Hybrid culture?


It ain't broke, don't fix it!
Registered Senior Member
I'm lookin to buy a new car sometime in the next couple months, and realize that in my future work location, gas will be a bit pricier than the national average. I've crunched the numbers and a couple of hybrid options look to actually make some sense. While I'm shunning some cause they look a bit dopey, some models actually looks like respectable sedans. I'll neglect to name models to avoid sounding like a complete tool.

The weird thing is that on all these car sites, I can't find a page that doesn't have some "hybrid culture" crap all over it. "Share pictures of your hybrid..." "Participate in some earth-day whatever in san francisco with your hybrid..." It's kind of driving me nuts. Here I am trying to find a decent, economical city car that can do road trips with no problem and what I find are cars dripping in advertising hippie shit! Are flowers and hummingbirds going to spew out of the exhaust when I turn one on or what!

I dunno, hippie-in-a-hybrid stereotype. Comments?

***cries "I don't wanna be a hippie!!! i just want a decent car!"***
Then go for the Prius for now. It doesn't look to bad and gets decent fuel economy. a little pricey though for the best model they make. That is if you want fuel economy from a passenger car. They do make SUV's as well .
Just get a good Diesel VW(whatever model). The hybrid shit is not proven, going to be expensive to fix and if you plan is to just get a new one every three years, you are a fucking asshole for trashing the environment anyway - new fuckin car every three years.

If you really want to save the environment all by yourself - go ahead and learn to convert your diesel to burn cooking oil, and build a still to make it...potentially free gas.
Just get a good Diesel VW(whatever model). The hybrid shit is not proven, going to be expensive to fix and if you plan is to just get a new one every three years, you are a fucking asshole for trashing the environment anyway - new fuckin car every three years.

If you really want to save the environment all by yourself - go ahead and learn to convert your diesel to burn cooking oil, and build a still to make it...potentially free gas.

I totally agree, a new car every three years is moronic, I would've just barely paid the thing off! I'd like to do like my current car and keep it cranking for about 10 years or more if possible.

Also, I ain't doing this to save the environment, I'm just doing it because it kinda makes economic sense for a city car. Plus, if gas prices rise more, I might be glad I chose a fuel-efficient car.

I've been looking at diesels too, and while nice highway performers, it's the city millage I'm more concerned with here. Although a diesel near idle is fairly efficient if memory serves...

Yeah, still researching! In the end though, i want a car, not membership to a snobby save-the-world subculture, and all the stigma associated!
The Prius has been around for more than 10 years and has proven to be reliable and envionmentally better plus great with fuel milage. That's why I suggested it over any other type of hybred.
If you are going to drive a lot and keep the car for 10 years, I would buy something that's comfortable and enjoyable to drive (which, imo, hybrid sedans aren't).
If you are going to drive a lot and keep the car for 10 years, I would buy something that's comfortable and enjoyable to drive (which, imo, hybrid sedans aren't).

Have you ever driven a Prius? If not then how can you make such a statement?
Have you ever driven a Prius? If not then how can you make such a statement?

I'm sure it's a nice car, but it is not a high performance car. Its 0-60 is 9.8 seconds on the newest model and about 11 on the older ones. The impact on the environment from the gas savings is nice, but what about environmental impact of discarded old batteries? In any event, I personally think that the "go green" hype has something to do with the fact that our economy desperately needs another bubble. Just a personal opinion. If I were in OPs shoes, I would go for a Saab9-3 or a Volvo S40, both of which are in Prius's price range but a bit more fun to drive, especially the Saab. But again, this is just an opinion.
I'm sure it's a nice car, but it is not a high performance car. Its 0-60 is 9.8 seconds on the newest model and about 11 on the older ones. The impact on the environment from the gas savings is nice, but what about environmental impact of discarded old batteries? In any event, I personally think that the "go green" hype has something to do with the fact that our economy desperately needs another bubble. Just a personal opinion. If I were in OPs shoes, I would go for a Saab9-3 or a Volvo S40, both of which are in Prius's price range but a bit more fun to drive, especially the Saab. But again, this is just an opinion.

The battery lasts for over 10 years and is guaranteed as well. It is recycled as best it can be. Most other normal batteries last between 2 and 3 years so what happens to them, recycled as best they can be too. I've driven a new Prius and , as you say, it isn't a race car, it sure is great going by those gas stations when the price of gas is over 4.00 per gallon or higher in many other countries. You will see gas over 4.00 a gallon in the USA soon again I'll bet. I really think if you want a good fuel efficient car then Prius today makes sense and it does have a very comfortable although not fast ride.
The battery lasts for over 10 years and is guaranteed as well. It is recycled as best it can be. Most other normal batteries last between 2 and 3 years so what happens to them, recycled as best they can be too. I've driven a new Prius and , as you say, it isn't a race car, it sure is great going by those gas stations when the price of gas is over 4.00 per gallon or higher in many other countries. You will see gas over 4.00 a gallon in the USA soon again I'll bet. I really think if you want a good fuel efficient car then Prius today makes sense and it does have a very comfortable although not fast ride.

I beg to differ :) I don't think that gas prices are going to go up as long as the economic crisis continues.

I think it's a matter of personal preference. Is the fun of driving worth an extra $3 a day that the Prius saves in gas costs? To some people, it is, to others, not so much. What's even cheaper is taking the bus to work, not setting the temperature in the house above 55 degrees, limiting showers to 3 minutes, etc. but then what's the point in making money if it can't be used to buy the things one enjoys?
but then what's the point in making money if it can't be used to buy the things one enjoys?

But you can enjoy more things and help the environment along the way so that the next generation will have something here to enjoy as we have had. Are you that in need of self gratification that you need to pollute the air, water and land so much that future generations won't have much left to enjoy as well? If so then you should really start thinking more about the pollution and environment much more for it sustains you now but might not 50 years from now the way things are heading.
But you can enjoy more things and help the environment along the way so that the next generation will have something here to enjoy as we have had. Are you that in need of self gratification that you need to pollute the air, water and land so much that future generations won't have much left to enjoy as well? If so then you should really start thinking more about the pollution and environment much more for it sustains you now but might not 50 years from now the way things are heading.

I think that evolution will take care of such situations and humans will adapt as needed.
I think that evolution will take care of such situations and humans will adapt as needed.

But humans can help the environment by reducing the pollution, consumption and overall waste of resources and yet still have everything the way they want it. It just takes time to change the way humans think and a better way to market a clean , green, business.
But humans can help the environment by reducing the pollution, consumption and overall waste of resources and yet still have everything the way they want it. It just takes time to change the way humans think and a better way to market a clean , green, business.

I agree with that, but I also think that change needs to come naturally and make economic sense. For instance, a while ago I analyzed how much I would save by switching to energy-efficient electronic devices, and it just didn't make economic sense. Also, change needs to be gradual. It is sad to see people throwing away perfectly good lightbulbs, which also creates pollution, to replace them with environmentally friendly ones.