is the whistling in your ears a subconscious language?

Many years of dream analysis books left me with the understanding that there was a symbology for someone telepathically communicating with you in the subconscious.
Please explain.
'"Radio Dreams of listening to the radio symbolize your awareness and intuition toward a particular situation. What you hear through the radio also represents messages from your unconscious.It is possible that this is some form of ESP or telepathic communication." -dream symbol website

Since learning this I've observed radio's in my dream a couple time. Once I even observed trying to tune it with my old best friend from high school sitting across the table in a dream. Like my mind was asking itself involuntarily.
skeptic talk
Yes. Good.

Skepticism is a good thing.

Otherwise, you're falling for every Santa Claus and tooth fairy and dream interpretation peddler.

this is arbitrary and has nothing to do with what I'm talking about
It does. If you imagine certain words one time, you're going to hear the same thing every time.

more skepticism. I'll just ignore your comment about god.
I didn't make a comment about god. You suggested that once we thought lightning was gods. We've figured that out now. Because, science.

I don't really care that your skeptical I was at first and didn't even care to try it myself for years. still an incredible well documented phenomenon.
The problem is, you want to believe. You are ripe for cultism.

You do know this is a science forum, right?

Basically what Edison noticed is that when he records silence in a room, then plays it back amplified, he could hear a whispering voice in the recordings. So what you do is record yourself asking a question then record around ten seconds of dead silence. Then go back and listen to the silence amplified for your answer. The answer will come in a short quiet word or two, you have to distinguish it from the other noise on the recording. I have gotten clear answers to about a hundred questions so far including what street I was on. I can go back and replay the voice and each time it gives a definite, correct, clear answer that is completely audible.
It's strange. I'm hearing two things from you. On the one hand, you say that these answers are quiet and you have to distinguish them from noise on the recording. But on the other hand, you say the answers are clear.

So which is it? Are there clear ghost voices on the recordings, or are you picking what you think are voices out from a whole lot of hissy static noise? Because if it's hard to pick up the voices through the static, then I wouldn't say the voices are clear. Would you?

Many years of dream analysis books left me with the understanding that there was a symbology for someone telepathically communicating with you in the subconscious.
When somebody writes in a dream analysis book that dreaming of falling means X and dreaming of being naked in public means Y and dreaming of listening to a radio means Z, they are just giving you an opinion they have made up. What they say might sound plausible to you, but that doesn't mean it's right. Also, they want you to assume that dreams are meaningful, but how do you know they are? Dreams often don't make much sense. They are kind of random firings of memory and other parts of your brain.

Trying to make sense of what you remember of your dreams sounds to me a lot like trying to hear voices through hissy static on the radio or the TV. If you try, then you put together plausible-sounding intepretations that seem to "explain" parts of your dreams. If you try, then it's not too hard to convince yourself that you hear voices under the static.

My question is: how do you know that these things really are meaningful, and not the result of an overactive imagination or wishful thinking, or perhaps too much trust in what somebody wrote in a book about dreams?
well ghost hunting isn't really what this thread is about so I ll I can say is I'm not going to convince you. Dave
You do know this is a science forum, right?
leave me alone. From the devils advocate point of view, you aren't qualified to be a devils advocate. I spent upwards of 2,000 hours studying medical encyclopedia's that covered every branch of medicine: cardiology, musculoskeletal, neurology, psychology, drugs, andrology, otolaryngology, As well as another couple thousand hours studying electronic engineering. And Astronomy since I was 11.
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Dreams often don't make much sense. They are kind of random firings of memory and other parts of your brain.
do you know nothing of Freud? or just have zero knowledge of him?
Trying to make sense of what you remember of your dreams sounds to me a lot like trying to hear voices through hissy static
Yeah like a rorshach test that's what I said two times already. You think that dreams are a rorshach test I might sort of agree with you. Your mind steers itself to keep you asleep by covering up your subconscious vision with symbology. I can remember some dreams very plainly, usually because I wrote them down right afterwards, a hobby I've practiced for about 13 years now. recently I had this amazin dream that had this great song in it played by this band of alien dwarves at night in a big stadium with the lights out. That was a sweet dream I enjoy recalling.

Anyways my only point here is observations lead me to believe that the ear's balance system may act as a voice to a microphone and computer program that could display the sleeping subconscious.
leave me alone.
That's up to you. If you don't want feedback, all you have to do is not ask questions in a public forum.

From the devils advocate point of view, you aren't qualified to be a devils advocate.
I am not playing Devil's Advocate. Devil's Advocate supports an indefensible position.

I spent upwards of 2,000 hours studying medical encyclopedia's that covered every branch of medicine: cardiology, musculoskeletal, neurology, psychology, drugs, andrology, otolaryngology, As well as another couple thousand hours studying electronic engineering. And Astronomy since I was 11.
Well, I was not one to bring up other threads, but you kicked that door open.

Your bizarre thoughts about subconsciously communicating via gravity waves, coupled with your bizarre thoughts about cannonball power generators and detecting gravity waves with balloons and microphones - these are a pretty clear indication that one can read until one's eyes turn blue, and yet not grasp basic concepts. I'm not trying to deliberately insult you, but come on, your thoughts are divorced from reality.
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do you know nothing of Freud? or just have zero knowledge of him?
Freud was a pioneer in his field, and did more than virtually anyone in history to advance the field of psychoanalysis - but it is pretty much generally agreed now that he overreached himself. Much of his works have largely been debunked - in particular, dream analysis. He was reading way too much into it.

"Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar."

For all the reading you claim, you might want to read some stuff that's less than a century out-of-date.

