"ILLEGAL ALIEN" Dies on Hospital After Being Ignored for 45 Minutes

I don't think you've had as much criminal/illegal immigration as we have. And yours are not like ours. Yours speak English, right? That helps. And yours aren't sucking your country dry. And your country is not catering to Spanish-speaking people are they? Do you have to "press 1 for English" on your phones? Do you have to read Spanish sh!t on everything you buy? Do your airports still have mostly English-speaking personnel, or are they like F'n Miami where you can't understand a F'n word?:mad:

And your country is not turning into a third-world cesspool is it?:mad:

I think yours might be a little bit more violent than ours. They still suck. Criminal/illegal immigration sucks.:mad:

Your immigration figures are pathetic compared to ours. We have at least 20 million CRIMINAL/ILLEGAL aliens here in the past 10 years or so. You're only expected to get 2 million in the next 10 years. Not even in the same ball park...
I don't think you've had as much criminal/illegal immigration as we have. And yours are not like ours. Yours speak English, right? That helps. And yours aren't sucking your country dry. And your country is not catering to Spanish-speaking people are they? Do you have to "press 1 for English" on your phones? Do you have to read Spanish sh!t on everything you buy? Do your airports still have mostly English-speaking personnel, or are they like F'n Miami where you can't understand a F'n word?:mad:

And your country is not turning into a third-world cesspool is it?:mad:

I think yours might be a little bit more violent than ours. They still suck. Criminal/illegal immigration sucks.:mad:

yes we do have to press numbers to get english, and all of the road signs are now also printed in hindu aswell has english, and yes this country in turing into a immagrants paradise, and your country is more violent than briatin!!
and also when trying to get my son into a school here i was told that the school i wanted my child to go in to had three spaces avaliable so i went down there and was told, sorry we keep those spaces open for immagrants! so yes we do ahve a problem, the education of british children should not suffer like that
and also when trying to get my son into a school here i was told that the school i wanted my child to go in to had three spaces avaliable so i went down there and was told, sorry we keep those spaces open for immagrants! so yes we do ahve a problem, the education of british children should not suffer like that

Hey, weren't you the one who posted that bullshit about why can't we just accept people as they are?? Do I detect a tiny bit of hypocricy here?

Baron Max
yes we do have to press numbers to get english, and all of the road signs are now also printed in hindu aswell has english, and yes this country in turing into a immagrants paradise, and your country is more violent than briatin!!

I'm not so sure my country is violent. The criminal aliens sure are.:mad:
I'm not so sure my country is violent. The criminal aliens sure are.:mad:

You know believe it or not I would have sympathy for your views if it weren't for the fact I have life experience that blows it to smithereens.

Ya see, I've been around america before all this immigration or less immigration it seems and it was americans who were just as nasty, ignorant and criminal. As a matter of fact, I had to attend school with most of them and I'm sure most of them are just as much violent, animalistic, ignorant, sociopathic jerks grown-up than they were back then.

You disgust me because you are so fucking dishonest. Do you realize how fucking embarassed and humilated you would be if I could have videotaped all the unsavory aspects of your AMERICANS???? That WOULD HAVE BEEN MOSTLY WHITES AS WELL AS BLACKS SANDY!! Get over it, because most of your americans legal or not are bitches and assholes just like most people.
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I said 'lying in a gutter' not dying. As for your story, i guess, as usual, we will just have to take your word for it.:rolleyes:

Even the thread title is inaccurate:

"ILLEGAL ALIEN" Dies on Hospital After Being Ignored for 45 Minutes"

This is a simple matter of intent Bells. The thread was started not out of compassion for this person but to get the bash America crowds rocks off...you know it and so do i.
I agree with you.

If you read the posts I first made in this thread, you'd see that.

What health care system are you talking about?
Yours and every one else's.

She dont have to thank me or you for that matter. This does not take away from the fact that in the U.S there are the best ERs in the world...Dont compare a hospital in the outback to one in South Central.
Well one of your "best ER's" let this woman die in her own vomit and blood. Although they were kind enough to have a janitor clean around her.

