Is God good ?

No, it's an English name.

Our reality is contained in a frog(witch a whole World full of animals/realities) which has just left the pond in a neighbourhood where there is problems with the neighbours(humans). The second heaven the Bible describes it. The third heaven(also described in the Bible) I haven't got a clue about... maybe that is where God resides. God in this reality(frog) is a normal everyday British name.

God of this reality, and Jesus, is also part of every reality at the same time, but with different names.

That's how important you are.

And with that we join Alice at the tea party with the Mad Hatter

Do we have a case of Erethism here?

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What is more impressive is the fact that was written BEFORE they had autopsies. How did the writer know men have one less rib than women?
Would you record a conversation with your mate and post it online to a bunch of mainly dicks?
What I would do is not at issue here.
You made a claim and I simply ask for you to put your money where your mouth is and as you clearly can not, you know that, I know that and all reading your nonsense know that... you use your sad example in an effort to avoid "putting up".

We both know, everyone knows, you cant "put up" and the fact you resort to insult only drives home that inescapable fact.

You are full of it and the only question is "are you aware that you are full of"it""? and do you know what I mean by "it".

You are either not telling the truth or are suffering extreme delusion. ..which one do you pick?

I suppose we should determine why our moral judgement might lead us to believe God to be good or bad.

Facts or Faith basically. We all have faith, but not many facts concerning God. We have faith that Santa is real, until it is taken away etc. who took your faith in God away(I'm assuming you're an atheist/agnostic)?
Facts or Faith basically. We all have faith, but not many facts concerning God. We have faith that Santa is real, until it is taken away etc. who took your faith in God away(I'm assuming you're an atheist/agnostic)?
Santa is such a cool guy, which is why we keep his memory alive (more so for children). God, on the other hand, is much more complex. He's a bit more to sort out than is Santa.

I would probably define myself as an agnostic.
Is God good...chatter excused, I trust Jesus' assessment. Luke 18:19 which doesn't mean He can't be bad too.
So we are passing judgement on humanity, not God?
God is an invention of humans so any issues need be addressed by humans.

I am not agnostic but if I were to entertain the remote possibility of the reality of a God my first observation would be that no human could comprehend exactly what a God may be nor could a human comprehend or sensibly comment upon anything to do with that entity as to its reasoning or purpose or how humans fit into a context of God.
So all God stuff is still made up by humans so attributes come merely from human opinion.
If humans want God to be good or bad it is up for a vote as opposed to actually referencing reality.
And look how God has changed over the years...God is who and what a human, any human, invents...mere opinion and opinions vary...
God is an invention of humans so any issues need be addressed by humans.

I am not agnostic but if I were to entertain the remote possibility of the reality of a God my first observation would be that no human could comprehend exactly what a God may be nor could a human comprehend or sensibly comment upon anything to do with that entity as to its reasoning or purpose or how humans fit into a context of God.
So all God stuff is still made up by humans so attributes come merely from human opinion.
If humans want God to be good or bad it is up for a vote as opposed to actually referencing reality.
And look how God has changed over the years...God is who and what a human, any human, invents...mere opinion and opinions vary...
Are you a nihilist, Alex?
Is God good...chatter excused, I trust Jesus' assessment. Luke 18:19 which doesn't mean He can't be bad too.

I like most of Jesus's approach to life.

Most are good messages but common sense really.

I respect others, I am kind, honest and support positive emotions and avoid negative thoughts...all good stuff but I just dont believe Jesus was a God, was the son of God, that he somehow died to fix it for us, that he actually was a real person and certainly that he did not die and rise after three days, which in my view was an attempt in the story to link him to the behaviour of the Sun and therefore a God.

The concept of a real Satan is fairy tale stuff which I reject.

Gods are a human invention something some need and others dont.

If it helps one cope with life I guess use it if you need it...but to me it is living a lie.

And like all things from humans there are good points and bad points.

To me honesty is the most important thing along with kindness...I dont like to see folk conned but I dont like them to have difficulty in coping with if they can feel better and happier I would back down on requiring them to be honest about there being a God or not.

I post mainly cause I am bored at times and to forget my problems for a while.

Are you a nihilist, Alex?
That is a qualification others may make.
I am just a simple human enjoying a wonderful era in time.

Personally I dont like being put in any box..even athiest which, I accept I am, but it puts me in a box...
I reject a lot of stuff I accept a lot of stuff but at the end of it I am just insignificant human out of several billion in a universe argueably infinite but even if limited to the observable universe still a mere speck presumably of no less or no more importance than any other creature large or small experiencing a mere blink of time.