expansion.

The massive particles themselves decay to smaller, lighter, more stable particles, protons and electrons form, and with cooling and expansion going on around them, photon production becomes light, and gravity begins to build the huge first round hydrogen and helium stars.
What about dark matter?

Aside from my speculation about the source of dark matter in my last post, here are some things worth a look about what we know and what don't we know:

From the ISU perspective, none of the ideas about dark matter mentioned in the link take into consideration an infinite history of Big Bang arena action, in a universe where much of it is filled with old cold galactic remnants form galaxies that move away from forming crunches as their parent arenas continue to expand; thus they avoid being recycled into new low entropy energy. Those galaxies, like the stars within them, burn out and cool, leaving little useful energy and mostly cold inert material to drift the corridors of distant space.

Nor do any of the ideas consider the fate of galactic material in-swirling toward the crunch at the moment it reaches critical capacity and collapse/bangs. That material is not negated by the gravitational compression, but any useful energy in it is cooked out and decimated into clouds of high entropy material and dust amidst the new low entropy surroundings as the hot dense new arena incorporates them.
The massive particles themselves decay to smaller, lighter, more stable particles, protons and electrons form, and with cooling and expansion going on around them, photon production becomes light, and gravity begins to build the huge first round hydrogen and helium stars.
Galaxy and galactic structure evolution, CMB heat map, the cold spot, corridors of continuity

There are early, middle period, and late forming stars, all associated galaxy formation and galactic structure in the expanding arena. Those huge first round stars are quick burning and so large that they collapse and burst into huge dust clouds containing gases and heavy nuclei produced within them. Out of those huge clouds, whole galaxies take shape in a second round of star and planet formation. The late forming stars are part of an ongoing process of star evolution out of the remnants of both the early dust clouds, and subsequent massive events within maturing galaxies as stellar black holes form and eventually collide.

We are at the point of describing a mature arena like our own, and the prediction is that sooner rather than later, our arena will intersect with a neighboring mature arena, and begin the process of defeating the entropy that has grown in both of of those parent arenas.

In my ISU video,
and in the images and narrative posts linked to it the Narrative thread, I discuss that hemispherical anomaly in the temperature of the cosmic microwave background, and the mysterious cold spot as well. According to the ISU perspective, that heat map could represent evidence of parent arenas preceding ours, and the motion of background energy in the vicinity of the cold spot is suggestive of a dark flow that might be associated with an impending convergence with another Big Bang arena like our own.

That also brings me to the concept of The Corridor of Continuity: Big Bangs occur here and there, now and then, across the landscape of the greater universe. Out in front of a maturing arena lays what I call the corridor of continuity, where the history of arena action covers the distant past.

That distant and remote space is filled with an accumulation the old cold remnants of a potentially infinite history of arena action. Huge portions of each parent arena escape the immediate crunch/bang that they create, and the escapees, the galaxies occupying those desolate far reaches of arenas that missed out on the recent action, slowly die a local heat death of their own. Those far reaches, between active arenas, are called corridors of continuity, and are a reserve of material that becomes dark matter when new arena action encroaches upon them.
Accelerating expansion, corridors, dark energy, heat death vs arena action, Twitter visitors please register

Earlier in the thread I discussed accelerating expansion associated with dark energy, but it is best explained, at least from the ISU perspective, in conjunction with the concept of the "corridors". The corridors are the home of the last survivors of past arenas, where galaxies go to die their own heat death. But in the ISU, unlike BBT, even the corridors are eventually interrupted by encroaching arenas where vast portions are finally captured in arena overlaps, returning them to the inevitable process of arena action, and assuring that entropy is restored. Therefore Dark Energy is a temporary phase of arena expansion, and gives way to the Perfect Cosmological Principle, and the homogeneity and isotropic of the greater universes.

In the ISU, the cause of dark energy is due to the combination of the inverse square law and the continued expansion of the parent arenas. Both are temporary phases of the overriding process of arena action. As the galaxies continue to separate, the influence of gravity in the arena declines, and so the balance between the force of energy density equalization in the arena, and the offsetting gravitational force, combine to cause the acceleration of galactic separation, but it is always interrupted at some point out in the corridors of continuity.

