I need a fix.


Valued Senior Member
The forum is asking personal questions on my information page.

Bitch was Jesse's alias and that should answer both questions...

That or I'm completely uncertain who first compounded meth...
The forum is asking personal questions on my information page.

Bitch was Jesse's alias and that should answer both questions...

That or I'm completely uncertain who first compounded meth...

What do pop-culture references have to do with Sciforums Open Government?

Are you complaining because the software asks you for your birthday or something? If you don't want to provide that information, make something up.

I think that the only use that the birthdays are put to is a 'happy birthday' message that the board software sends to your e-mail address on the date that you give.
I had to use a search engine to answer some of the questions when I registered.
'cepting for "are you human" (I think I nailed that one without google's help)