
One of the funniest skits ever. Robin Williams on golf.

(warning crude language) length 3:26 minutes
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Why is Donald Trump like a Playboy centerfold?

If you want any of what's being promised, you have to deliver it yourself.
A Nigerian e-mailed me to say I won $5,000,000 on the lottery. So I've sent off my $20,000 to release the funds.

So long suckers.
Holmes and Watson go on a camping trip

After setting up a tent and enjoying a meal they retire to sleep

After awhile Holmes awoke up

Nudging Watson he asked

Watson look up at the sky ol' chap and tell me what you see?

Watson replied - Well I see a clear sky and millions and millions of stars

What does a clear sky and millions of stars suggest to you?

A clear sky we will have a fine day tomorrow

Millions of stars suggest there might be other planets with life

Star arrangement suggest to some they affect our lives

The current arrangement could give me an approximate time if I could remember how to do the calculation

What do you see Holmes

Well I don't see our tent

Too many deaths in America.

Donald Trump: "These doctors testing to see if someone is dead, I think that could be overrated. I think the tests are overrated.
If we didn't test, fewer people would die."
Given the oft-repeated meme that the Trump presidency is a reality TV show, I thought up some names for his predecessors' efforts at entertaining.

If we start with Reagan, who was actually a star, although his movies probably never got out of B-grade territory.

So, Ronald Reagan was like John Wayne in a movie about fool's gold and the quest for redemption by the Republican party. I think I can call it Unforgiveable.

Then there was George I, and his masterpiece which I like to think of as A Fistful of Oil Shares, in which a man with no brain saves a town from economic despair by destroying it.

Then at last, Bill came to town; this one was just a simple tale, The Administration, about a man who doesn't have sex, even with his wife. Practically a saint.

George II was a bit like Gomer Pyle goes to Washington, and, well, we've seen that movie too.

Then Obama, the fresh-faced kid from faraway Illinois or somewhere; this one was like The Fresh Prince of Pennsylvania Ave; lots of examination of social problems like racism, drug abuse, a few laughs, then the next episode.

Finally Trump, the president with a brain the size of a goldfish. This one doesn't really have a fixed format because nobody is interested in watching someone watch cable news.
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Given the oft-repeated meme that the Trump presidency is a reality TV show, I thought up some names for his predecessors' efforts at entertaining.

If we start with Reagan, who was actually a star, although his movies probably never got out of B-grade territory.

So, Ronald Reagan was like John Wayne in a movie about fool's gold and the quest for redemption by the Republican party. I think I can call it Unforgiveable.

Then there was George I, and his masterpiece which I like to think of as A Fistful of Oil Shares, in which a man with no brain saves a town from economic despair by destroying it.

Then at last, Bill came to town; this one was just a simple tale, The Administration, about a man who doesn't have sex, even with his wife. Practically a saint.

George II was a bit like Gomer Pyle goes to Washington, and, well, we've seen that movie too.

Then Obama, the fresh-faced kid from faraway Illinois or somewhere; this one was like The Fresh Prince of Pennsylvania Ave; lots of examination of social problems like racism, drug abuse, a few laughs, then the next episode.

Finally Trump, the president with a brain the size of a goldfish. This one doesn't really have a fixed format because nobody is interested in watching someone watch cable news.
Think this is more accurate.

Donald Trump is like an old guy in a retirement home, bitching about what's on the TV.
So the nurse gives him the remote, he switches to another channel and starts bitching about what's on the TV.
Trump parts the sea of protestors.

Trump travels to a holy place and holds aloft the sacred tablets.

footnote: political satire might sometimes be interpreted as headlines in an evangelical newsrag.
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The Oval Office is officially a broken toilet. If it wasn't there wouldn't be an orange turd floating in it.