iam new here from Afghanistan

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Thanks friends My aim is here to learn English as English men.

I'm not as good or thorough as SAM or Fraggle, but I'll do my best.

Correction: Thanks friends. My aim here is to learn to speak English.

"as English men" can be dropped completely. but if you wanted to keep it, you should say:

My aim here is to learn to speak English as well as an Englishman.

What you said makes it sound like you want to learn it as if you were a group of Englishmen! :D
I had this wish from you.

Would you send me the useful links of the books which help me out to read that?
I would not know where to find that. I could try though. What is your native language?
My native language is Dari (Persian)

I really have interest oneday speak like yours.

I really have interest to one day speak like you(RS).

Ah just like my Chinese students. Work on your To's and your S's.

I'm an oral English teacher in China prince. My friend is setting up a website for folks like you. I can go ahead and get you free membership I'm sure, just let me know.

I must ask though, that you provide this forum with some photos. We are all extremely eager to see what Afghanistan looks like through the eyes of someone living there , rather than through the eyes of Western Media.
It may not be a good idea to involve him in any political speak. He is in a war zone
Yeah, brainiac, then he/she must have bought a program that allows him to speak tribal languages with SAM.
Seriously, learn to read or just leave. You won't be missed.

You got a problem with me? Bring it. You don't scare me. All you do is ban me at every chance you get. What's the matter? Hemorrhoids? We have two new chicks here in the past 2 weeks who "can't" speak English. Get a clue, Einsteins.
You got a problem with me? Bring it. You don't scare me. All you do is ban me at every chance you get. What's the matter? Hemorrhoids? We have two new chicks here in the past 2 weeks who "can't" speak English. Get a clue, Einsteins.

My "hemorrhoid" is You. You've overstayed your welcome, as usual. Find a new place to infect.

I don't know what the practice is in other anglophone countries, but in the USA we refer to the language as Farsi and the people as Iranians. "Persian" applies only to rugs and cats.
I used to agree with that statement until I started running into Iranians and Iranian-Americans who wanted to be called Persian.

It seems that most of the Iranians and Iranian-Americans living in Los Angeles prefer to be called Persian and I think that is switching everybody in Southern California back towards calling Iranians Persians. From my childhood I am vaguely aware Americans making an effort to learn to stop calling Iranians Persians. It is sort of funny if at least in LA older people have for political correctness had to change what they call Iranians from Persian to Iranian and now back to Persian again.

Wikipedia: The CIA world factook however estimates that Persian and Persian dialects are spoken as first language by 58% while Turkic and Turkic dialects are spoken as first language by 26%, Kurdish by 9%, Luri by 2%, Balochi by 1%, Arabic by 1%, Turkish by 1% and that some 2% have other languages as first language.

I am guessing that the Iranians Expats from minority groups would prefer being called "Iranian" to being called "Persian".
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Would you tell me how can i be fluent in the english?

I am American but when I was in India I met a 15 year old boy that I believed was an American because he was 100% fluent in English and spoke in an American accent. Normally Indians fluent in English don't have American accents.

When I found out he had never been to the USA I asked him how he came to be so fluent and why did he have an American accent. He told me it was because he watched every episode of the American television show "Friends". I guess he got the "friends" show on DVDs.
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