Contrary to what you may believe, Australia not is all outback country. I would be willing to bet that even our smallest hospitals in the actual outback would not sit back and do nothing while a woman took 45 minutes to die, while vomitting blood, while the staff sat and did their work at their desks right in front of her. This woman died of abandonment in a hospital, where she had gone for help.

I dont know what hospitals are like in Australia and you dont know what they are like in U.S, go walk around South Central or Bushwick, Brooklyn like i have then maybe you will know a little more.
Hang on. I thought you said the hospitals in the US are the best in the world, or at least their ER's are?

The reason this woman died is because she was poor and uninsured. There is a common perception that if you travel to the US, be sure you have the best medical insurance and hope like hell you don't get sick or have an accident as it could very well be you won't make it home. I guess if you are unlucky enough to make it to a hospital in a poor area in the US, that perception might indeed come true. I have known of people who preferred to fly back to Australia with broken limbs and go to the hospital here then risk going to one of the ER's in the US, having been there previously for other medical complaints. After having read and heard of some of the horror stories, I can understand why.

Yes you do have some great hospitals in the US. But if you are poor and uninsured, you basically only get medical treatment that is subpar. So please spare me the whole "US has the best ER's in the world" hyperbole. This woman's death and many more like hers only prove you wrong.

sandy said:
I already know they're human beings. They're parasites who DON'T F'n BELONG HERE!!!
Do you think for one minute that we would be given free healthcare in Mexico if they knew we were there illegally? Hell freakin no.
I'm tired of the bleeding heart liberals who want us to pay for everyone and everything

sandy said:
These people are.
Parasites suck their host dry. That's what the criminal aliens are doing to us.
Sucking our: schools, hospitals, welfare, food stamps, jails, jobs, neighborhoods, law enforcement, etc dry. And WE are stuck paying for them.
What in the hell is the matter with you? And you call yourself a Christian? You're only a bloody Christian to the point where your wallet meets your backside. And you dare talk about "saving people"? She was a Californian native you gormless twit. Ergo she did belong there.

The whole point of this thread is to show that a hospital should care for the sick and that a person's immigration status should not come into it if someone comes into an ER and is dying.
I'm not so sure my country is violent. The criminal aliens sure are.:mad:

for the last time a vast majoraty of imagrents aren't violent they keep a low profile so as not to atract attention why do you let your fear of these people let you believe false things about beside this issue isn't about imagration its about doctors refusing to treat someone they dislike
Wow...! sandy is a big messy contradiction, eh?

On one side, a loving god who cares about everyone and wishes everyone well. On another side, mexicans, who are human being but ALSO parasites are irrelevant to god and god doesn;t wish them well...

She's brillinat! Absolutely brilliant! :rolleyes:
You know believe it or not I would have sympathy for your views if it weren't for the fact I have life experience that blows it to smithereens.

Ya see, I've been around america before all this immigration or less immigration it seems and it was americans who were just as nasty, ignorant and criminal. As a matter of fact, I had to attend school with most of them and I'm sure most of them are just as much violent, animalistic, ignorant, sociopathic jerks grown-up than they were back then.

You disgust me because you are so fucking dishonest. Do you realize how fucking embarassed and humilated you would be if I could have videotaped all the unsavory aspects of your AMERICANS???? That WOULD HAVE BEEN MOSTLY WHITES AS WELL AS BLACKS SANDY!! Get over it, because most of your americans legal or not are bitches and assholes just like most people.

Re Poor Tid.


"New York City's public scol studnets represent about 188 different coountrues" those are ypos.

Ya see, I've been around america before all this immigration or less immigration it seems and it was americans who were just as nasty, ignorant and criminal. As a matter of fact, I had to attend school with most of them and I'm sure most of them are just as much violent, animalistic, ignorant, sociopathic jerks grown-up than they were back then.

Just as nasty, ignorant and criminal as WHO?...I would like to know that also.
Are you saying you got beat up in America? Give evidence of this harrasment. what thread is this anyway?

