Highest expression?? Has Nature a purpose in mind?
Why would you ask that?
Highest expression is an abstraction. Is expression definitively bound to purpose? No, it's not.
Among Bowser's lazy troll lines over the years, that one is actually kind of funny, though that assessment is an introspection starting after the fact. If his low-effort troll occasionally produces results that aren't utterly dismal, it can easily be coincidence.
The general advice is to not pretend confusion about easy and easily communicable ideas; in this case, a resulting question considers whence comes the inquiry about whether Nature has a purpose. Consider a not-entirely unrelated potential; I'm midway through some decisions about how much time and effort to waste on someone else, and part of the problem is his loathing of religion might preclude him from discerning certain differences. Would he be following a Poe rabbit, as such, because, why not, and it's an opportunity to whine about the people he loathes; or would he be chasing down the rabbit hole because he did not recognize it was trollbait?
Bowser, meanwhile, is his own sort of example. His retort about whether God has a purpose is as lazy as it is predictable, but he does
make an affirmative assertion↗ of the belief that, "the whole point is Life itself". I'm not unfamiliar with the expression, and where I would suggest he's wrong reflects my
recent criticism↗ of the not-unrelated
pantheistic proposition↗ defining God, "as being all things". And if God being all things is too limited a definition without recognizing what does not exist as a thing, so also is the "whole point" being "life itself" symptomatic of something
Yazata↗ considered recently, "that God needs to be Divine, God needs to be Holy". And as I
subsequently considered↗, this is a problem of the gods humans invent, that reality simply is, and while people need reality to mean something that has to do with them because that need to be needed or significant or affecting, not utterly powerless and ignored and insignificant, drives the focus on what "God" has to do with oneself.
This isn't obscure stuff. We might consider another example. If, once upon a time, you knew an atheist who converted to religious belief, yet every time he turned up to evangelize he sounded pretty much indistinguishable, these years later, from the sort of clueless atheistic mockery that was sport even in his ostensibly disbelieving days, how surprised should anyone be? Still, the haunting Poe question involves the appearance that one who disputes with this evangelism cannot discern the difference between genuine but ignorant advocacy, to the one, and clueless provocateurism, to the other. Furthermore, there also remains a question of whether someone actually cares about the difference, or if it's all just an excuse to keep complaining.
Look at how Bowser's replies are structured. Everything is always fragmentary and noncommittal, not quite on track, and there are always anxious retorts willing to be led around by the nose, like that, under a pretense that engaging a patchwork, low-effort, targeted deviation somehow addresses religion or theists or some such. Look at his pantheistic proposition; needling so directly as he did after proposing to define God as being all things is hardly unfamiliar behavior. And if you follow down that page, you'll see he's just stringing people along because they let him.
So also is his
current run↑ in this thread, counterinquiring atop a tacit presupposition; and
your line↑, Foghorn, is well-placed, timed, and pointed, but you're dueling with a sincerity historically most given to insincerity. And the thing about his
retort↑, thereunto, is that it's just a cheap and easy joke. The setup is the first sentence, which again plays the tacit presupposition; the punch, in this case, is the question.
You seem to have passed on the tacit presupposition, which is vulnerable to logic; to the other, Bowser isn't seriously committed to any particular argument. But confusion over the phrase,
highest expression, compared to your own tacit presupposition° regarding nature and purpose, answers his question rather quite succinctly; no, of course you're not°°.
See Billvon (
#278↑) for a simple address of Bowser's bait. Watch and see°°° whether the differences implied by each of their phrasings ever are ever accounted directly°°°°, but there is an important difference; he is not purporting some sort of strange confusion as a digression point.
Thus, I would remind that Nature has no particular purpose in mind, as such, in phenotypic expression of alleles. Expression of natural outcomes is not some extraordinary use of the word. We can argue, all we want, about whether or not, "You are proof that the Universe", [itself], "is conscious and intelligent". But the question whether you are "the highest expression" of that outcome is not confusing, and has an obvious answer.
That it's all superficial politicking is what it is, but pretenses of such basic confusion are very poor representations of any ostensibly enlightened, rational, and just position.
Honestly, I've never understood why that part so puzzles people. It's not like it's just you, or anything. As it is, you happen to be of the moment, and it has, in various ways, been coming up, of late. Or, such as it is, been going on for a while.
And I would think his continuing performance, responding to you with easy, noncommittal one-liners that don't quite match up to anything you're saying, ought to make some sort of point.
Consider (Q)'s response at
#286↑. The first sentence identifies one of Bowser's easy fallacies. The second, though, mistakenly presumes that what makes sense has anything to do with what Bowser said. What (Q) didn't do, however, just for instance, was pretend confusion about the phrase, "universal constant".
I think of excrement, and, sure, for various reasons in the moment. Cowflops, horseapples, and, honestly, I don't know what the term is, but it's not really sheep dip, is it?
Because somewhere in all that shite is a metaphor about the flock driven to market and slaughter, because then there are some who aren't part of all that, but will come out to shit all over the road, anyway, just because, well, sheep biscuits, or whatever. And it's one thing to sweep it aside like rabbit pellets, or maybe we need to break out the shovels, as such, for more elephantine plop, but I just don't see the use in asking them to keep shitting all over the place.
° And look at his reply↑ to you, which leads with superficial counterpoint directly appealing to you, similarly to how his sketch of a pantheistic proposition needled another so directly as to say, "including you".
°° To which, the obvious reply is to wonder, So, what? But that's just it. That dead end is the point.
°°° Or not, as such, and I wouldn't blame you for passing over such low odds; if it comes up, we can worry about it, then.
°°°° In neither case is the argument itself really the point.