Lol, you don't know me very well. I can ignore off topic comments, and I don't like it when the other party to a discussion responds to them.hmmm... [chuckle]... yes well... uhm...
Before suggesting another thread to get in to it in more detail I wanted to suggest the following.
One of the biggest problems of considering and ultimately venturing alternative ideas (theories) is the need the alternativ-ist feel to accommodate some aspects of currently held scientific belief.
In doing this the alternativ-ist finds he may compromise his original conception [ideas] by accepting certain premises and discarding others. In doing so render his theorizing vulnerable to serious credibility issues and confusion.
To state for example that time is invariant [ which I happen to agree with ] opens the door to a huge labyrinth of counter argument.
For example: I may state, that time dilation is in fact caused by the invariance of time and that as force is applied to accelerate an object the inertial drag caused by that invariance forces the object to conform to that invariance and time is dilated to accommodate the invariance...thus indicating we have two dimensions to time, one fundamental and another relatively superficial.
The fundamental time value for energy : 'c' being the fastest and slowest that anything can go is held as an absolute invariant time-energy statement.
An object of mass is already innately at 'c' is accelerated to c+ 0.5'c'.
Superficially the object is only at 0.5'c' but whose local time is dilated to return it to the base rate of the underpinning 'c'
so essentially the dilation is caused by the invariance of 'c' and the dilation experienced itself is a fundamental way the object can maintain that invariance of 'c'
Of course stating the above would cause a huge uproar from the more conventional theorist, and rightly so I might add. [As SRT and no doubt some of GR would be in total need of a revamp to accommodate it]