Incidentally--and irrespective of whether or not this is a "science forum"--how do the likes of timojin, for instance, who consistently posts the most odious racist tripe, under the pretense of "science" (however inexpertly), not get banned from this forum?
Of my own admission, I've yet to, uh, fully familiarize myself with all of the site's rules, but I would think that such blatant racism (see "Mulatto" thread, for instance) would certainly be sufficient for a permanent ousting. And the "scientific" aspect of it--as much as his obsession with "white skin" can be perceived as science related--even more so.
I know that these kinda unknown site Administrators (not the moderators, mind) seem to have used Der Schloss as blueprint for illumination of the site's purpose and intents, but persistent and blatant racism is kind of a no-brainer, yeah?