Is it me or is this site in its death throes?

I already backed my claims thoroughly and you know it. And no, Admin said nothing about providing evidence. They only said to critically analyze anecdotes of the paranormal. That's all James R told me to do. It has nothing to do with anything happening here. You're simply lying about what he said and what the rules say as an excuse to moderate. Moderate to your hearts content. You're not getting shit from me.
You actually have not provided anything that backs up your claims.

Absolutely none. I have been asking you to back up your claims for pages now. And all you have done is give me your personal opinion and some vague discussion with someone who allegedly worked as a paralegal, who then brought up the Californian Court of Appeals not overturning eyewitness testimony.. While said paralegal failed to apparently know that the Court of Appeal only looks at judicial matters and does not look at or hear evidence presented in the initial trial, unless a judicial error occurred with the presentation of said evidence.. And that is what you claimed was your good argument and you backing up your claims..

To put it bluntly, if you wash your hands after using the toilet, as effectively as you backed up your claims in this thread, then you would be in hospital, possibly on life support (if you were not already dead), for the various illnesses you would cause yourself each time you handled your food with your hands. That is how valid your so called backing up your claims are. You have provided nothing but vague statements and you have completely failed to counter the thousands of studies that exist that you actually deemed to be an "insane theory" of mine, for presenting said evidence in this thread..
Bein right about a rule is more important to mods than changin said rule an makin Sciforums more successful an fun for everbody... Sad...
Oh for Pete's sake, Clueless, fora have mission statements. They don't throw their mandate open to a member vote so they can have more "fun".

Sites that are controlled by members' wishes go off the rails very quickly.
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Mod Note

Bein right about a rule is more important to mods than changin said rule an makin Sciforums more successful an fun for everbody... Sad...
Are you suggesting that this site change it's rules, to accommodate just one person because that one person is incapable of posting in good faith?

I mean, I get your need to troll and flame, but I can assure you, you are not helping him at present. In fact, you are probably just making things worse for him.

I have already advised you once, that you should stop trolling and flaming. I won't be asking you a third time. If you keep doing it, the next you will hear from me will be by way of an infraction and a thread ban for flaming and trolling.
Likewise, the issue with eye-witness testimony has been scientifically (and repeatedly) proven. Likewise, much of this paranormal stuff has been thoroughly debunked by reputable science... yet you wish to give MR a pass on those?

Did I give a pass to MR on those?

My first post says that MR is in habit of taking on those who oppose his paranormal obsession. Later on I stated that once you guys (Mods) have infracted him then no point further pursuing, after that I highlighted the futility of arguing such matters beyond a point.

On the eye witness account I feel the historically recorded eye witness account and the court room drama filled eye witness account, both may have different degree of reliability. Do I have any reasons to disbelieve Al Biruni? May be not but..

I recall a movie, where an old lady testifies against an accused claiming that she saw him running away from the place of event. The smart defence counsel establishes that she was not wearing her specs, the distance was around 100 odd feets and from that distance she could not have seen him clearly.

So I am surely leaning towards a view that eye witness account needd to be substantially corroborated.
Oh for Pete's sake, Clueless, fora have mission statements. They don't throw their mandate open to a member vote so they can have more "fun".

Sites that are controlled by members' wishes go off the rails very quickly.
Not askin for a member vote... so thers that... just askin for administration to make changes which woud make Sciforums more successful an enjoyable for all.!!!

Seems perty reasonable to me.!!!
Not askin for a member vote... so thers that... just askin for administration to make changes which woud make Sciforums more successful an enjoyable for all.!!!
No, it would make the site more enjoyable for a very very few, while making it worse for the majority.

That is not reasonable.
Thats you'r opinion... why not try it my way an see.!!!
It's not like there aren't plenty of fora out there where such things are discussed willy-nilly.
They're not this forum.
If people want to opine freely on said topics, they should go to one of the multitudes of fora where that's supported.
Why don't they? Why try to corrupt something that already has a stated purpose?

"I know this is a "football" game, but wouldn't it be more fun if they used a smaller ball and a bat instead? Let's do that and see how it goes!"
There are some members here that are only happy when they can bitch about threads, posts, and other members. IOW censorship of opposing views. But they're only a small minority.

Some people pass on posts an threds they thank are not worthy... some people dont seem able to do that an nearly go nuts when readin a view thats diferent than thers... an are obcessed wit correctin that view.!!!
You do realize that sentence describes you to a tee...

Read that sentence again, then review your contribution to thread as an example.

No...that's all you bud. All you've been doin in this thread is whine about the thread, whine about me, and whine about freer open discussion. You're running out of things to whine about. Why don't you move on?
It's not like there aren't plenty of fora out there where such things are discussed willy-nilly.
They're not this forum.

If people want to opine freely on said topics, they should go to one of the multitudes of fora where that's supported.
Why don't they? Why try to corrupt something that already has a stated purpose?

"I know this is a "football" game, but wouldn't it be more fun if they used a smaller ball and a bat instead? Let's do that and see how it goes!"

Thats silly... football rules are changed all the time by the people in charge to make the sport more successful an enjoyable.!!!

Im for makin Sciforums more inclusive insted of usin curent rules as a way to force people away.!!!
Thats silly... football rules are changed all the time by the people in charge to make the sport more successful an enjoyable.!!!

Im for makin Sciforums more inclusive insted of usin curent rules as a way to force people away.!!!

OK, which rule you want to be changed?
OK, which rule you want to be changed?

No wearing of the mod hat when you're involved in a debate. That's good for starters. That would keep mods from infracting and moderating just to win a debate, which is exactly what's happening in this thread.
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"If you wish to challenge the studies that have been posted.. If you wish to argue that the decision handed down by Chief Justice Rabner of the New Jersey Supreme Court is wrong because you think the thousands of studies they looked at in their decision is wrong, then you had better have the science to back it up."

None of the studies you've cited have backed up your insane claim that more often than not, eyewitness testimony is unreliable." None! Yazata has made this very clear to you. Either you can't comprehend this solid argument against you, or you are dishonestly ignoring it. Either way, you aren't supporting your claim with evidence either. So get off my ass.
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Thats silly... football rules are changed all the time by the people in charge to make the sport more successful an enjoyable.!!!
So, one guy stands up in the audience of 40,000 and says let's replace the goalposts with nets, and you think the football community should get all over that.

Im for makin Sciforums more inclusive insted of usin curent rules as a way to force people away.!!!
Said the basketball fan at the football game.
So, one guy stands up in the audience of 40,000 and says let's replace the goalposts with nets, and you think the football community should get all over that.

What i did say was... "football rules are changed all the time by the people in charge to make the sport more successful an enjoyable.!!!"

Said the basketball fan at the football game.

Obvously you ant... but im for changin the rules in the ufo gosts forum to make Sciforums more inclusive insted of usin curent rules as a way to force people away.!!!
What i did say was... "football rules are changed all the time by the people in charge to make the sport more successful an enjoyable.!!!"

Obvously you ant... but im for changin the rules in the ufo gosts forum to make Sciforums more inclusive insted of usin curent rules as a way to force people away.!!!
Maybe there's a part to be played by the poster to make content enjoyable?