We want to know if Arabic is the root of all spoken languages?
What evidence is there for or against?
Who's, we?
We want to know if Arabic is the root of all spoken languages?
What evidence is there for or against?
what I want to know is: Where those monkey`s speaking a language and was it Arabic? Haaa - just kidding
Fusing is rare. You get it with dialects because by definition dialects are mutually intercomprehensible so the speakers can act as a single community. Even then one dialect is often dominant such as High German. Perhaps Italian is a rare example because Modern Italian was to a large extent synthesized by scholars out of a number of dialects with roughly comparable political power.when the tree of languages are constructed.. to what degree do we consider in the scientific approach potential cases of languages historically fusing with each other.. and generally other features that are absent or a rarity in species genealogy?..
We want to know if Arabic is the root of all spoken languages?
What evidence is there for or against?
I do my best to keep up what little information leaks out of the academy on the Nostratus project that's comprehensible to amateurs. I once saw a list of twenty of the proto-language words (and damn me for not doing a better job of filing it; even though it was in a newspaper I simply can't find it with Google) and they were all the "stable" kinds of words that are least likely to be replaced by borrowing. Body parts, pronouns and numbers made up a large portion. The stability of even these words is not absolute ("face" is French, Portuguese replaced "you" with "your grace," and the Basque word for "six" is Spanish) but close enough to be reliable.Some linguists believe they can see traces of the original language but I think they are mistaken. I think their proto-language words are words that spread through the major languages used in prehistoric trade.
The Assyrians originally spoke a different Semitic language, Akkadian. One interesting explanation for the spread of Aramaic under their rule was their policy of breaking up the large Aramaic-speaking populations they conquered in order to suppress solidarity and revolt. As a result Aramaic spread to their other subjects and became the empire's lingua franca. Much like the Norman conquerors of England gradually abandoned French, adopted the Anglo-Saxon language of their subjects and turned it into Middle English, the Assyrians gradually adopted Aramaic. The surviving modern Assyrian people still speak Aramaic, which continued to be the unifying language of the Middle East until quite recently when it was gradually displaced by Arabic.The rise and fall of Aramaic is a very interesting example that can teach us much about the origens of the current languages. (Aramaic was a cousin of Arabic and Hebrew and the native language of Jesus.) The Aramaeans never had a significant nation state. Their language was spread because the micro-nations/tribes with all their small languages needed a common language in which to to business. Some how, like the way Microsoft's DOS came to be the unifying language despite DOS's many flaws, Aramaic became the major language of the MiddleEast. It help Aramaic spread when the Assyrian empire adopted Aramaic but Assyrian conqusts were only a minor part of the spread of Aramaic.
The genealogy of the Semitic languages is known more precisely than that. The ancestral proto-Semitic language can be reconstructed in the Arabian peninsula around 4000BCE. As the Semites spread and separated into disparate tribes, the Aramaeans arose in the Syrian desert around 2000BCE. Arabic is a younger language that developed in South Arabia several centuries later. The grammar and morphology of Aramaic and Arabic, particularly the formation of plurals, shows that they evolved independently.Is Arabic a child of Aramaic? Arabic's dad probably is Aramaic but Arabic's mother was probably Aramaic's mother and her name and identity has been lost to history.
Indeed. By definition "recorded history" was written down and the earliest writing in Mesopotamia is only six thousand years old.Arabic and all of the languages of recorded history are all very recent developments compared to the history of languages.
In American English the standard transcriptions are uh huh and uh uh. The problem is that the distinction is marked by sounds that are not phonemic in English and therefore have no standard recognizable symbols. The syllables of "uh huh" are separated by an H, but those of "uh uh" are separated by a glottal stop, which only some dialects of England use as a phoneme to replace T in certain positions. Even worse, "uh huh" is spoken on a rising tone or one that rises and then drops, while "uh uh" has a monotonically falling tone; tone is phonemic in many languages but English is not one of them. This makes them very easy to tell apart in speech but difficult to write.I was once in a place where people who spoke many different were gathered together and all most could speak a little English. I conducted a crude survey to see which peoples understood "uh huh" and "aa ah" as yes and no. I can't spell the sounds correctly. "anh huh" and anhn uh?
Interesting, I'd never thought about that. I've spent a lot of time among Chinese people and now that you mention it it's obvious that they never utter those quasi-words. I do know that our convention of shaking our heads vertically for "yes" and horizontally for "no" is not universal. The Bulgarians, former subjects of the Ottoman Empire, do just the reverse and that can result in some enormous misunderstandings. At least they did 35 years ago, perhaps after Perestroika they've begun adopting Western ways.Anyway, people from all Indo-European languages seemed to understand those sounds/rythems. People from non-Indo-European languages only understood those sounds if they had spent a lot of time with Indo-European speakers.
