Is Hugo Chavez good for his country?

But is President Bush good for America?

Probably, we will have to wait on history for that judgment, but he hasn't change the Constitution on the Presidential Term limits, or freedom of the press, he will be gone next year, and we will see if the Dems are as correct in their assessments of the will of the people as to were we want the U.S. to stand in the war on terror, and the direction for the Country its self.
But this is after he has shut down a free press, is starting to round up his political opponents, I love the fact that he has bought the latest Russian fighter, 24 of them, 3 questions? how does this help the poor of his country? and were is he going to get the Pilots with the required skills to use this type of advanced weaponry? and what does he need these weapons for? Following the same route as Hitler, get elected, consolidate you position, build your military, now the question is what is the military power that he is building for? Defense? or oppression of the People of Venezuela? does this sound anything like the little chimp from N. Korea? I vote for the Chimp, Kim Jong-il.

Shutting down the free press is the only thing that makes him look like a tyrant, but that may not be accurate.

First of all, I understand that this station was shut down using existing laws of Venezuela rather than some whim of a dictator. Like, he did not renew their license because they did not meet broadcast standards.

Second of all, this is the TV station that actually had a direct hand in the coup attempt to overthrow the democratically elected Chavez. In America the things that they say would probably qualify as sedition. In America they possibly would of been declared "enemy combatants" because of their part in trying to overthrow the government.