You don’t know me at all lol You have no idea my struggles in life and why I dislike Trump and Biden. So, your self righteous, egoist tone is of no use to me.
I was gonna drop this, but it's kind of buggin' me.
No, I don't know you, nor anyone else who posts on this forum. Likewise, neither you--nor anyone else here--know me. We only know
what you post, what I post and so forth. But the fact is, you have posted certain falsehoods regarding a number of matters that are of utmost concern and import to the upcoming elections and the future directions of this nation--you'll recall that you were totally unaware of the degree to which Trump downplayed and dismissed (as a "Democrat" hoax) the Coronavirus pandemic, as well as the timeline during which Trump took literally NO actions for
months on end to address any of the pressing demands (save for the China travel ban, which turned out to be not much of a travel ban at all), until several posters here provided detailed synopsis of his failures, ja? Likewise, you yourself have admitted to not being informed about any number of matters pertinent to this presidency and it's nefarious endeavors.
You are correct that the sheer volume of disinformation out there is overwhelming, and separating the wheat from the chaff is no small feat; but neither is it a colossal feat, unless you're in the business of professional fact-checking (something which I have done for a number of publications, textbooks and the like: not fun. At least, not anymore. It used to be alright, then it just became a drag.)
This isn't like, I don't know, debating whether or not Paul McCartney is dead or recent findings in cryptozoology. This is real world shit, with very serious real world consequences for an awful lot of people and other beings on this planet. Yet, like I said, I really don't follow politics all that closely anymore. I feel like I know just
barely enough to be a responsible citizen who ought exercise my right to vote if I deem it necessary (where I live presently, my vote in presidential elections is of no consequence, so...). But, again,
just barely. I flog myself regularly over being ill-informed on pertinent matters. Still, I'm not reticent when it comes to expressing my opinions on certain matters--I just try to make damn sure that I've got my facts straight first.
And, of course, there's the
not terribly bright to consider. People posting (for instance) anti-vaxxer bullshit is just sick and wrong--and people have died as a consequence of these disinformation campaigns. Or, to take some recent examples from this very forum. An Australian poster has repeatedly objected to criticisms of Trump's handling of the pandemic, to the factual claim that Trump "stole" the election, etc.--and then he admits that he really doesn't follow U.S. politics that closely anyways. WTF?! Another poster has claimed that "middle class black people" are treated no differently from anyone else, except, perhaps by the police! Again, WTF?! That's some dangerously idiotic shit right there.
And that is why I so strongly opposed to displays of (seemingly) willful ignorance coming from otherwise intelligent people. Your words have consequences, especially when they're posted on the interwebs and accessible by essentially anyone and everyone on this planet.