I do my best to keep up what little information leaks out of the academy on the Nostratus project that's comprehensible to amateurs. I once saw a list of twenty of the proto-language words
And we must bear in mind that "prehistoric trade" was not a major industry, especially before the invention of the wheel ca. 4000BCE; even less so before the domestication of draft animals ca. 8000BCE; and virtually nil before the Neolithic Revolution manifested division of labor, economy of scale and surplus production ca. 10,000BCE.
Notwithstanding all this, they had only been able to identify fifty proto-language words. Considering that their supercomputers were inventing complex patterns of phonetic shifts to trace their evolution, that's just not enough words to discount the possibility of pure coincidence. The fact that I can't find any reports of further work on this theory in the Internet Era suggests that they might have given up on it.
The Assyrians originally spoke a different Semitic language, Akkadian. One interesting explanation for the spread of Aramaic under their rule was their policy of breaking up the large Aramaic-speaking populations they conquered in order to suppress solidarity and revolt. As a result Aramaic spread to their other subjects and became the empire's lingua franca. Much like the Norman conquerors of England gradually abandoned French, adopted the Anglo-Saxon language of their subjects and turned it into Middle English, the Assyrians gradually adopted Aramaic.
Thanks for the correction. I wonder if I can retain info.The genealogy of the Semitic languages is known more precisely than that. The ancestral proto-Semitic language can be reconstructed in the Arabian peninsula around 4000BCE. As the Semites spread and separated into disparate tribes, the Aramaeans arose in the Syrian desert around 2000BCE. Arabic is a younger language that developed in South Arabia several centuries later. The grammar and morphology of Aramaic and Arabic, particularly the formation of plurals, shows that they evolved independently.
In American English the standard transcriptions are uh huh and uh uh. The problem is that the distinction is marked by sounds that are not phonemic in English and therefore have no standard recognizable symbols. The syllables of "uh huh" are separated by an H, but those of "uh uh" are separated by a glottal stop, which only some dialects of England use as a phoneme to replace T in certain positions. Even worse, "uh huh" is spoken on a rising tone or one that rises and then drops, while "uh uh" has a monotonically falling tone; tone is phonemic in many languages but English is not one of them. This makes them very easy to tell apart in speech but difficult to write.Interesting, I'd never thought about that.
I think this stuff is fascinating.I've spent a lot of time among Chinese people and now that you mention it it's obvious that they never utter those quasi-words. I do know that our convention of shaking our heads vertically for "yes" and horizontally for "no" is not universal. The Bulgarians, former subjects of the Ottoman Empire, do just the reverse and that can result in some enormous misunderstandings. At least they did 35 years ago, perhaps after Perestroika they've begun adopting Western ways.
Yes, but Yiddish has not diverged very far from German. Simple sentences merely sound like German with an odd accent and a simplified grammar. A modern person might think that a Hebrew word like mishpokha for "family" violates the rule, but apparently in the Middle Ages the European concept of family included servants and other members of the "household" rather than just blood relatives.I also am not sure that the idea that we borrow non-basic words but don't borrow basic words is a valid concept. Does Yiddish back up that theory?
It pops up here every now and then. It explains the buoyancy and vestigial webs between our fingers that are unique among apes. Furthermore, the complex reasoning and decisions required in a three-dimensional environment (e.g. flying or swimming) invariably boost intelligence.Aquatic Ape theory has been ignored but i am not aware that it has been refuted.
Language is a technology, not just a natural ability. Our development of technology has occurred at a frenetic pace compared to evolutionary development.Why should I accept rapid evolution when recorded evolution is usually very slow. One day man could not speak and the next day he could speak?
Other developments are more remarkable than that. The change from pack-social hunter-gatherers, living in small tribes of extended family members who had cared for and depended on each other since birth, to herd-social city-dwellers, living in harmony and cooperation within virtual organizations of total strangers (and increasingly of people on the other side of the planet who are mere abstractions to us), is a complete override of a strong natural instinct by reasoned and learned behavior. Yet it occurred in only twelve thousand years. Our massive forebrains allow us to take a new idea and adapt to it very quickly, even when it requires overcoming the instinctive behaviors in our animal brain.I don't find it believable that humans went from languages skills similar to the great apes to language skills similar to modern humans in a 10,000 year span.
