Why take that as a given?Here is a puzzle in a couple of physics statements
Nothing happens instantly. OK take that as a given
Can you disprove the claim that some things happen instantly?
Yes, because photons have zero rest mass.When a photon is created how long does it take to get up to light speed?
Oh that happens instantly
Photons don't have opinions.Time does not exist for a photon A given?
Travelling towards the Earth at the speed of light, like origin said.what is it doing for the approximately 8 minutes after it left the sun before it arrived on Earth?
Yes.It is said due to the expansion of the Universe there will come a time when galaxies and stars will be so far away we won't be able to see them
The main problem is that space will be expanding faster than the light can travel through it. Obstacles are a separate issue.Lights will still be coming from them towards us but with the extra distance will come extra obstacles for the light to overcome
The "stretching out" is a cosmological red shift. We already see that in the cosmic microwave background radiation and also in the red shifting of light from distant galaxies.Interstellar dust to absorb the photons and, not sure about this, the (visible) light frequencies will stretch out and become a electromagnetic radiation frequency outside of visible detection
Was told that years ago by a physicist who was on a radio program where you phoned in with your question
That kind of response is common but not quite right. It tries to extrapolate from what you would see if you travelled at a speed very close to the speed of light to what would happen at the speed of light. But the associated maths breaks down at the speed of light, so that step that goes from 99.999999% of the speed of light to 100% of the speed of light is not truly applicable.Time does not exist for a photon So why is it frequently heard? And published
Basically, a lot of physicists sort of fudge this when they're trying to communicate this science in popular forums. To understand why you can't really make the intuitive leap that is being made in the pop-science description requires that you actually study relativity, with the maths.
Photons don't experience.