Yes, yes I agree entirely that some certainly are mocking religion and god: But hey Timojin, don't you often set out to mock science?The point here on the forum are just mocking
You have heard about people in glass houses throwing stones?
Yes, yes I agree entirely that some certainly are mocking religion and god: But hey Timojin, don't you often set out to mock science?The point here on the forum are just mocking
Yes, yes I agree entirely that some certainly are mocking religion and god: But hey Timojin, don't you often set out to mock science?
You have heard about people in glass houses throwing stones?![]()
Before I read the rest of your post I apologise if I got carried away and appeared disrespectful.You picked the word IRRELEVANT and bashing me down
OK fair enough..THIS is the important part "If God wants to communicate something to me , he will speak to me in a form (language ) that I will understand. "
The point here on the forum are just mocking
Your last question is the easiest to answer because, for obvious reasons, Hebrew is one of the most-studied human languages. The first evidence of Hebrew writing is on a stone shard found (more-or-less) in the historical region of Israel. It is dated (in round numbers) to 1000BCE.I've asked this question before, but could not get any answer: What language does god speak when he talks to A&E? What language does the talking snake speak when he talks to Eve? What language did A&E speak to each other? What language was spoken BEFORE it was translated into ancient Hebrew?
God must have had self fulfilling idioms. and according to Genesis he seems to be talking a lot to himself? " let there be light--" " let there be water above. --", as soon it is said, it is done, so, he must have talked before animals and humans existed??.
It was a monologue in createse, unless, if the bible is to be believed, "angels" were made before the material universeBut there was nobody there to communicate with, so why would he have a language at all?
IMHO, 'Createse' is a dialect - based on subquantum vibrations - that when spoken, even loudly, is seldom heard (detected).It was a monologue in createse, unless, if the bible is to be believed, "angels" were made before the material universe
You seem to have a fondness for "subquantum". Could you please provide a definition in your own words? While we're at it, any links to evidence supporting "subquantum" theory would be appreciated. Also, what useful predictions from "subquantum vibrations" or other subquantum perturbations are posited?based on subquantum vibrations
I agree. And when you _can_ hear it, it is almost identical to Esperanto.IMHO, 'Createse' is a dialect - based on subquantum vibrations - that when spoken, even loudly, is seldom heard (detected).
So your biological father is unknown BEFORE DNA test and your mom....Read This.
everyone who believes in religion are idiots.
It was a monologue in createse, unless, if the bible is to be believed, "angels" were made before the material universe
You seem to have a fondness for "subquantum". Could you please provide a definition in your own words? While we're at it, any links to evidence supporting "subquantum" theory would be appreciated. Also, what useful predictions from "subquantum vibrations" or other subquantum perturbations are posited?
Alternatively, maybe this is just a supercool buzzword for you - perhaps your old school new age crystals are resonating on a subquantum level...
Thank you for your response. Essentially you seem to be saying that subquantum refers to anything "below or under" the quantum level, as in... you know, "sub" quantum - which can easily be divined from the Latin root. So I'm not impressed, no new information. You essentially repeat this definition again, complete with the extraneous dictionary links. I'm really looking for answers to the questions you mostly ignored:"My usage of the term ‘subquantum’ is simply that of discussing the subplanckian domain (less than ~ 10-35 cm scale). Subquantum is essentially the fuzzy point below which Maxwellian-defined quantum behavior is not detectible as discrete quanta. Subquantum is that domain from which the quantum domain emerges. Essentially, quantum is the lower limit of detectibility, or observability, or in Bohm’s identity, the explicate domain. Subquantum refers primarily (in my usage) to Bohm’s implicate domain. IMO, we are only on the cusp of experimental excursions into the subquantum domain, due to difficulties in physical detection/observation. Hints of the subquantum domain may be represented by such phenomena as the Casimir Effect, Van der Waals forces, consciousness-seated in neuronal microtubules, etc.
Other than enigmatic references to "Hints of the subquantum domain may be represented by such phenomena as the Casimir Effect, Van der Waals forces, consciousness-seated in neuronal microtubules, etc." I see nothing regarding any practical application of your super cool buzzword. How, precisely, do "such phenomena as the Casimir Effect, Van der Waals forces, consciousness-seated in neuronal microtubules, etc." relate to the "subquantum" world?While we're at it, any links to evidence supporting "subquantum" theory would be appreciated. Also, what useful predictions from "subquantum vibrations" or other subquantum perturbations are posited?
I will, as I'm sure you will also, from inside the 'box'! No offense intended.OK, no offense intended. I just wanted to make sure we were in agreement that there is absolutely no evidence of nor predictions produced by your wonderful little "subquantum" buzz word. Thanks for clearing that up, I was afraid you thought it was somehow related to real science rather than tinfoil woo.
Do carry on...