Is God good ?

If Gods is a necessary existence" your existence logically depends on his.
I am not sure what you mean unless you are suggesting that to consider the proposition whatever it was I need to be thinking in terms that for that purpose there is a God and in that unlikely event I would be linked to him as he is top dog etc and my everything is dependant upon him...
If there was a God you could say that but anything you present re a God makes assumptions that humans understand Gods purpose etc and I reject that any human could know what God has in mind or how he regards us.
Forgive me if I have wandered off but as clear as you made you post I feel I may have missed the point.
Anyways to make it clear I think my existence is a good thing with a strong presumption, by me, that a God either does not exist or if there is a God I doubt if he would care what I do.
I am not sure what you mean unless you are suggesting that to consider the proposition whatever it was I need to be thinking in terms that for that purpose there is a God and in that unlikely event I would be linked to him as he is top dog etc and my everything is dependant upon him...
Simple logic. Contingent things are dependent on necessary things.
If there was a God you could say that but anything you present re a God makes assumptions that humans understand Gods purpose etc and I reject that any human could know what God has in mind or how he regards us.
Not need to understand any purpose of a necessary existence. It just is. And contingent existences rely on it.
Forgive me if I have wandered off but as clear as you made you post I feel I may have missed the point.
Anyways to make it clear I think my existence is a good thing with a strong presumption, by me, that a God either does not exist or if there is a God I doubt if he would care what I do.
So humans can't know God's purpose, but you "doubt if he would care what [you] do"?
If you can't know, why do you have any doubt one way or the other?
Dont go outside for a while and certainly not if the weather looks bad.

I hope you dont call pillows fork lifters.

Darwin is having wet season now. Reasonable storms but not near the "here comes another 40 day / nighter" level yet

I've got some housework I should do as well as garden work before I go Bali for 2 weeks

But I also have a massive pile of lazy to work through. Will manage a couple of hours of lazy this afternoon. But it keeps piling up

god has been good to me that way :)



Where I am there is lotsa rain and cant do any astronomy so little to do...and that is good.

You must like Bali you seem to go there a bit.

Anyways dont rush into any work it can always wait.

The peacock that visits has just arrived and all his tail feathers have gone looks like a big chook.
Here he is with...



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You must like Bali you seem to go there a bit.
To stay on topic god IS good to me when I am there, even though I am atheist

It's cheaper to live there than Darwin even taking into account the travel and hotel cost

I am well feed - room gets cleaned and bed made and I have airconditioning

Also good company and night life. Last time my fav bar was undergoing renovation to become a coffee shop. So I will sit there with a coffee not beer and enjoy watching the wildlife go past (drunken tourist)

Then again god is bad

Fancy stopping Billy score a hundred. Really? One lousy year short

No God cannot possibly be good if this planet is such a shithole.

The fact is that we live in highly oppressive societies that are ruled by money and many people are forced into living a shit life they didn't ask for in the first place. Some people seriously struggle on this planet and the only exit out of a shit life is death and even death is not an option for some people because suicide is very scary and painful.

If God exists he must be the biggest idiot the universe has ever seen.
No God cannot possibly be good if this planet is such a shithole.

The fact is that we live in highly oppressive societies that are ruled by money and many people are forced into living a shit life they didn't ask for in the first place. Some people seriously struggle on this planet and the only exit out of a shit life is death and even death is not an option for some people because suicide is very scary and painful.

If God exists he must be the biggest idiot the universe has ever seen.
If God exists then he gets to decide what is good and what is not. Maybe our notion of what is good is different than what God thinks. So from our viewpoint we would say God is just not a very nice guy.
I think the most logical viewpoint is that shit happens and there is no god. A goddamn squirrel ran out in front of my car this morning and I killed it, shit happens. I might hit a tree on the way home tonight and then I will be dead, shit happens.
The fact is that we live in highly oppressive societies that are ruled by money...
How is God responsible for that? That sounds like a human problem.

If God exists he must be the biggest idiot the universe has ever seen.
Can the same thing be said for every parent of a teenager that lets them take responsibility for the state of their own room, laundry and hygiene?

Are they idiots? Or are they teaching them How to Adult?

Maybe God never intended to be our wetnurse.
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If God exists then he gets to decide what is good and what is not. Maybe our notion of what is good is different than what God thinks. So from our viewpoint we would say God is just not a very nice guy.
I think the most logical viewpoint is that shit happens and there is no god. A goddamn squirrel ran out in front of my car this morning and I killed it, shit happens. I might hit a tree on the way home tonight and then I will be dead, shit happens.
Nonsense. The question is "Is god good" not "Is there a god".
Might does not make right. Having great power does not mean someone is good or intelligent or even sane. Maybe god's notion of good is selfish conceited childish insecure bullshit.
IF there is an omnipotent god, it is obviously not benevolent. IF there is a benevolent god, it is obviously not omnipotent.

Might does not make right. Having great power does not mean someone is good or intelligent or even sane.
Gotta disagree.

(Despite suspecting he does not exist, I can still follow the logic involved in the nature of a supreme being.)

If we are to grant the notion that God created the universe as well as humans, then indeed, he is above judgement.
God is not merely the Biggest King of All Kings; he isn't even In a Class Of His Own; the universe literally is his possession. That has no precedent or equal.

We as humans might decide what we consider good or smart or sane, but such a creator is not subject to that.

I was considering an analogy with ants judging a human, (how could ants possibly judge our actions?) but I quickly realized that there is no - there can be no - analogy for the creator of existence. Any such comparison is simply inapplicable.
If God exists then he gets to decide what is good and what is not. Maybe our notion of what is good is different than what God thinks.

And this is essentially the winning answer.