We don't have a Worthiness Council to decide who gets antibiotics and who does not, so as to steer the human race - as a whole - toward a Master Race selected as defined by the council.
I do not endorse any sort of racial or national discrimination. But I do endorse the idea of preferring some individuals over others, based on their behavior, values they hold, intellectual qualities, e.t.c, without looking at their race or origin.
As the more extreme example, I do not think that a cold-blooded murderer is worth anything as a human being and should have the same privileges as people who value life. Or people who crush kittens and puppies on camera for fun. Have you seen those? Can you say those people are your equal?
If you're going to compare me with Hitler for this, so be it, but you'd be wrong.
I've seen too much stupid and cruelty in this life to care equally for every human, too much people harming themselves out of their own ignorance.
And besides, I'm not a fan of this, but we already have Worthiness Council in place right now, and their leader's name is Donald Trump.
And once again, if you wish, let's give our hypothetical immortality to everyone (and I mean everyone, because no one wants to die), and let's not take away the joy of having as much children as they want from anyone. Then, let's just watch the world burn. Or, do you think people will decide against having babies on their own, or come up with a virtually unlimited source of renewable energy, and will learn to synthesize unlimited amounts of food?
Well, that is too much "if"s.
Guess it's a good thing I'm not the one making the calls, huh