Internet Gaming Center

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Registered Senior Member
I was wondeting if mant of you had a one of these in your town?

Like a place with a LAN where people play games all the time?
No. There is a difference. A "net cafe" is a place where business man go to chask their email, and use a computer while siping down a cup of coffee.

A gaming center is where people go to play games together online.
My school has one set up. It's fun all us slackers play WCIII or Battlefeild 1942 and the like between classes.
Battlefield 1942 ROCKS!! The only problem I have is when the CHEATERS use the cheat codes to make themselves invincible or they screw with your controls so that you are not able to control them. I have also had problems with being disconnected from a game and being kicked out because I ACCIDENTLY killed a teammate when either throwing a granade or an artillary barrage.
Originally posted by Ender
No. There is a difference. A "net cafe" is a place where business man go to chask their email, and use a computer while siping down a cup of coffee.

A gaming center is where people go to play games together online.

Well, here in Ottawa, an internet cafe is BOTH of these things.
How could a business man check emails in a large dark room filled with gun blasting sounds? Yes, I am describing one of many typical net cafes in San Francisco.
One word: headphones.

People here have some consideration for others when it comes to
gaming... but once in a while you get the very loud "F*CK!" or "BS!"
from one end of the room and people just start laughing... always
good fun!
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