Anyways my only point here is observations lead me to believe that the ear's balance system may act as a voice to a microphone
The ear's balance system does not have an audible output.
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'"Radio Dreams of listening to the radio symbolize your awareness and intuition toward a particular situation. What you hear through the radio also represents messages from your unconscious.It is possible that this is some form of ESP or telepathic communication." -dream symbol website
Ask yourself how it is possible that everyone has the same subconscious connection between radios and their symbolic meaning.

I was sexually molested by a transistor radio when I was but a young lad. In my dreams, I listen to the radio and it bites my ear off.

But, this guy on this website is confident that my - and everyone else's - subconscious symbolism of radios is about my awareness and intuition? We, all of us, have the same subconscious impression of what a radio symbolizes to us?

Sounds like the same problem astrology has. Without knowing a thing about a person except the date of their birth, an astrologist thinks they know what kind of personality (from a choice of 12) every person on the planet has?
So the use of elastic in the microphone would give a longer decimal for which to detect minute changes in the vibrations of say the inner ear, also through the gravity experiment I suggested to detect gravity waves.
Sort of another insane observation, but one worth noting. Dizziness in the vestibular associated with hearing voices that respond to one's thoughts can be stopped by telling the ghost you are placing a microphone piece in your ear and recording any activity that's going on which later can be replayed and held accountable. Many schizophrenic's die from hearing voices that are malicious and dangerous. That they respond to telling them you're recording them through vibrations in the balance system could be important.
Wait. When did they become ghosts?

"...can be stopped..."

How do you know this? Have you succeeded in performing this mental exorcism, and are reporting your findings?
How do you know this? Have you succeeded in performing this mental exorcism, and are reporting your findings?
Wait. When did they become ghosts?
Well, I mean unexplained entities. See I have my own personal theory that voices are indeed spirits of the dead, and will fill in the emotional position you hold for a person that you have recently had contact with via face to face or through any form of communication that is real. The feed off of life and when they change person they become whoever corresponds with the next person's thoughts. The voices are godly in human nature and love a good joke and they love to play it on you or if they are just totally unaware that they are expressing super human power responding to every little word of your thought is a good question. If you do not ask or respond with your thoughts to the ghosts they feel ignored and pretty much go away, however with schizoids the voices are very prominent and all the silence in your head that you can meditate won't get the malice to seize.
"...can be stopped..."

How do you know this? Have you succeeded in performing this mental exorcism, and are reporting your findings?

Well, basically yes, and remember I said they react not stop. Apart of schizo is feeling demeaned by the uncontrollable nature of the voices belittling the sufferer. Giving them a tool to resist with is good. It's very simple to do, just use a ear headphone and plug it into a microphone socket and record in as silent a condition as you have. However, like i said in the OP, I m looking to increase the sensitivity of the mic since you're looking for tiny vibrations from the vestibular/cochlea, by using elastic in the mic.

I've been basically practicing being a mystic for about four years which basically means incubus. I went into it aware that it was dangerous and that mysticism had been denounced by Hippocrates as unreal some two thousand years ago. It definitely has a real powerful effect on the person who practices it. I've heard voices from others and in the sound waves coming out of different objects since I was 16. No one ever called it schizoid because it wasn't schizoid till I started responding or being a mystic. There are certain things about being powerfully mystic that are involuntary and observable, example: the dizziness in the vestibular balance system.

It also helps to stop the voices by telling yourself they are responding to your thoughts, then remember that no matter what insane, messed up, vulgar thing you think in front of a person, it has never been uttered in history "Hey, why did you have that thought?" That's why I say ghost and not human however, all of this is just theory of the unexplained so, Idunnno
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I'm going to ask you to step out of your subjective experience for a moment and pretend you are observing a friend objectively.

If she's hearing voices in her head, wouldn't it be best to first check for neurological causes?

The act of treating problems in the mind as if they were real - is that not actually allowing the condition to take over her thoughts, resulting in a downward spiral of self-confirmation? That is clinical paranoia - thinking that a condition such as this is a reality - an external entity - rather than an internal neurology.
check for neurological causes?
Dave what misfiring synapses in what part of the brain associated with what brain function and chemistry(which is mainstream) should I be looking for and how do you suggest going about it? See that's already been suggested before as the cause, however the cause of hearing voices is still scholasticaly and schollarly unexplained. What I'm suggesting is the vestibular is a sensory organ like the ears or the eyes that can receive messages. And much like a video camera operates like the lens of the eye, or a microphone like the ear, a device can be made that records the vestibular messages transcending the vestibular/cochlea. I'm especially interested in doing this while a person sleeps as I am suspicious this is the time of most activity.
Dave what misfiring synapses in what part of the brain associated with what brain function and chemistry(which is mainstream) should I be looking for and how do you suggest going about it?
By consulting a doctor and describing your symptoms.

See that's already been suggested before as the cause
And you chose to reject it?

however the cause of hearing voices is still scholasticaly and schollarly unexplained.
What? Of course it's explained.

What I'm suggesting is...
Is it possible that you're pretending to be an armchair neurologist, self-diagnosing, as a way of avoiding your condition and making it into something more cool than a neurological condition?
once the government of subconscious damage is set up those who cause the most damage, who have always been bullies, will be at the bottom of authority in all life, the poorest, and consequently have less children.
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I guess I can't find anywhere documented that a person has created voluntary whistling in their ears before or that it can be heard between people. I found a lot about diseases and disorders that can cause a whistling in the ear. I don't think this makes me the first as I can remember briefly being interested in it before. Also I found some forum posts asking about it in a non disease sounding manner. I have done the experiments with another person I described and with my cat everyday, I know they work, anyone can try them. I lost my recording of the four hours of inner ear activity while I slept but I can tell you that it was real. I think there might be a big problem between this phenomena existing and people admiting that it exists. It's kind of like I turned on the lights to the room that hasn't been touched in a long time and scum and pests and snakes and beasts scattered ruled everywhere.
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