The basic error about all this black hole evaporation is that black holes will probably not radiate at all, except for a few seconds after the collapse.
The theoretical application of hawking Radiation, makes sense. The error seems to rest with your own agenda laden take on that application.
A "theory" which depends on assumptions about distances much much lower than $$10^{-10000}l_{Pl}$$ is nothing what could be taken seriously. And those who accept it nonetheless can be, without much risc, ignored as pseudoscientists.
Hawking Radiation despite your ranting, is held in high regard and a logical application with reasonable assumptions.
Of course I prefer listening to expert opinion as distinct from your own.....
Classically, black holes are black.
Quantum mechanically, black holes radiate, with a radiation known as Hawking radiation, after the British physicist
Stephen Hawking who first proposed it.
The animation at top left cartoons the Hawking radiation from a black hole of the size shown at bottom left. The blobs are supposed to be individual photons. Notice, first, that the photons have `sizes' (wavelengths) comparable to the size of the black hole, and, second, that the Hawking radiation is not very bright - the black hole emits roughly one photon every light crossing time of the black hole. So a black hole observed by its Hawking radiation looks fuzzy, a quantum mechanical object.
This is one animation that I did not compute mathematically. How do you draw a quantum mechanical object, whose appearance depends not only on the object but also on the way the observer chooses to observe it? I figured my impressionism was good enough here.
Hawking radiation has a blackbody (Planck) spectrum with a temperature
T given by
kT = hbar
g / (2 pi
c) = hbar
c / (4 pi
k is
Boltzmann's constant, hbar =
h / (2 pi) is
Planck's constant divided by 2 pi, and
g =
G M /
rs2 is the surface gravity at the horizon, the
Schwarzschild radiusrs, of the black hole of mass
M. Numerically, the Hawking temperature is
T = 4 × 10-20
g Kelvin if the gravitational acceleration
g is measured in
Earth gravities (gees).
The Hawking luminosity
L of the black hole is given by the usual Stefan-Boltzmann blackbody formula
L =
A sigma
A = 4 pi
rs2 is the surface area of the black hole, and sigma = pi2
k4 / (60
c2 hbar3) is the
Stefan-Boltzmann constant. If the Hawking temperature exceeds the rest mass energy of a particle type, then the black hole radiates particles and antiparticles of that type, in addition to photons, and the Hawking luminosity of the black hole rises to
L =
A (
neff / 2) sigma
neff is the effective number of relativistic particle types, including the two helicity types (polarizations) of the photon.
black hole at the centre of the galaxy Messier 87. The Hawking radiation from such black holes is minuscule. The Hawking temperature of a 30 solar mass black hole is a tiny 2×10-9 Kelvin, and its Hawking luminosity a miserable 10-31 Watts. Bigger black holes are colder and dimmer: the Hawking temperature is inversely proportional to the mass, while the Hawking luminosity is inversely proportional to the square of the mass.