I'm broke

So do not worry, saying, 'What shall we eat?' or 'What shall we drink?' or 'What shall we wear?'
For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them.
But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.

It doesn't necessarily have to be called 'God", call it light, love, poetry, art, etc. Get it now?

No... i dont "get" that kind of stuff... i thank its mumbo-jumbo... an yet... i eat... drank an have clothes wit-out seekin "his" righteousness.!!!

Notice the fly in the ointment.???
its called money management, learn it.
You can't manage something you don't have. I need to learn how to make money. The little I have I do however manage pretty well, but it's too little to invest, all goes to food and rent.
My first bidness was findin an sellin pop bottles for 2 cents each... but my best childhood job was shinnin shoes for 15 cents a pair... an most people went ahead an gave me a quarter :)

How do you get food.???
I go out in the forest and hunt.
You can't manage something you don't have. I need to learn how to make money. The little I have I do however manage pretty well, but it's too little to invest, all goes to food and rent.

get a better job obviously. And invest in some certificates or degree even for more prospects. Nursing for example is around 600-1500$ for certificate depending on where you are, yet in long run pays off by stability, high pay, and overall great corporate structure, and also availability of jobs anywhere.
I go out in the forest and hunt.

...why do I doubt that...>.>

also in previous post to me you said that your money goes to food, unless you are paying the reindeer to get shot...I doubt you meant hunting here.
get a better job obviously. And invest in some certificates or degree even for more prospects. Nursing for example is around 600-1500$ for certificate depending on where you are, yet in long run pays off by stability, high pay, and overall great corporate structure, and also availability of jobs anywhere.

That's disgusting! I don't like touching strangers, especially not sick strangers. I'm also offended by the suggestion. Would you have suggested the same to a man?
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That's disgusting! I don't like touching strangers, especially not sick strangers. I'm also offended by the suggestion. Would you have suggested the same to a man?

Ummm nursing is not disgusting...>.>

My cousin works in healthcare and he is a guy, trust me men make great doctors.

I mean if you dont like hospitals and helping sick people...well there are plenty of other options out there. Say you started in supermarket, you can work your way up to a manager. Or you could get a certificate in accounting. Improve your life through directed education.

There is no "I would suggest this only to a woman" thing going on here. I am simply stating how to improve your life and not cry a river of tears of sadness and desolation, as if God did not give us all equal chances in this life.
So the only logical explanation to this is that you hunt in World of Warcraft and sell the experience points for real money which you than use to buy food from a grocery store.