Is Sciforums Becoming Boring?


I’m the whispered word.
Valued Senior Member
Is it my imagination or has this forum become really boring of late. Or have I just become jaded and world-weary?
Or is the decline of the user forum a sign of a larger social malaise, I can’t say I’ve delved too deeply into all of the postings here and of late and those that I have looked at mostly made me yawn, I’ve only been motivated to write the most superficial postings which rarely attract more then a few replies so I've got some guilt in this as well.

And rightly so since I’ve not felt motivated to put much effort into them, but I’ve noticed that I’m not the only one who’s lost their spark vis a vie Sciforums, I’ve had PM’s from other members saying that they’ve found these forums getting uptight and boring of late.
I’m still here because there have been some fun discussions on this forum and I hope that this dull period will end soon.

Confession: I half-ass 100% of my posts, 100% of the time.

Why? Because, God damnt, I just care that much.
I've noticed it. I hope it's nothing permanent. I really like this site, but alot of discussions just don't catch my eye as of late. And if they do, I usually don't post because the content isn't as fascinating as the title.
I noticed it too, but thought it was the summer doldrum...
Is it my imagination or has this forum become really boring of late. Or have I just become jaded and world-weary?
Or is the decline of the user forum a sign of a larger social malaise, I can’t say I’ve delved too deeply into all of the postings here and of late and those that I have looked at mostly made me yawn, I’ve only been motivated to write the most superficial postings which rarely attract more then a few replies so I've got some guilt in this as well.

And rightly so since I’ve not felt motivated to put much effort into them, but I’ve noticed that I’m not the only one who’s lost their spark vis a vie Sciforums, I’ve had PM’s from other members saying that they’ve found these forums getting uptight and boring of late.
I’m still here because there have been some fun discussions on this forum and I hope that this dull period will end soon.
Sadly, IMO a lot of discussion here lately is lacking in depth. It is difficult to generate a sustained, exploratory and reasoned discussion before such reduces to personal attacks or ranting. Whether this is due to immaturity, education or laziness is the question? :m:
Sadly, IMO a lot of discussion here lately is lacking in depth. It is difficult to generate a sustained, exploratory and reasoned discussion before such reduces to personal attacks or ranting. Whether this is due to immaturity, education or laziness is the question? :m:

You say that, but when sincerely asked to provide analysis and insight, you tend to respond with snarky attack rhetoric like this stuff:

Anyone who spews as vacuously as this (inserts mine):

“ "Don't Forget Why We're in Afghanistan and Iraq" - The needle oscillates, and will continue to do so, but the four requisites are in place: citizens rejecting theocracy and its partner, (no, this is far from clear) organized crime; (no, the drug trade has never been better) an indigenous army that fights for its own reasons; (no, that is paid US$ to fight, and swops sides arbitrarily) American airstrikes that are careful and discriminating; (no, they kill numerous innocent civilians) and the development of splits that can be exploited among the jihadists. (an ancient CIA tactic, which arguably created the present mix) A mixture not unlike this worked in Iraq, (no, Iraq is in tatters) at least to the point where the conflict could be redefined. (lets hear the definition) It is not yet inevitable that a comparable outcome is beyond reach in Afghanistan. (???) ”

Is a sycophant for militarism and the powers that support such.

So maybe spare us any lectures on high-minded reasoning until you're ready to abjure playground tactics yourself.
This is my first post here, so hey to everyone! If my experience on another forum is anything to go by, the problem you are addressing might have to do with a couple of things.

1. The hierarchy (mods etc.) are possibly expressing a little too much zeal in manipulating annoying posters, who see things a little differently. Of course it is such as these, and I admit to being one - so there is your first clue, that spice things up a little from time to time.

2. The membership may be closing ranks on anything they do not recognise as 'normal'. It would be my expectation that this may be because they generally see themselves a superior and feel less inclined to entertain the ruminations of others. So this may well be indicative of a rather eternal problem of much of humanity; conceited arrogance and dismissal of others.

On both the above observations; hey relax! You have sufficient intelligence and dexterity of imagination to deal with a little from out of 'left field'.