Accelerating expansion is invoked in both BBT and the ISU, and I think in most models, because it is supported by the observational evidence. In the ISU however, the perdiction, though not falsifiable as yet, is that it is a only a temporary phase of arena action, while current BBT predictions say the Big Rip wins in the end because of the consensus that the acceleration will continue and the universe will suffer a final heat death.

Though any model of the universe can be a dangerous place for the existence of life forms, the ISU features the idea that like the universe itself, life has always existed because it is generated and evolved within each arena. The ISU always has and always will support life, while models with a heat death haven't and won't. I suggest you become a resident of the ISU, before it is too late, lol.

Gravitational vs gravity waves, binary black holes are real, same event two different explanations, LIGO

Earlier I mentioned that General Relativity predicted ripples in spacetime caused by extreme motion of very massive objects like black holes swirling into collision, or like supernovas; very energetic massive events. I differentiated between the GR description of spacetime and the ISU idea of the variable wave energy density of space. Axiomatically, all motion other than light must be a percentage of the speed of light, and cannot exceed the speed of light. So in GR all motion is measured relative to the speed of light in curved spacetime; spacetime curves relative to the orientation of surrounding mass.

In the ISU, all motion is measured relative to the speed of light at a local wave energy density; the density varies relative to the orientation of surrounding massive objects that are all emitting gravity waves, all the time. Motion of all objects in the same wave energy density environment will be a percentage of that local speed of light. Nothing locally can travel faster, but It is conceivable that in one wave energy density environment the distance an object can travel in a second would exceed the speed of light in another wave energy density environment. This statement brings up an issue regarding the measurement of the rate that time passes, which I will get to later.

Therefore, a photon, which always travels at the local speed of light in any environment, can go faster or slower as the local wave energy density changes, and as it does, by definition, it's frequency and wave length change too, in the ISU.

In the ISU, instead of measuring tiny changes in the distance that light travels (the length of the arms of LIGO), what LIGO actually detects is tiny changes in the wave energy density of the space occupied by each arm, which changes the speed of light down each path. The signature of a gravitational wave caused by a pair of black holes colliding is imprinted in space and traverses space at the speed of light and gravity, theoretically forever. Anything that those waves pass, experiences a change in the local wave energy density in perfect unison with the gravity waves produced by the in-swirling black holes in a death spiral. This fluctuating wave energy density is different along each arm as the waves pass LIGO.

A good TEDx Talk video explaining the discovery of gravitational waves by LIGO:
(about 13 minutes well spent)
Moving on in the update, I characterize the formation of a Big Crunch as the point in nature where usefulness begins to be restored locally to the "used up" energy that "inhabits" the mature and largely expanded parent arenas. Much of that wave energy is in heavy particles, nuclei, molecules, energetic elections, and high energy photon's that typify a mature arena, far down the path from the light gases, hydrogen and helium, that characterized the beginnings of star formation.

Restoration begins at the center of the crunch, and the collapse/bang marks the point where decay of the new arena's hot dense ball of low entropy energy, i.e. the new arena, begins. It is the decay of the crunch that gives birth to the re-formation of particles from the hot dense ball of wave energy, and it is there that the quantum gravitational interaction between individual particles resumes.

This is an appropriate place for the discussion of wave-particle duality to begin. Come along if you want to see the ISU from the perspective that I have of it. You won't understand wave-particle duality in the ISU unless you start with some idea of the formation of wave-particles from the decay of the hot dense ball of compressed wave energy, shortly after t=0 in the new arena.

That ball still contains all of of the high energy density spots that filled the particles that were contained in the crunch; it is just that the individual particle space has been compressed out of the individual particles during the collapse; particles are merged into shared space.

The waves are still there, they still intersect to form high energy density spots, but the density is at nature's highest, and in a wave energy density model, the wave motion has slowed to the nature's minimum velocity of light/gravity waves. Wave energy is still moving at the speed of light, but this is the best example of what I mean when I say the the speed of light and gravity is variable, relative to the local wave energy density in the ISU.

I hope you like being able to grasp this crucial point, that the invariant speed of light is a local phenomenon, dependent on the local wave energy density.