It's still Modern English, not the Middle English of Chaucer or the Anglo-Saxon of Beowulf. It could be argued that English has changed more in the past 200 years due to the pressures of technology and democracy. Shakespeare would have trouble grasping the concepts of safe sex, fitness centers and fuel-efficiency, more than the words.back to languages, how fast do languages change? Shakespearian English is very different from modern American English.
More like five or six thousand. Three thousand years ago we already had Greek, Sanskrit, ancient Persian, proto-Celtic, proto-Germanic, etc.I will accept the linguists theory that all IndoEuropean languages derived from a single language that existed perhaps 3000 years ago.
That's a compelling argument. We think of numbers, but we have no idea how high our ancestors could count. "Five" comes from the same root as "finger." According to the amusing and informative book The Meaning of Tingo, the word for "eleven" in one language is basically "I've got to start using my toes." Still, both "be" and "is" are root words that trace all the way back to proto-Indo-European.Let's suppose that the out of Africa people are correct and all Non Africans are descended from people who left Africa 50,000 years ago; would basic words like "is and am" still resemble the words for "is and am" spoken by those who left Africa? Based on some of my fellow Americans saying things like "I be going to the store", I don't think any vocabulary no matter how basic could survive for 50,000 years.
There is a natural limit on the ability of people to trade, when all goods must be carried in their hands or on their backs, at walking speed. Technologies are ideas and travel much more swiftly. This is why agriculture spread so rapidly and why metallurgy was practiced by people who had not yet begun living in cities. Even all domestic dogs and cats are each descended from a single population. It certainly supports the hypothesis that the first language spread so quickly that no other tribes would have had the opportunity to come up with the idea independently.I would have believed that until I learned about recent changes in the archaeologists/historians beliefs about the trading patterns of North American Indians. I guess with the word "major" thrown in your statement is true.
Actually languages change under pressure and the pressure is greater in cities than in villages. It's a common phenomenon that expatriate communities speak dialects that are several generations older than the ones spoken in their native countries. When members of my Czech family, who had been living in Midwestern America's huge Czech expat community since the 1880s, went back to the old country as tourists in the 1960s, they had trouble understanding the language, and the people in Prague thought they had stepped out of an old-time movie.If languages continually become more and more local then eventually the extremely local languages would have to be replaced by a regional language even if the trading was local and not a major activity. Tribes in populated areas can not survive without alliances of tribes. Alliances of tribes can not survive without a common language. Something had been keeping the languages unified on a scale larger than single villages or even small groups of villages. Languages change too quickly for nearby villages to speak the same language solely because they are descended from common ancestors.
Actually, I don't know. That was all my own observation and analysis.You understand the correct language with which to talk about "uh huh" and "uh uh ". I did not know that English had standard transcriptions for "uh huh" and "uh uh". Have linguists studied "uh huh" and "uh uh"?
Interesting. Sometimes I wonder about the primitiveness of certain English words. For example, the word "without" makes no sense. It seems that whoever created the word "without" only had a 500 word vocabulary and needed to find a way to express themselves. Still, why didn't they say "not-having" instead of "with-out"?Language is a technology, not just a natural ability. Our development of technology has occurred at a frenetic pace compared to evolutionary development.
We need to replace the people of Manhattan with a million chimpanzees and see whether they could trained to live harmoniously together, in order understand how remarkable the shift from hunter gatherer tribes to high tech city dwellers is.Other developments are more remarkable than that. The change from pack-social hunter-gatherers, living in small tribes of extended family members who had cared for and depended on each other since birth, to herd-social city-dwellers, living in harmony and cooperation within virtual organizations of total strangers (and increasingly of people on the other side of the planet who are mere abstractions to us), is a complete override of a strong natural instinct by reasoned and learned behavior. Yet it occurred in only twelve thousand years. Our massive forebrains allow us to take a new idea and adapt to it very quickly, even when it requires overcoming the instinctive behaviors in our animal brain.
There is a natural limit on the ability of people to trade, when all goods must be carried in their hands or on their backs, at walking speed. Technologies are ideas and travel much more swiftly. This is why agriculture spread so rapidly and why metallurgy was practiced by people who had not yet begun living in cities. Even all domestic dogs and cats are each descended from a single population. It certainly supports the hypothesis that the first language spread so quickly that no other tribes would have had the opportunity to come up with the idea independently.
