I resign as a moderator

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this is the relevant bit though:

"And yes... you won't be banned for self advertising, because you don't sell anything and you don't share malware to our computers."


so Bells, where does it say here, use the link sparingly?
This is a blatant coverup and you Bells are perhaps innocently aiding and abetting, perhaps you were told by plasmo he said xyz instead of abc?

ah that is over the top....this is not exactly of National importance, just a way to pass time.

Spurious resigned as he felt Plasmo did not support him. The pm shows he clearly did. So, that's the end of his reasons for resigning BUT we are still left with the fact it does appear ToR was only banned to passify spurious's misunderstanding with plasmo. Hardly democratic. Anyway

night all, don't take this too seriously, if ToR's not that bothered and plasmo and spurious are cool, why should you be? You only have your virtual reputations to worry about afterall ;)

Alls well that ends well.
isn't what plasma said.

ask TOR, she knows.

It's rather easy to prove. She told me she forwarded his pm to a fellow member before she was banned. So someone has the original impossible to edit version. Also it'll be in her pm file.

night night leopold, sorry to burst your ToR is lying bubble, she's clearly not. She was told it was not spam and that is the end of the matter. Move on I am.
So much drama for an online forum :(

I think over the years bans have actually picked up on the forum and yet the forum is progressively going to shit with morons posting polls and one-word replies and derailing threads by the second post..

[...] the sheer ingratitude of it all [...] ToR put a lot of time and trouble into her response to the aids thing [...] and what thanks did
she get for that?
The real question is why did she waltz back in here and jump right into one of the most currently popular threads of the time? The subject matter here is not the issue. Her actions clearly are.

Why was Theory banned? Says in ban list: insults, flames and spamming [...] YET Metakron recieved no infractions from Spuriousmonkey despite bad insults to Spuriousmonkey [...]
You're not very good at psychology and perspective history are you, especially character psychology? MetaKron, under tight and current circumstances, was throwing a tantrum from sheer frustration—letting off steam.

I resign as moderator.

My infraction given to ToR was reversed without consulting me. The administration has undermined my authority as a moderator and I cannot be taken seriously anymore.

I noticed ToR and Plazma were PM'ing with each other intensively, however I was never consulted on anything.

ToR posted my mod PM publicly.

ToR edited my mod edit.

ToR flamed a thread.

ToR spammed her link.

I'm sorry, but I am not going to be a moderator and treated like I do not matter.




And where is the inquisitive and analytical scientist, Spurious, who would be curious to get to the bottom of this maladjustment? Or perhaps the Monkey is being too impatient.
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So much drama for an online forum :*(

I think over the years bans have actually picked up on the forum and yet the forum is progressively going to shit with morons posting polls and one-word replies and derailing threads by the second post..


The drama/flame wars are fine but rarely permitted to peak, hence culminate. Instead they die off an immature and coercive death. God. It surprises me how much anticlimax is tolerated here. Impotent jerks.
Bells is funny, she hasn't seen plasmo's pm, I have. She's wrapped up in me being a sock. If I get banned they'll say it is because I am a sock, but the reality is, I'm pointing out their errors and asking a question they can't answer. Their insistance I am sock is thier build up to a second unjustifed ban. Prove it....oh you can't can you. But the ban will come anyway, unless I shut up.

Why was she banned Plasmo ?

For someone who doesn't care they were banned, you sure are 'caring' quite a bit aren't you?

As for the PM from Plazma, whether I have seen it or not is none of your business or concern.

You aren't pointing out the "errors", you are merely pointing out repeatedly why her ban was deserved in the first place. Every single member in the past who has posted a mod's PM has been banned without question. Every single poster who has in the past edited a moderator's edit has received a ban. Yet you persist in expecting that ToR somehow be exempt from rules that affect every one else? Why?

she used the link three times not in every post
2) she was NOT told to use it sparingly, she was told it did not represent spam as it contained no advertising..would you like to see a copy of the pm?
3)The mod pm being posted publically, well I personally don't agree with that, but she said it was unjustified and why should spurious or you be worried if it was justified? Nothing to hide surely?
4) Mod edit over ruled - she had permission to use the link- so mod edit invalid according to her, again not my thing but her point of view. So far no adequate challengers.

Gonna ban me for asking questions, history repeating itself. Spurious had a thing for her that's obvious. you all need to get over it and concentrate on the shameful display you're making of yourselves.

You know you can't offer a challenge by making it up as you go along! Good try though.
I did not lie about Meta's infractions. He did receive them, quite a few of them actually from other moderators and members for his insults. So what's your point?

As for her links, she was told she would not be banned for having used them. But reading what you have posted, it is plain to see that it did not mean she could keep posting links to it. And she did not just post it 3 times. She posted it a lot more than that, and as is her habit, she waited a while and then edited or deleted the post.

If she felt her warnings received in PM's were unjustified, she could have reported it, complained about it to one of the admin or other moderators. She did not have to post the PM for all to see. It is called a "Private Message" for a reason.

Now regarding her modedit. If she felt it was unjustified, she could have reported it (by clicking on the report button), sent a PM to admin or a supermod, she could have written a post to complain about it, hell she could also have reposted it and advised that she felt she had permission to keep spamming it. But she chose not to. Instead she chose to edit a modedit. Something that every single person who has done the same before her has been banned for. She knew exactly what she was doing. She's been around here long enough to know the rules, so she can hardly claim ignorance now can she?

Whether she thinks spurious had a thing for her or not is irrelavent and frankly personal and private. She knew the rules and she broke them repeatedly, even after being warned not to. Again, why do you expect that she be treated differently to every single other poster on this site? I've received warnings in the past and I didn't post them for all to see and stopped doing what I'd been warned about. In fact, I think most of us have known enough to not keep flouting the rules even after being warned. Why do you expect that she somehow is above everyone else?

As to the sockpuppet issue. Do you honestly think we can't check?

In the meantime, you should take Sauna's advice:

Sauna said:
concerns would better be referred privately to the forum administrators in the better position to know.
The real question is why did she waltz back in here and jump right into one of the most currently popular thread of the time? The subject matter here is not the issue. Her actions clearly are.

So now all of a sudden the masqueraders want to get real with who is who and what is what.

OK then, this should be fun; go right ahead, give us your real name and home address plus a character reference from your employer, bank manager, or whosoever to back up your CV and we'll take it from there then, shall we?
Theoryofrelativity has been temporarily banned.
SheDevil has been permanently banned as a sock puppet of TOR.

Using sock puppets to evade bans goes against the whole point of having bans in the first place.

Any more sock puppets will result in the permanent banning of both the sock puppets and the original name (in this case, TOR).
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