I agree with you.

If you read the posts I first made in this thread, you'd see that.

Yours and every one else's.

Well one of your "best ER's" let this woman die in her own vomit and blood. Although they were kind enough to have a janitor clean around her.

Contrary to what you may believe, Australia not is all outback country. I would be willing to bet that even our smallest hospitals in the actual outback would not sit back and do nothing while a woman took 45 minutes to die, while vomitting blood, while the staff sat and did their work at their desks right in front of her. This woman died of abandonment in a hospital, where she had gone for help.

Hang on. I thought you said the hospitals in the US are the best in the world, or at least their ER's are?

The reason this woman died is because she was poor and uninsured. There is a common perception that if you travel to the US, be sure you have the best medical insurance and hope like hell you don't get sick or have an accident as it could very well be you won't make it home. I guess if you are unlucky enough to make it to a hospital in a poor area in the US, that perception might indeed come true. I have known of people who preferred to fly back to Australia with broken limbs and go to the hospital here then risk going to one of the ER's in the US, having been there previously for other medical complaints. After having read and heard of some of the horror stories, I can understand why.

Yes you do have some great hospitals in the US. But if you are poor and uninsured, you basically only get medical treatment that is subpar. So please spare me the whole "US has the best ER's in the world" hyperbole. This woman's death and many more like hers only prove you wrong.

I really dont know if there is anyplace in Australia that is like where this woman died, what kind of comparison is that? Give proof where you can make such a comparison.

Is'nt it interesting how Truthseeker assumed she was illegal?

You are WRONG about the last part too. You pay like any other service, and they bill you. Why would someone go back to Australia with a broken arm? that is absurd. If you go on vacation you shouldn't be as stupid as to break an arm...and besides maybe you can get insurance for the time you are in U.S. that way you couild get good health care. Because i hear that health care in Canda, Europe and Australia is not the pleasure you make it out to be.

I dont know much about Australia, you have maybe a few big cities, not many people in U.s would even know whaqt the rest is like. And i know it is must be hot as hell. Cant think of a reason to wnat to move there.
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I do not understand how people can be so callous and uncaring about ANYONE be they black, white, Indian or Uzbekistanian. Ok, so don't give her surgery on the spot, but at least comfort her. Give her water. or at least take her to a goddamn doctor. Doctors are supposed to be compassionate.......
If someone had just got out of a smashed car on the highway. would you do nothing ?

I'll close with an anecdote: When police officers respond to shootings in Los Angeles, they must advise their watch commanders of the victim's condition so the appropriate detectives can be notified. I was once on the phone with my watch commander as I watched paramedics load a shooting victim into an ambulance. "How's he look?" asked the lieutenant.

"Not that bad," I said, "but they're taking him to King."

"Okay," he said. "I'll call Homicide."
Clearly the problem lies with the hospital's staff and management - more so the latter. It's almost inevitable that the staff of a busy city hospital, used to dealing with regular drive-bys and the like, will become immune to the suffering that they don't see around them - unless something is done to counteract this. The ultimate responsibility lies with the management for allowing an air of indifference to pervade the hospital, its staff and its procedures, and for failing to remind the hospital employees on a regular basis why they got into medicine in the first place.
Only one patient had a look at her, Shouldn't everyone be crowding around her and calling for help ? Also, it was brought to their attention so how do they not see it ? But i understand what you are saying, that it is possible that the management could have let the attitude of indifference gone too far.
You know believe it or not I would have sympathy for your views if it weren't for the fact I have life experience that blows it to smithereens.

Ya see, I've been around america before all this immigration or less immigration it seems and it was americans who were just as nasty, ignorant and criminal. As a matter of fact, I had to attend school with most of them and I'm sure most of them are just as much violent, animalistic, ignorant, sociopathic jerks grown-up than they were back then.

You disgust me because you are so fucking dishonest. Do you realize how fucking embarassed and humilated you would be if I could have videotaped all the unsavory aspects of your AMERICANS???? That WOULD HAVE BEEN MOSTLY WHITES AS WELL AS BLACKS SANDY!! Get over it, because most of your americans legal or not are bitches and assholes just like most people.