Actually languages change under pressure and the pressure is greater in cities than in villages. It's a common phenomenon that expatriate communities speak dialects that are several generations older than the ones spoken in their native countries. When members of my Czech family, who had been living in Midwestern America's huge Czech expat community since the 1880s, went back to the old country as tourists in the 1960s, they had trouble understanding the language, and the people in Prague thought they had stepped out of an old-time movie.
Every language has built in limitations. It has paradigms that evolved slowly in earlier eras and modern people struggle to overcome them. In English one of our Stone Age paradigms is prepositions. Unlike nouns, verbs and adjectives, prepositions are a closed class that resist the invention of new words. Obviously this is a psychological limitation but it is unconsciously enforced by consensus--an element of the "collective unconscious" of our "tribe."Interesting. Sometimes I wonder about the primitiveness of certain English words. For example, the word "without" makes no sense. It seems that whoever created the word "without" only had a 500 word vocabulary and needed to find a way to express themselves. Still, why didn't they say "not-having" instead of "with-out"?
It's much easier to do that when the advanced civilization already exists and all you have to do is agree to join it and learn how it works. It's a considerably slower process when you and your fellow villagers have to invent it by trial and error.I read (could be false) that at least one person went from the stone age hunter and gatherer in Papua New Guinea to airline pilot during a one lifespan.
You may be right about social customs. In fact primitive people tend to be more social than we are and could easily have more complex relations than modern people who don't know their neighbors very well, communicate with their friends with a keyboard, and live successful lives in harmony and cooperation with strangers instead of their families.The hunter gatherer social customs could be as complex as modern social customs and the number of skilled techniques and facts that a stone age person would need to understand may be as numerous as those that a modern man has to understand.
But what can they do with their leisure time? I'm sure today they have iPods and other portable technologies to enrich their lives, but their Stone Age ancestors did not. Even as recently as 150 years ago, professionally performed music was not available to most people outside of cities, except at long intervals.I read that the hunter gatherers in the Namibian desert only work 20 hours a week and have life spans as long or longer than than most of the worlds agricultural and city people.
As a lifelong music lover and professional (although not career) musician, I must disagree strenuously. I would not have had the one thing that makes my life worth living.Being modern is a means to an ends and has no value of it's own. Being happy has value and therefore being healthy and well fed has value.
Civilization was by definition not only a Paradigm Shift, but required overriding our pack-social instinct with reasoned and learned behavior. People had no impetus to start doing that until the Late Stone Age when agriculture both permitted and required people to build permanent villages and start trusting people in other clans.I still think that traits needed for city living developed slowly in stone age man and the higher populations densities forced the traits to suddenly be applied to agriculture and city living.
Koko the gorilla or one of the apes who learned ASL did the same thing the first time she saw a zebra. She called it a "white tiger."I think language is much older. Alex the Parrot was taught the works for cherry, banana, cork, and nut. Alex was not taught words for apple or almond. Alex came up with banana-cherry for apple and cork-nut for almond on his own. Alex was right an apple is sort of half way between a banana and a cherry.
Indeed. Chimps have developed vocabularies of 1,000 words in ASL. Some people insist that this is just complex mimicking and not true language ability. I'm waiting for some deaf people to decide to become primatologists because of this research. I think their perspective of talking to another species in their own native language will shed some light on the controversy.Some wild Chimpanzees have different learned calls used in hunting for different kinds of monkeys that they like to eat. Chimpanzees can be taught to use syntax and can create sentences using sign language.
Well sure. The Neolithic Revolution only happened about 12,000 years ago in the earliest location, Asia Minor, and more recently in other places. Given that we can trace existing language families back almost half that far and actually reconstruct the ancestral languages, it's a good bet that the technology of language was invented long before the technology of agriculture, and indeed may have been indispensable to the planning and organization it required. There are many paradigm shifts in prehistory which we can reasonably speculate could not have happened without the technology of language. The Nostratus hypothesis posits that all non-African languages are related, which pushes the invention of the technology back 50,000 years to the diaspora out of Africa, if it's true. Language might have been the technology that made the first successful emigration out of Africa possible.Early stone age man probably used words long before agriculture and metallurgy.
The Nostratus faction agrees with you. As a linguist I am enamored of the theory but I don't think we have enough evidence for it yet, and furthermore I think that evidence could easily be lost in prehistory so we may never know the answer.Some relatively recent events created the language groups but I don't the language groups are remnants of a recent birth of language.