IN any case, I have admittedly only been a member for a few minutes, so what the heck would I know??????
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I have been a member since '03, and just about every year someone says this. And people keep coming back for more. Sciforums is what it's members make it, if it sucks, you have no one to blame but yourself.
This is my first post here, so hey to everyone! If my experience on another forum is anything to go by, the problem you are addressing might have to do with a couple of things.

1. The hierarchy (mods etc.) are possibly expressing a little too much zeal in manipulating annoying posters, who see things a little differently. Of course it is such as these, and I admit to being one - so there is your first clue, that spice things up a little from time to time.

2. The membership may be closing ranks on anything they do not recognise as 'normal'. It would be my expectation that this may be because they generally see themselves a superior and feel less inclined to entertain the ruminations of others. So this may well be indicative of a rather eternal problem of much of humanity; conceited arrogance and dismissal of others.

On both the above observations; hey relax! You have sufficient intelligence and dexterity of imagination to deal with a little from out of 'left field'.

IN any case, I have admittedly only been a member for a few minutes, so what the heck would I know??????

LOL... for you'r firs post you sure hit a lot of nales directly on the head... welcom to Scifourms:)
You say that, but when sincerely asked to provide analysis and insight, you tend to respond with snarky attack rhetoric like this stuff:
So maybe spare us any lectures on high-minded reasoning until you're ready to abjure playground tactics yourself.
Right. Now according to discussion/debating protocol, if you disagree with my opinions, you should be focused solely on countering such. Instead you are giving me a lecture and attacking me via your opinion of my method. As I pointed out above. Where is the depth of discussion? :m:
LOL... for you'r firs post you sure hit a lot of nales directly on the head... welcom to Scifourms:)
Well Cluelusshusbund, thank you for your warm welcome.

So far I think I'm seeing a little aggressiveness around the hallowed halls of this institution, which in my opinion will always tend to prune or at least deflect attention away from true discussion and/or investigation.

I guess a little humility might be called for, what do you think?
I have been a member since '03, and just about every year someone says this. And people keep coming back for more. Sciforums is what it's members make it, if it sucks, you have no one to blame but yourself.
Hey don't ask me to blame myself - I only joined this site for the very first time around an hour ago, so I can't even be blamed for coming back 'for more'.

In any case, I also thank you for your welcome, and I hope to be just a little 'interesting' during my stay here.
Well Cluelusshusbund, thank you for your warm welcome.

So far I think I'm seeing a little aggressiveness around the hallowed halls of this institution, which in my opinion will always tend to prune or at least deflect attention away from true discussion and/or investigation.

I guess a little humility might be called for, what do you think?

Here a couple of posts i ran across recently... both was made by mods an both of 'em seem like they was made by junk yard dogs tryin to run people off insted of guide people toward respectful discusson... but mayb that type of thang is Sciforums gole... to only have posters who alredy understan thangs the way mods understan thangs :shrug:
This is my first post here, so hey to everyone! If my experience on another forum is anything to go by, the problem you are addressing might have to do with a couple of things.

1. The hierarchy (mods etc.) are possibly expressing a little too much zeal in manipulating annoying posters, who see things a little differently.
I am newly registered.. But have been reading threads for months, several hours a day. I think the "Mods" have been just great here. They have even made the time to answer my questions.
2. The membership may be closing ranks on anything they do not recognise as 'normal'. It would be my expectation that this may be because they generally see themselves a superior and feel less inclined to entertain the ruminations of others. So this may well be indicative of a rather eternal problem of much of humanity; conceited arrogance and dismissal of others.
Now this, I have seen. And at times, is very annoying. There are "some" members, that honestly don't like "strangers" on their land. But, for the most part, most members are very cordial and respectful. So, I will remain here.
Untill I get banned anyway. :p
Geez, that didn't work out well at all. I need to learn how to do the "multi-quote" thing. Have only replied to single quotes so far. A work in progress I guess. Sorry about the ignorance. I will work on this..
Geez, that didn't work out well at all. I need to learn how to do the "multi-quote" thing. Have only replied to single quotes so far. A work in progress I guess. Sorry about the ignorance. I will work on this..

You have a couple of days in which you can "Edit" you'r posts so you have a chanse to fix such stuff.!!!