I'm not looking for sympathy for my views. I'm demanding an end to this criminal invasion and the arrest/deportation of the LAW BREAKERS. These parasites are here ILLEGALLY.:mad:

There are exceptions to every statement anyone makes. Nothing is in stone. And judging by the tone of your post I'm wondering if you brought your treatment on yourself.:rolleyes:

Personally attacking me will not solve anything.:(
I do not understand how people can be so callous and uncaring about ANYONE ...

Take a look around at the world someday ...if this one incident gets you all upset, with thousands of killings and starvation in the world, you must be a hyper-tense, nervous, agitated wreck all day, everyday!

One lousy human dies and people get all upset. Thousands die every day, and no one says a fuckin' thing about it. ...LOL! Y'all are funny.

Baron Max
...You disgust me because you are so fucking dishonest. ... Get over it, because most of your americans legal or not are bitches and assholes just like most people.

"...you gormless twit." -bells

"Wow...! sandy is a big messy contradiction, eh? She's brillinat! (sic) Absolutely brilliant!" -TruthSeeker

Name-calling and personal attacks are not allowed on SciFor. They can result in banning. One can only hope and pray.:)
Re Poor Tid.


"New York City's public scol studnets represent about 188 different coountrues" those are ypos.

Just as nasty, ignorant and criminal as WHO?...I would like to know that also.
Are you saying you got beat up in America? Give evidence of this harrasment. what thread is this anyway?

I really dont know if there is anyplace in Australia that is like where this woman died, what kind of comparison is that? Give proof where you can make such a comparison.

Is'nt it interesting how Truthseeker assumed she was illegal?

You are WRONG about the last part too. You pay like any other service, and they bill you. Why would someone go back to Australia with a broken arm? that is absurd. If you go on vacation you shouldn't be as stupid as to break an arm...and besides maybe you can get insurance for the time you are in U.S. that way you couild get good health care. Because i hear that health care in Canda, Europe and Australia is not the pleasure you make it out to be.

I dont know much about Australia, you have maybe a few big cities, not many people in U.s would even know whaqt the rest is like. And i know it is must be hot as hell. Cant think of a reason to wnat to move there.

Really, the fact you are a bigot is like kkk clockwork. Actually people like you should be reported for continually defending bigotry subvertedly but you can't. And how stupid of you to ask for evidence of harassment or being beaten up. If anyone has been out there in society, you can witness how bad people are.

I never lived in new york. The places I've lived were mostly white and black back then. AND THE FACT IS, THEY WERE NASTY, IGNORANT, VIOLENT, FAULTFILLED HUMAN BEINGS AS HUMAN BEINGS ARE. AS VIOLENT AS WHO? What a stupid ass question. VIOLENT AS HUMAN BEINGS ARE CAPABLE, THAT'S WHAT!

Anyone who is so dishonest to not understand the point I'm making is that illegals or immigrants are not morally inferior to the natives is your typical ignorant american fascist and most likely racist.

But then John99, your response is typical and lame, gawdamn!

That's is extremely bad character to challenge the slightest truth in regard to the obvious that americans are people and have MORAL FAULTS and are also CRIMINAL and VIOLENT!!

Stick your head in the sand, deny, project or squirm like a worm but the truth is the truth.

It's really, really, really pathetic the response from an 'american' is so typical in getting upset at the truth. It disgusts me.
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Patients at a hospital that deals with 40% of Los Angeles County's gunshot wounds can probably be forgiven for not being more pro-active. The staff being paid to save lives don't have that excuse (they're not expected to perform miracles, of course - only to try).
Its just in that one human's case. SOMETHING COULD HAVE BEEN DONE.

That's true of hundreds, perhaps thousands, of human cases all over the world .....SOMETHING COULD HAVE BEEN DONE ....but it wasn't, and thousands die every fuckin' day.

You must be a nervous, hyper-tense individual mourning all those lost lives.

Baron Max