If theists were rational.

You would assume as much

It can be demonstrated such and has been. What hasn't been demonstrated is the ingrained doctrine to all people, everywhere. It has certainly been demonstrated that said doctrine has changed dramatically throughout the ages, regardless of its alleged origins.

Christian doctrine seems to be the target here.

The title says, 'If theists were rational'
Atheists have a hole in their soul that only God can fill. They try to fill it with intelligence, money, power, fame, personal growth, blah...blah...blah...

Nothing can fill that hole except God. He created it in each of His children. If they don't turn to Him they will burn in hell wishing they would have.

A deity so vain that it will assign those who do not believe in it to unending torment is not worthy of worship. And why would an omniscient/omnipotent being have gender?
A deity so vain that it will assign those who do not believe in it to unending torment is not worthy of worship. And why would an omniscient/omnipotent being have gender?

It's not about vanity. It's His earth. He created it. (Although He's probably kicking Himself right now for that...) We are just living here, many just messing His creation up. Others honestly working to bring the lost back to Him.:)

You are either His child or not. You choose to worship Him or satan. There is no in between. You're either a child of God or a child of the devil. God's children go to be with Him in Heaven. Satan's children go to be with him in hell.:(

God is a He. He always was. He always will be.:worship:
Atheism is nothing more than a faith-based belief system....they have their propaganda (FSM, Invisible Pink Unicorn), books designed to convert others (The God Delusion), even Richard Dawkins says he wants to convert people into atheists, atheists have arguments to back up what they say, etc...

It takes nothing more than pure blind faith to be an atheist...
I find all of the discussion regarding religion as the reason that humanity has "gotten so far" to be specious at best. It so happens that humans are instinctive, irrational beings by nature. Intuition is what's gotten us so far, not religion. Intuition (which I define as the innate ability to recognize danger, opportunity, etc) works fine in the general survival game.

But when applied to the population as a way to organize society, it fails miserably. That's religion. Rationality is a difficult and learned skill. But the benefits for humankind are worth it.

The theists here go on defending their various "faiths" while their adherents continue to slaughter each other, practice elitism and cultism, and enforce blind obediance on their young.

It dosen't matter how reasonable you are SAM or LG, et al. Religion is an inherently dangerous tool, especially in the general population. When you encourage whole populations to be - essentially - sheep, you deserve what you get: uneducated masses that enslave themselves to the whims of a few who "preach the TRUTH".

The very idea of theism - that there is some super power - demeans the greatest achievements of humanity. Wake UP! All of the intellectual gymnastics in the world won't make gods real. Only actual demonstrable results are what matters. And for all of human history the general result of theism has been disaster.

So, how exactly is theistic seperatism helping the world and humanity? How is it better that reasoned discourse and resolution? It's not, is it?
Atheism is nothing more than a faith-based belief system....they have their propaganda (FSM, Invisible Pink Unicorn), books designed to convert others (The God Delusion), even Richard Dawkins says he wants to convert people into atheists, atheists have arguments to back up what they say, etc...

It takes nothing more than pure blind faith to be an atheist...

I like these quotes:

"Atheism is a religion like not collecting stamps is a religion"


"Calling atheism a religion is like calling baldness a hair color.

Saying you same line over and over again VO won't make it true, unlike your hope for a god.
It can be demonstrated such and has been. What hasn't been demonstrated is the ingrained doctrine to all people, everywhere. It has certainly been demonstrated that said doctrine has changed dramatically throughout the ages, regardless of its alleged origins.

Damn, one might assume that the Bible is a reflection of what is best in men.

The title says, 'If theists were rational'[/QUOTE]

If you feel a need, the door is open. :shrug:

I like these quotes:

"Atheism is a religion like not collecting stamps is a religion"


"Calling atheism a religion is like calling baldness a hair color.

Saying you same line over and over again VO won't make it true, unlike your hope for a god.

Wtf? No, you're wrong, wrong wrong wrong.....

It's more like:
"Atheism is a religion like baldness is a hair type"
"Atheism is a religion like any other faith-based belief"

What atheists don't realize is that "not having" = "having something else", or "a lack of faith" = "faith in something else"

Saying the same line over and over again won't make it true, just accept that you're taken in by pure blind atheistic faith, and atheism is entirely faith-based....
Wtf? No, you're wrong, wrong wrong wrong.....

It's more like:
"Atheism is a religion like baldness is a hair type"
"Atheism is a religion like any other faith-based belief"

What atheists don't realize is that "not having" = "having something else", or "a lack of faith" = "faith in something else"

Saying the same line over and over again won't make it true, just accept that you're taken in by pure blind atheistic faith, and atheism is entirely faith-based....
Ha! That's really idiotic. Baldness is not a hair type! HA! And faith is willing acceptance of things with zero evidence. How is demanding evidence and proof a "faith"? Ha!
I find all of the discussion regarding religion as the reason that humanity has "gotten so far" to be specious at best. It so happens that humans are instinctive, irrational beings by nature. Intuition is what's gotten us so far, not religion. Intuition (which I define as the innate ability to recognize danger, opportunity, etc) works fine in the general survival game.

But when applied to the population as a way to organize society, it fails miserably. That's religion. Rationality is a difficult and learned skill. But the benefits for humankind are worth it.

The theists here go on defending their various "faiths" while their adherents continue to slaughter each other, practice elitism and cultism, and enforce blind obediance on their young.

It dosen't matter how reasonable you are SAM or LG, et al. Religion is an inherently dangerous tool, especially in the general population. When you encourage whole populations to be - essentially - sheep, you deserve what you get: uneducated masses that enslave themselves to the whims of a few who "preach the TRUTH".

The very idea of theism - that there is some super power - demeans the greatest achievements of humanity. Wake UP! All of the intellectual gymnastics in the world won't make gods real. Only actual demonstrable results are what matters. And for all of human history the general result of theism has been disaster.

So, how exactly is theistic seperatism helping the world and humanity? How is it better that reasoned discourse and resolution? It's not, is it?

Aren't you the same bozo who goes on about memes?:p
Ha! That's really idiotic. Baldness is not a hair type! HA! And faith is willing acceptance of things with zero evidence. How is demanding evidence and proof a "faith"? Ha!

Well I meant say "hair description" or whatever, you know what I meant....

Anyway, you can't gather evidence of God, any evidence gathered will be called a "god of gaps" and atheists enjoy using that circular logic "Where's your evidence?"..."Here it is..."..."Oh you can't say that its a 'god of gaps'"...."So what evidence can I gather, what can I say"...."Oh that's your problem...see there's no evidence"...

Furthermore your argument "evidence causes something to become true" is wrong, wrong wrong wrong, its an argument from ignorance "well if there's no evidence or evidence cannot be gathered, using my blind atheistic faith, I'll just believe it's false, absence of evidence = evidence of absence to me, why? Because I'm just another atheistic fool...just as in the past...when there was not even the slighest amount of evidence that blackholes existed, obviously they didn't exist, until we discovered them...duh..don't these theists know anything? Unlike us atheists, we conclude that God doesn't exist because we know that evidence makes something true..."