Islam vs. the Western World: off-topic posts from a Religion thread

You do realize that is CG art?

Also, the US isn't dying, it's a mere recession it's not nearly enough to destroy the US.

13 trillion dollar GDP, On our worst day we have more than 3 times as much GDP as India on their best day, or maybe that was China. Oh well, we could add them both up and they would still miss by a few trillion.

SAM, face the facts, were not even close to dying.
Atleast that poor fellow was not stoned to death

It's like the inquisition
People can be killed purely for gossiping.

Or existing. Which seems to be the basis of US occupation of the ME since the 1920s.
But its a long walk and a short pier. What are you gonna do when you run out of plank?
Or existing. Which seems to be the basis of US occupation of the ME since the 1920s.
But its a long walk and a short pier. What are you gonna do when you run out of plank?

...LOL! You're losing this little battle badly, SAM, I'd suggest that you just slink away quietly.

Either that, or explain your hypocritical attitude with regard to the plight in your loving home nation of India ....where over 1,000 kids die of easily cured diseases while you bitch n' moan about a the plight of the Palestinians or the Iraqis ...all of whom have it better than Indians!

Baron Max
Fedr, all those things are illegal according to Islamic law.

Then why are some of those things still openly practiced? Does "Islamic law" have no means of enforcing their laws?

As I see it, Muslims seem to be able to do anything they want to do and other Muslims support them in those endeavors. Iraqi Muslims blow up a whole bunch of innocent civilians at a market, and Muslims around the world celebrate a great "victory" against "The Great Satan".

What Islamic law?

Baron Max
Why were people being tortured by the US? Why are Americans hugging these troops who tortured and killed? Perspective is everything.
Why were people being tortured by the US? Why are Americans hugging these troops who tortured and killed? Perspective is everything.

And Americans were horrified at such things, SAM. Yet Muslims cheer and celebrate when some Iraqi Muslim blows up a bunch of kids and women in a public market.

No, perspective is not everything. There's reason and logic ....which none of the Muslim extremist exhibit, yet Muslims the world over cheer those horrorendous suicide killings.

Baron Max
They were? Is that why they are sending 17,000 more troops?

Did they excommunicate the extremists who tortured? Did they put them all in prison?

Have they rejected the killers of innocents?
First of all, we should be pumping our own oil from arab wells.

If this statement was`nt so insanely stupid and arrogant it could be funny. Who`s oil is that again? Correct. It does NOT belong to the US.

The only reason the Emirates, with their fabulous wealth, are even given attention, is the oil. Otherwise they would still be picking fleas off of their camels. As it is, they fly into this country with their whores and bucks, while pretending to be anything but stinking flesh. You of course are different I assume, while You concentrate on your failing agenda. I have expierienced this first hand.

This is so imbecilic it does not warrant comment.
They were? Is that why they are sending 17,000 more troops?

What are you asking about?

Did they excommunicate the extremists who tortured? Did they put them all in prison?

Yes, the ones who were charged and found guilty in a court of law.

Have they rejected the killers of innocents?

We're just following the lead of the Muslims on that issue. Muslims blow up a public market and that's okay with you, huh?

Baron Max
I've seen troops who returned from Iraq. They all seem to be greeted as heroes after invading and occupying and killing people in their own country.

Clearly, their violence is accepted by Americans at large.
I've seen troops who returned from Iraq. They all seem to be greeted as heroes after invading and occupying and killing people in their own country.

Clearly, their violence is accepted by Americans at large.

And clearly the violence of the Muslim extremists is widely accepted by the Muslims of the world. Muslims killing other Muslims ...cheered and celebrated in Muslim cultures all around the world. Interesting, huh?

Baron Max
None of those things are openly practiced. You make it sound like those are tenets of our faith.

Iraqis hanging Westerners from bridges is similar to Black slave rebels killing any white men in slavery times, vengeance against what they see as the sources of their oppression.
but at least we have shown the people there that a better way is attainable, through self determination in rejecting the way that has been in place (to their shame) for a long time.

More comedy. :) The American way is the BETTER way. (Shhh. Don`t mention the economy and public health shambles, or the literacy and education levels displayed so beautifully by Miss Hilton, or the Patriot Act or the incredibly stuffed prisons, and, oh yes Gitmo and such...)
And Americans were horrified at such things, SAM. Yet Muslims cheer and celebrate when some Iraqi Muslim blows up a bunch of kids and women in a public market.

No, perspective is not everything. There's reason and logic ....which none of the Muslim extremist exhibit, yet Muslims the world over cheer those horrorendous suicide killings.

Baron Max

Baron, you are indeed wearing pajamas. Americans should concentrate on being horrified at home:
As gunman roamed streets, neighbor rushed to save infant

SAMSON, Alabama (CNN) -- Alina Knowles anxiously crept along her neighbor's porch, where the bodies lay strewn on the blood-covered floor.

WTF? You are right. No reason and logic. Just pure unadulterated violence.
And clearly the violence of the Muslim extremists is widely accepted by the Muslims of the world. Muslims killing other Muslims ...cheered and celebrated in Muslim cultures all around the world. Interesting, huh?

