iam new here from Afghanistan

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I used to agree with that statement until I started running into Iranians and Iranian-Americans who wanted to be called Persian. It seems that most of the Iranians and Iranian-Americans living in Los Angeles prefer to be called Persian and I think that is switching everybody in Southern California back towards calling Iranians Persians.
Wow. I haven't been back to L.A. in 12 years and everything changes! First the San Fernando Valley changed from Jewish to Korean, and now the Iranians are all Persians?
I am guessing that the Iranians Expats from minority groups would prefer being called "Iranian" to being called "Persian".
I had a bunch of friends, neighbors and co-workers from Iran and they all called themselves Iranians. And they were Fars, not ethnic minorities.

I don't think any Kurd would call himself Iranian, Iraqi, Syrian, Turkish, etc. And a Pushtun or a Tajik would more likely call himself Persian than Iranian.
Normally Indians fluent in English don't have American accents.
Most educated Indians are fluent in English. Indian English is recognized as a distinct dialect but it's modeled after the British English they were taught during the occupation. Much faster than American English, the way the Brits speak, but it also has a more compressed tonal range, a substratum from the Indian languages. And they've figured out that prepositions have virtually no meaning, so some Indians pick them somewhat randomly just to fulfill their primary purpose of parsing the sentence.
When I found out he had never been to the USA I asked him how he came to be so fluent and why did he have an American accent. He told me it was because he watched every episode of the American television show "Friends". I guess he got the "friends" show on DVDs.
You'd be surprised which American TV programs are broadcast in other countries. For a few years there was a stunningly good soap opera called "Santa Barbara." The doctors and lawyers actually spoke like college graduates and the plotlines were a cut above the usual melodrama. Naturally it couldn't get an audience here, competing with "General Hospital" and "The Young and the Restless" with their recycled stories and their dead characters coming back to town with their heads sewn back on. Its male star, A. Martinez, took a trip to Europe and every time he walked down the street he was mobbed by fans yelling, "Look! It's Cruz Castillo from 'Santa Barbara'!"
What caused the fallout between you and Sandy? You kept telling me she was an intelligent lady...
He must be the only one. She drives the rest of us bonkers.
Does it has mistakes in grammar?

Lets assume a case
You are trapped in situation in which a rapist is progressing to rape you.
there is a well of water beside you.
what will u do?
a- Protect your honour and kill urself by plunging into well?

b- Life is precious, allow rapist to rape u?
Is there a option c?

Are you asking if there is mistakes?

Does it have mistakes in grammer?

Lets assume a case (Better word would be situation)

Your are trapped in a situation in which are rapist is progressing to rape you.
There is a well of water beside you?
What would you do?

A - Protect your honor and kill yourslef by plunging into a well.

B - Life is precious, allow the rapist to rape you.

I hope i'm helping. Not trying to insult you.

welcome, i'm new here either,
i'm from tunisia if you know it,
anyway, if you really wanted to improve your english, try to find some english teaching sites, or chating online, that would be better, i think there are many chat rooms for language exchange
Lets assume a case
You are trapped in situation in which a rapist is progressing to rape you.
there is a well of water beside you.
what will u do?
a- Protect your honour and kill urself by plunging into well?

b- Life is precious, allow rapist to rape u?

What i fixed is in { }

You are trapped in {a} situation in which a rapist is progressing to rape you.
{T}here is a well of water beside you.
What {would} you do? (Its not really wrong, it just sounds better)

A - Protect your honor and kill {yourslef} by plunging into {the} well.

B - Life is precious, allow the rapist to rape {you}.

Your english is good, but i can't tell if your using slang (example: ya, u, urself)
I was born in the united states. I can speak a little spanish. But barely and not spaniard spanish, mexican spanish...
I am from Afghanistan i really have interest speak better as well as English men.

I see, there are alot of ways to learn. Just keeping talking to people long enough will do the trick.

You get the meaning across when you type. Just punctiation and grammer.

Here it is fixed
I am from Afghanistan. I am very interested in speaking better, as well as an English men.
An AI intelligence (redundant) programmed to overcome the Turing test? :D

Post #92
Thanks friends My aim is here to learn English as English men.

Post #133
I am from Afghanistan i really have interest speak better as well as English men.

Not really, just kidding. But, princelove, this has already been addressed and corrected:
I'm not as good or thorough as SAM or Fraggle, but I'll do my best.
Correction: Thanks friends. My aim here is to learn to speak English.
"as English men" can be dropped completely. but if you wanted to keep it, you should say:
My aim here is to learn to speak English as well as an Englishman.
What you said makes it sound like you want to learn it as if you were a group of Englishmen! :D
Every times i try to speak better as well as an English men but i can not.

OK, I will give it a try:
Every times I try to speak better as well as an English, men but I can not.

Correction: Every time I try to speak better English, I can not.

Shortened version: I can not speak better English.

Even shorter: I can't speak better English.
(I recommend you skip the contractions with ' in them, though)

Which is not true. I have seen your English improve in the short time you have been here - just keep at it! :)
I would have speaking better English if i were here always ,

again and again thanks alot

Sorry for my short patience, but I will try and correct what I see...

I would have speaking better English if i were here always:
I would speak better English if I were always here...

Edit - even better: I would speak better English if I spent more time here...
No Matter you are very kind and perfect in English.

I have some mistakes in tenses , Would you say one one example for each of them?
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