Exactly what? What evidence do you have for any mythical " Supreme Being" ?Exactly .
Umm, the answer to that should be good.In other words a supreme being isn't a supreme being?
Couldn't you have simply said that?
???I have in the past .
I have said that rather than a god , that the Universe is in the mind of a being .
Beings really . Both genders .

What evidence do you have for this weird interpretation.
Or are you accepting Einstein's version of a " so called non religious being" a Spinoza God sort of thing.
Still no evidence, and my interpretation of what Einstein accepted is that there is enough awe and wonder in science and cosmology itself, rather then any need for any mythical unscientific, unevidenced nonsense.
A Universe that essentially doesn't give a rat' s arse [or can give a rat' s arse] about how it is evolving, expanding, evolving stars and planets, abiogenesis and intelligence.
It's an impersonal thing which Einstein was using as an analogy.