
" Imagination is more important than knowledge " a famous quote .
"More important" is meaningless. Are the wheels on a car "more important" than the engine?

We need to imagine possible explanations for what we see - but it's equally important to test our imaginings against reality
in order to jump off a cliff many prototype and imaginary devices were created that worked.
And many that didn't work. Imagination kills.
Imagination without knowledge is also freedom of thought.
Sure, without knowledge you are free to think whatever you like, completely unbounded by reality. What emerges from such thoughts, though, are fantasies. They may be useful if you are a Hollywood screenwriter - not so useful when you want to make things that work in the real world.
As I already said in message #21, "We need to imagine possible explanations for what we see - but it's equally important to test our imaginings against reality."

You don't test your imaginings. You don't even seem to be able to imagine how to test them.


What a strange notion. Which scientist non-believer told you they hate life? Have you ever taken time to actually talk to a scientists non-believer? How many of them do you know?

I thought it was left out because the Bible was not intended by its writers to be a scientific text.

Do you think that science contains knowledge of Satan? How so?

I thought you believed in reincarnation. Which is it? Are you going to live in Heaven or be reborn in a new body here on Earth? Or are you planning on doing both, somehow?

How do you know you're going to Heaven?


I think having faith is wise, on the superstition of hope and the wish to be. The Bible can’t be scientific or it would be overly dangerous to human beings. I see Adam as the fallen God of LOVE, who saw both an eternal war and ever after at once, the self and the it can be separate through non-self and Hindu descent.
I see Adam as the fallen God of LOVE, who saw both an eternal war and ever after at once, the self and the it can be separate through non-self and Hindu descent.
This statement is not even wrong.

Are you claiming that Adam was capable of abstract thought and expectation?
Is that how the earliest cave dwellers expressed their deep philosophical thoughts? Pictures of animals?

The self and the "it" or "id"?

Adam was of Hindu descent?

You have a lot of splaining to do.................

Since you haven't bothered to actually address any of the questions I put to you, I have no further interest in engaging with you. Having a conversation means listening to what the other person has to say and engaging with them. If you just want to get on your soap box, I'm out.

I might also add that it's very rude to just ignore what somebody is saying to you in a conversation. Didn't anybody teach you that?
As I already said in message #21, "We need to imagine possible explanations for what we see - but it's equally important to test our imaginings against reality."

You don't test your imaginings. You don't even seem to be able to imagine how to test them.
How would God treat man? Give him something he can’t test.
So you're measuring the duration of the tick tock, not time itself.
That's like saying you're not measuring a two-by-four with a tape measure. But you are. You're comparing a known length (tape measure) with an unknown length (two-by-four).

With a clock, you're comparing a known interval of time (tick tock) with an unknown interval.

You cannot measure something that does not exist yet.
You're not. You're counting the number of ticks and tocks after they happen.