Conquest can do it but it also has been known to work the other way. The Sumerians gave up their Akkadian language and adopted the Aramaic of their conquered peoples, and the Norman French did the same thing in "Angle Land."I think conquest or trade must have got people to abandon their local languages in favor of the languages that became the language groups.
Well sure. The Americas were populated around 14000BCE. The tribe that spoke proto-Indo-European began to disperse around 4000-5000BCE. Quite a difference.It is my understanding that in 1400 AD, the North American Indians had a greater linguistic diversity than Europe did. This would suggest that the event that created the Indo-European language family occurred significantly later than the settlement of North America by native Americans.
"With out" was originally two words like "in to" and "up on," an attempt to express a new kind of relationship with the existing set of prepositions. Obviously the logic behind their creation is murky. Eventually they merged into a single word.
I gotta say I doubt that.fraggle said:Shakespeare would have trouble grasping the concepts of safe sex, fitness centers and fuel-efficiency, more than the words.
Your list does not persuade me that the Stone Sge set was smaller, though. That was a list of machines whose operation requires essentially one skill - a one step knob manipulation. Some you push, some you twist, you get what you want - pigeons can be trained to accomplish that entire routine up to the car, except (possibly) the shoelaces.fraggle said:But as for skilled techniques, I'm not sure I agree. Photograph yourself throughout a typical day, starting with the alarm clock, the flush toilet, the hot-and-cold shower, the toothpaste tube, the deodorant, the can opener for the cat food (not to mention the cat himself), the coffeemaker, the toaster, the shoelaces, the door latches and locks, the elevator. Then monitor yourself just in the operation, navigation, and conventions of driving a car. Then your office procedures and equipment. Stone Age people had a set of survival skills such as telling poisonous berries from nutritious ones and knowing how to corner a rhinoceros without being gored, but I'm not convinced it was a larger set.
The total complexity of the skill set available to the population does not compare equivalents. The question started out as which humans required the mastery of more complex skills in the course their ordinary life - specialization intrinsically reduces, rather than increases, that set in any one person.fraggle said:And I'm certainly not convinced that it was a more complex set since, unlike today's survival skills, everybody knew how every process worked from start to finish.
"With" originally had another meaning: "against," which is still represented by German wieder ...
<Slaps forehead in shame> Too many brain cells have atrophied. You'd never know that 35 years ago I got around Europe for two months by speaking German!I just wanted to let you know that the German word in this instance is wider, not wieder.
German has its share of homonyms, although not as many as English. Staat "state"/stadt "city", Mann "man"/man "one" (indefinite pronoun), Seite "side"/Saite "fiddle", sein "to be"/sein "one's own".In fact, curiously enough, wider is against, while wieder is again.
Oh no! I try to maintain high standards of scholarship here. Please correct all errors including those of the Moderator.So yeah, I'll shut up now.
We want to know if Arabic is the root of all spoken languages?
What evidence is there for or against?
This is a place of science. Citations of religious organizations are regarded with great suspicion. A scientist attempts to find the truth, whereas a religionist attempts to find evidence to support his pet theory. It's not surprising that a group of Muslims would reach the conclusion that Arabic is the mother of all languages, just as the Soviet Union always had "proof" that all major technologies were invented by Russians.Arabic is indeed the mother of all languages and this is a thesis based on extensive research done by our community i.e,The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community.
There's a reason for this rule and you have been so helpful as to illustrate it. We have to develop trust in a new member before we're willing to expend the bandwidth and the energy to follow his suggestions. As a moderator I felt it was my duty to trace some of your sources and they are simply horrible. This is "linguistics" as it was practiced 300 years ago.As I am writing my first post I am not able to give you the links to these research works...
Research in one science has to correlate with research in the other sciences. Contemporary linguistic analysis using massively parallel computers has reconstructed ancestral languages that go back 5,000 years. There were no "Arabs" 5,000 years ago, and the proto-Semitic language spoken by the Semitic tribes that were the ancestors of the Arabs, Jews, Palestinians, Lebanese, etc., bears only accidental resemblance to proto-Indo-European, Egyptian, Chinese, and other partially reconstructed Bronze Age languages. If this theory were true one would expect to see a slow convergence going back in time, and there is none.. . . .there is a number of books about Arabic generally being the root of all languages as well as the origin of some specific languages including English,Italian,Japanese etc from Arabic,which actually prove wrong the conclusion of philologists that Arabic is just a relatively new and ordianary language which has no link to the Indo-European family which includes English and Italian but rather remarkably proves with strong evidence that Arabic was the language from which sprung all the other languages,that is with logical arguments.