Baron Max

Have yet to see any evidence of the same Baron. I saw a sharp increase in car bombs with Negroponte's arrival in both places.
... Americans should concentrate on being horrified at home:
As gunman roamed streets, neighbor rushed to save infant

Yes, but Americans were all horrified by that. Yet when Muslim suicide bombers kill dozens of their own people, Muslims cheer and celebrate all over the world. Care to explain that little tibbit of info for us???

Baron Max
Fedr, all those things are illegal according to Islamic law. What are you smoking may I ask? Faux news?

Yes, Really?

March 8, 2009 No. 502

Rising Criticism of Child Bride Marriages in Saudi Arabia
By: Y. Admon *​


The Saudi press has lately been discussing the custom of child bride marriage, especially cases of middle-aged or elderly men taking prepubescent girls for their wives. The religious justification for this custom, which has been prevalent in Saudi Arabia and in many Muslim societies since the early Islamic era, is that the Prophet Muhammad married his wife 'Aisha when she was only six years old.

Recent press reports on child bride marriage in Saudi Arabia sparked a wave of criticism among columnists and social activists, who called for abolishing the custom and for setting a minimum age for marriage in Saudi law. In response, on November 24, 2008, the Saudi Shura Council passed a resolution setting the legal age of majority at 18. However, the council refrained from explicitly defining this as the minimum age for marriage, reflecting the difficulty it faces in confronting this well-entrenched practice.

At the same time, the council's resolution leaves room for hope that the religious law permitting child marriages may be amended.

Saudi Clerics: Child-Bride Marriages Are Permitted

The Saudi religious establishment is generally supportive of child bride marriages. Some clerics who addressed this issue cited the example of the Prophet's marriage to 'Aisha. For example, Jeddah marriage and divorce official Ahmad Al-Ma'abi said on a June 2008 program on Lebanon's LBC TV that a girl may marry and have sexual intercourse from the age of nine, arguing that the Prophet Muhammad had married 'Aisha when she was six and had consummated the marriage when she was nine. Al-Ma'abi added that, in Yemen, girls often married at the age of nine or 10. He concluded that as long as the father of the bride consents to the marriage and is present at the ceremony, as required by religious law, "the marriage is obviously legal." [9]

A similar opinion was posted on the website, which is supervised by well-known Saudi Wahhabi sheikh Salman Al-'Oda. The article stated that Islam attributes no importance to the age of the bride, and that intercourse is permitted as long as the girl is able to cope with the act and its implications. The article also criticized the opponents of child marriage and those who deny that the Prophet married 'Aisha when she was six. [10]

Saudi Mufti Sheikh 'Abd Al-'Aziz Aal-Sheikh has been inconsistent in his position on child marriage. On August 23, 2008, he advised parents to refrain from marrying their daughters to men who are their seniors by 50 years or more. Such a marriage, he stated, reflects a lack of conscience on the part of the parents, violates the girl's chastity, and may lead her to sin. He added that girls in such marriages suffer while their parents live in comfort on the dowries they receive from the groom. [11]

Conversely, on January 14, 2009, the Mufti issued a fatwa permitting the marriage of girls under 10, stating that those who oppose this are mistaken and are causing harm to women. [12]

INDONESIA: Clerics take child brides, yet back anti porn bill
11/26/2008 | AFP - Agence France Presse

Further information:

[JAKARTA, 26 November 2008] - Indonesian Muslim clerics who claim to be protecting vulnerable women by backing a new anti-pornography law have come out in defence of a fellow preacher who has married a 12-year-old village girl.

The issue of child brides for religious men in the mainly Muslim country has became a subject of national debate since little-known cleric Pujianto Cahyo Widiyanto, 43, married junior high school student Lutfiana Ulfa in August.

Nujood Ali, 10, divorces husband in Yemen | The Courier-Mail
Nov 16, 2008 ... Her father has promised none of his daughters will be sold into marriage again. ... Several child brides came forward with their cases, some seeking divorces as well. ... of the iceberg for young girls all over the whole Muslim world. ... consumated his marriage with his child bride Aishah (Ayesha). ...,23739,24656103-954,00.... -

Struggling with pedophilia in Islam | EuropeNews
Apr 20, 2008 ... Sold into marriage to twisted men ... The case thus includes an element of purchasing child brides, which would then rationally be ...
Have yet to see any evidence of the same Baron. I saw a sharp increase in car bombs with Negroponte's arrival in both places.

Yeah, Muslim car bombs that killed Muslim Afghanis or Muslim Iraqis! Now you seem to think that makes sense!!!!!!! How? Why?

I'd have been a lot less confused if Muslims bombed Negroponte. But they don't .....the stupid bastards blow up their own people!!! Duh???

Baron Max
12,000 Iraqis at last count. From zero to 12,000 in 5 years.

Makes one wonder wtf is going on that could be worse than Saddam.

He could not provoke a single Iraqi to kill himself.