It's logical, wouldn't you say? If everything is flying away from us, then at some point in the past, everything must have been where we are. Right?
Explain why a singularity is not ultimately stable without additions of fudge and "once upon a time" explanations.
The big bang is a complicated theory. It makes lots of predictions about different things.
It predicts that basic science is wrong?
The basics of the big bang (that there was one, etc.) have been confirmed beyond any serious doubt. Some of the details of exactly what happened in the first moments after the bang are still being worked out.
Typical! People go on about thousands of scientists working every day to confirm the BB but the truth is that they just accept it as being infallibly true. That is not science.
The thing to realise is that no single fact proves the big bang theory. Rather, there is an immense amount of evidence of different types that supports the theory. Chances are that knowing down one piece of evidence won't knock down the theory, contrary to what some people think.
Part of the problem. Every time a fault is found, believers say the rest must be true so invent something like DE to explain it away. An overview shows that it is a whole mass of fudges.
Not according to experts in the field.
Which of these experts have even considered a possible alternative? Money is short in science and does not pay to go over old ground, so no one checks.
All we need to do is look at red shifts to establish that. So, we can and do know.
Several years ago a group of scientists said they had found a cluster receding at more than light speed. So obviously it was a quasar and they were measuring a gravitational red shift. Even now we know of linked quasars with very different redshifts because a gravity redshift looks the same as a recessional redshift. The basic idea of photons stretching sounds like it was worked out by a creationist.
The big bang was not an expansion of matter in a pre-existing spacetime (c.f. black holes as the collapse of matter in a pre-existing spacetime). Therefore, the big bang was not a "time-reversed black hole" or anything like that. The big bang was an expansion of spacetime itself, which is quite a different kettle of fish.
Space is literally nothing so does not expand. What occupies it can move further apart, soi making space seem larger. Spacetime is a mathematical definition. It is no more realistic that spaceheat to describe infra-red radiation moving through space. Time is merely change and not a dimension. Dr Who is just a fictional TV programme!
Are there any other viable baskets around? If so, I haven't heard about them.
BB-ers have smothered them and hid them away, using insults and ridicule rather than explanations. That is their idea of scientific procedure, that they do not even consider them.
The balloon analogy commonly used must be understood correctly. The surface of the balloon represents the universe, not the inside and outside of the balloon. The surface of a balloon has no edge, in the same way that the surface of the Earth has no edge. If you walk around the Earth's surface, you never fall off the edge of the world.
The balloon has four physical dimensions so though the skin may be thought of as having no thickness to 4D beings, it does to us 3D beings. Think of a TV picture where there can be endless depth in a 2D screen.
The scale would be such that we could never know about another universe.